YEARS" 1871-1971'. A Gfi4e*^^'^l
1871 - 1971
Gibson City, Illinois
1871 ■ 1971
Gibson City, Illinois
published by the authority
Gibson City Area Centennial, Inc.
Table of Contents
Agriculture 5
Biographical Sketches 11
Business and Industry 18
City of Gibson 29
History 42
Organizations 50
Recreation and Athletic Events 65
Religion and Education 70
Special Events and Reminiscences 84
Transportation, Plats and Maps 95
Veterans 103
June26Thru July 3, 1971
Gibson City, Illinois 60936
"ALottof City In 100 Years"
L. DeWayne Grafton
Spectacle Ticket Division:
James F, Thompson
Vice President:
Wayne A. O'Neal
Spectacle Division:
Harold D. Graff II
Ernest E. Brown
Publicity Division:
James E. Miller
Gordon L. Barry
Special Events Division:
Ruby J. Smith
General Chairman:
L. DeWayne Grafton
Special Days Committee:
Kenneth & Jackie Curtis
Headquarters Chairman:
R. Douglas Knapp
General Secretary:
Imogene Smith
Revenue Division:
George C. Childs. Jr.
General Treasurer:
Betty J Heideman
Participation Division:
Margaret E. Barry
F{()bert P. Boyce
Headquarters Secretary:
Virginia L. Ricks
S-in^imon Avenue, North. Gib:.-.!-! Citv.lH.
To all of you who helped make this book possible, we are grateful. The Cen-
tennial Book Committee of the Gibson City Area Centennial Association wishes
to thank all those who wrote articles, loaned pictures and gave so freely of their
information and time. We especially thank Mrs. Bess Miner Johnson, Mrs. Helen
Foster Kelly and Miss Evelyn Dueringer for their literary contributions, and the
Gibson City Coin Club which designed the Centennial Medallion.
We crown Mrs. Valeria Hunt of the Gibson City Courier staff "Super Belle" for
her editing, writing and organizing of the material for this book!
Centennial Commemorative Book Committee:
Harold Farnsworth, chairman, businesses and industry
Mrs. David Brownlee, civic organizations
Mrs. Stewart Anderson, City of Gibson
Mrs. William L. Day and Mrs. Bess Johnson, biographical sketches
Mrs. Richard Schertz, transportation, plats and maps
Mrs. Marion Knapp, education and religion
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Speers, special events and reminiscences
Harold "Pete" Palmer, non-school recreation and athletic events
Horry Ricks, veterans
Raymond Green, agriculture
Thp Frederick Barrow family came from Frederick County Virginia to the Gibson City area
in 1867, to seek a new lifeafter the ravages of the Civil War. (Picture - 1872)
1. Frances Virginia Barrow (Mrs. Joseph Jones)
2. .Ann .America Barrow (Mrs. Oliver Perry Hagin)
:i. Frederick Barrow
I. Mary Ann Smith Barrow (Mrs. Frederick)
-,. Alberta Catherine Barrow (Mrs. Samuel W. Wade)
H. Mary Owen Barrow (Mrs. Samuel H. Preston)
7. Lewis William Barrow
8. Alpheus Walker Barrow
9. Augustus .Adolphus Barrow
1(1. John William Barrow
II. Hamilton Jefferson Barrow
12. Charles Frederick Barrow
Surt'ly llio Iriu" liislory ol ("libson Cily cmmiioI he lold
vMlluHil ;i soi-llon on aprii'ulliirf iiiid sdiiiflliiiifj ol Ihe carK
pioiu'cr siMllers and Ihcii- progress during Ihe lasl KM) years
There will be some unnilenlionally omilled due lo laek of
The land in (his area was "not a barren waste; il was a
bleak, cold waste in the wintertime and lush grass in the
suinnier." The snow went the way the wind look il, as far as it
wanted to go and the lumbleweeds did Ihe same. In the
summer, it was swamp, grass, and flowers The wind
blowing Ihe tall grass was as beautiful as waves on Ihe sea.
One could see as far as the strength of the eyes would permit,
and if one knew where he wanted to go, there was nothing to
prevent or guide him. Ponds of water were numerous in the
tall grass which was easier to walk into than out of.
The country was given over mostly to grazing and cattle
were fattened on grass, then driven to market in Chicago.
The farmers had a hard time keeping cattle and deer from
their little patches of corn. They purchased hedge plants by
Ihe hundreds for fences, along with some zig - zag rail ones.
These fences gave way lo wire ones, and years later to some
electric ones for a temporary fence. Today one sees very few
of any type.
The first farm buildings were made of logs. By 1875, some
saw mills were available and roughly - sawed lumber was
used As time went by, farm buildings changed with needs;
materials were manufactured to permit building with con-
crete, brick, steel, as well as wood.
One of the early settlers to have a brick and tile factory in
the area, before Gibson City, was Andrew Jordan who came
from New York in 1854 by covered wagon. His first home was
a log cabin built on the Jordan homestead south of Gibson
City. The farm is now owned and farmed by Mr. and Mrs,
Raymond Reiners. Mrs. Reiners is a great - granddaughter
of Andrew Jordan. He had the first tile and brick factory, and
mosi of the early tiling was done using his tile. In 1880, he
donated 20,000 bricks with which to build the First Christian
Church in Gibson City. He was a successful farmer and
eventually owned 1,100 acres of good land, feeding most of
the corn he raised to fatten cattle. The corn was mostly fed
from the shock with the corn cut by hand, and hauled in on a
sled during the winter. Mr. Jordan planted his first corn
under trying circumstances. His wife dropped Ihe corn by
hand covering it with the hoe while he plowed the ground
ahead with a walking plow and their first - born baby in his
II look two or three years of farming this prairie sod before
the fibrous roots were decayed enough to raise a good crop of
corn. Later the corn planter came into use. It was a crude
implement with two box - like funnels - - one on either side in
front of the wide wheels. The driver's seat was on spring rods
behind and above the corn boxes. There was a crank that had
lo be jerked back and forth to release the corn from the
boxes. Before planting, the fields were marked at three feet
opposite from the way it was lo be planted; as the planter
crossed these marks, the corn was dropped by jerking the
crank About this time, the double - shovel cultivator came
into use which required a complete round of the field for each
row^ of corn. A polished steel plow was introduced by 1870
revolutionizing cultivation of our prairies.
Along with the improved corn planter came the reaper,
about 1884, which gave great aid in the harvesting of wheat,
oats, and rye. The usual way of sowing small grain was by
hand and covering by dragging brush over the grain. The
harvesting was done by cutting the ripened grain with a
cradle; (hen a flail was used lo separate grain from Ihcstraw
by healing ilout. The wind then blew away Ihe chaff and dirt
One of the first successful reapers was built in Bloomington
Later came the crude binders which cut and bound Ihe urain
to be shocked by hand. Then came the threshing machines
where Ihe straw was earned away from the separator by
canvas aprons and slacked by men lo preserve for wmter
feed II look 30 or more men to keep Ihe machine supplied
with sheaves of grain hauled in from Ihe field and the
threshed grain hauled away for storage to keep a large
threshing machine operating at a profit to the owner. These
canvas aprons were soon replaced by a blower on the rear of
the separator which blew thestraw ontoa stack.
The next step of progress for the small grain farmer was
the combine that can now harvest as much in a day as 30 men
could do 50 years ago. About this time, too, new railroads
were able to carry grain to distant markets.
Corn pickers came into use around 1920 -- the first ones
were single row and very crude. They were pulled by horses,
and, needless to say, were very inefficient. Then came the
single row pulled by tractor; they were followed by pull - type
2 - row; then the mounted 2 - row that was and is very ef-
ficient, as are the 3 - row. Now much of the corn is harvested
by large combines with "corn heads" attached that pick and
shell 20 to 30 acres a day. To keep up with the times, many
are air - conditioned.
Corn elevators came into general use about 1910. The first
ones were very crude, but saved much hand - scooping and
hard labor as all corn cribbed before was scooped into rail -
pin cribs. Rapid improvement was made in the elevators and
as higher and larger cribs were built, inside elevators were
Careful farmers found their profits consisted in a system of
mixed farming, taking advantage of all improved
machinery, seed selection, and the best of breeding in all
kinds of livestock. Machinery of every kind has so improved
through the years that agriculture is no longer just a farm
enterprise, but a well - set - up business that has required a
well - planned rotation of crops, commercial fertilizer,
hybrid seeds, and breeding and feeding of livestock. We
should be able to profit by the hardships and efforts of our
forefathers, but may also give to our sons and daughters the
better ways and means of our agriculture.
Listed here are some of the pioneer farmers who did much
lo promote agriculture in the vicinity of Gibson City during
the past 100 years. The information was obtained mostly
from "Illustrated Historic Atlas of Ford County, Illinois,
1884" and "Portrait and Biolographical Record of Ford
County, 1892". Undoubtedly, some have been omitted due to
lack of information.
1. THOMAS STEVENS — Mr. and Mrs. Stevens and
family settled on Section 35 of Drummer Township in the
early fifties. He engaged largely in cattle raising and hired
men to work for him. They also drove the fattened cattle to
market in Chicago. Two of the men were John Kerchenfaut
and William Day, Sr. These men remained in the area,
buying land for themselves as they could afford it. The
Stevens' home was a large one located on what was then
called Stevens' Creek and is now called Drummer Creek. It
was located on the main road from Danville lo Peoria and
was a stopping place in those days for travelers.
2 FREDERICK BARROW — Frederick and Mary Ann
Barrow with their 16 children came to this area in 1867 from
Virginia and built their first home two miles from our village
on raw, unbroken prairie land. The Civil War had completely
destroyed their property in Virginia, so they moved nor-
thwest. Their children included John, Hamilton, Augustus,
An early farm scene
Anna, Alpheus. Frances, Alberta, Charles, Mary, and Lewis.
There were eight enrolled in the Scotland School at one time.
Because of Mr. Barrow's ill health, they moved to Gibson
City in 1882. He passed away in 1885. Five of the Barrow sons
and one daughter, Mrs. Anna Hagen, lived on their own
farms east of town.
3. CAI.IB McKKKVER — Mr. and Mrs. Calib McKeever
were married in 1855 and with their six children came to this
area sometime later. One son, W. E. McKeever, lived west of
town. They were the parents of Mayme Fox (Mrs. R. L.);
Earl; Gertrude Speedie (Mrs. Ralph) deceased; and Miss
Edna. They lived in Gibson City upon retiring from the farm.
Their land is still owned and farmed by their heirs.
4. PETER MAIN — Peter Main was born in Scotland and
came to the United States in 1854 and to Ford County in 18fi6
where he settled in Dixon Township, just east of Gibson City
He lived on the farm until his death in 1880 His son, Peter,
look over Ihc farm and was very prominent in the community
until he passed away in 1931. He and Mrs. Main were parents
of Russell (deceased); Lawrence; Ethel Woolley; and
Elmer. Elmer's widow, RachacI Luther Main, still lives on
the farm, since his death in 1966. The Main family has always
been mosi active in church and community affairs.
5. BENJAMIN McClARE - Benjamin McClure. known
as "Uncle Ben " was one of the well - known pioneers of Ford
County in 1868 He came here from Indiana, living for a lime
near Springfield, Illinois, where he had laid a claim 8 miles
east. He lived there for three years before coming to F'ord
County, settling in Drummer Township some 9 miles nor-
thwest of Gibson City. He made his home here until 1876 when
he moved from Gibson City leaving 156 acres of good land to
his son, O. D. McClure, to operate. Later the farming of the
land was assumed by "Uncle Ben's" great - grandson,
Wallace McClure, who still lives on the homestead.
6. OLIVER SHIRLEY — Oliver Shirley was an honored
veteran of the Civil War and an influential farmer in
Drummer Township, where he came to live in 1869 from
Logan County, Illinois. He married Mary F. Summer of Ohio
in October, 1843. Three children were born to this couple -
Harry; Elizabeth; and Oliver. He and his wife were
prominent members of the First Christian Church in Gibson
City. His son, Oliver, Jr., farmed the land after he retired;
then it was passed on to his grandson, Robert.
7. WILLIAM S. HUSTON — William S. Huston was a
native of Pennsylvania, born on February 1, 1849, on the
same farm which was the birthplace of his father and
grandfather. He was well - educated and after completing the
public school, spent some time in the New London Academy
in Pennsylvania. He located in Drummer Township in 1876,
purchasing a quarter section of land at $35 per acre. He later
increased his holdings to 480 acres. He married Miss Mary
Foley and was the father of two sons -- J. Walter; and
Frederick, who died in 1929. A grandson, Howard, now farms
the homestead.
8. CRAIG GILMORE — Craig Gilmore was born in
Harrison County, Ohio, in January, 1837, son of Nathaniel and
Mary Craig Gilmore. The parents were adherents of the
United Presbyterian Church and were prominent and highly -
respected farmers. On March 25, 1869, he married Mary E.
Richey and they were parents of Edwin S. ; John R. ; Anna
M.; Ida B.; and Craig M. Mr. Gilmore was one of the in-
fluential men in the building of the Presbyterian Church in
Gibson City. His land lies north of Gibson City, and the estate
is being farmed by Fred, a grandson.
9. ALBERT GILMORE — Albert Gilmore was also a son
of Nathaniel and Mary Craig Gilmore. He came to Ford
County in 1870. In connnection with general farming, he
engaged in stock raising, making a specialty of high - grade
cattle. On February 18, 1880, Mr. Gilmore married Elizabeth
Boundy of Peoria. They were parents of four children ~
Samuel; Emma J. ; Lilly M. ; and Cynthia M. He was a self -
made man who worked himself up to a position of affluence.
His land is still owned by his grandson, Arthur Gilmore.
10. DAVID GREEN — David Green, one of the early and
prosperous farmers in the vicinity, came to the county in
1870 and settled on a farm south of town, now known as the
Denne land. He came from Ohio where he had married Miss
Augustus Haines. They were the parents of 13 children.
Besides farming, Mr. Green manufactured "Green's Golden
Syrup," made of the sugar cane grown on his farm. His oldest
son, Herbert, lived at home until 1883 when he married
Amanda Fox of Chapin, Illinois. They started farming on a
farm south of town and in 1890 bought the Bowker estate
which is on present Route 47. It later was registered as the
"Maple Grove Farm." At that time, the farm was a swamp
and much tiling had to be done to make it a profitable farm.
This tiling was done, all by hand, with tile produced on the
Jordan farm just north of Green's. Herbert and Amanda
were the parents of Blanche, who died at age 6 in 1890; Grace
(widow of Dr. Earl Briggs) in California; Mary Young,
deceased; Raymond; Addie, (widow of Albert Burns) In-
diana; and Lee of Alberta, Canada. They lived on the farm
until 1919 when they built a new home across Route 47 and
moved there upon retirement. It was then that Raymond
brought in his bride, Marion Hyde of Rantoul, to move into
the homestead and assume the farming. This was after
Raymond had served 9 months in World War I. They raised
their three children, Alice, (now Mrs. J. A. Siegfried of
Scottsdale, Arizona) ; Herbert H. ; and Marianne, (now Mrs.
Jack Greyer of Aurora) in the home where he was born and
raised. Besides farming, he was a breeder of registered
Belgian horses, having accompanied D. K. Roth to Belgium
in 1919 for his original breeding stock. When tractors
replaced horses, he turned his attention to become the owner
and breeder of a fine herd of registered Maple Grove
Guernseys - one of the best herds in the state. Fire destroyed
the modern, newly - remodeled dairy barn and milking
parlor in 1959. It was then that he and his son, Herbert,
decided to dispose of the herd. By this time, Herbert had
assumed the farming of the land upon the retirement of his
father. Herbert, who is the fourth generation of Greens on
this farm came in 1949 to the home his grandfather had built
in 1919. His wife is Mary McLaughlin of Decatur, and their
family consists of Kathy, James, and Barbara. He raises
Pioneer hybrid seed corn and fattens cattle. Through the
years, Maple Grove Farm has always been an "Open House"
for relatives and friends. The occupants are most active in
the Methodist Church and community affairs.
11. JOHN FOSTER — John Foster came to Ford County
in 1873 and bought a farm west of Gibson City, which was
taken over by his son, John S. Foster, in 1893. In 1897, John S.
was married to Ella Vaughn of Gibson City, whose father was
a dealer in farm machinery. They were parents of four
children - John V., deceased; Helen Foster Kelly, in
homestead; Ella Corine, deceased; and Stanhope B. Foster,
who lives nearby and oversees the farming of the land.
12. D. K. ROTH — Dan and Leanna Mossiman Roth came
from Morton to this area in 1901 and moved to the Fulton
farm south of town, which is still in the Roth estate. He was a
progressive farmer and at one time did most of the threshing
for the farmers here. In 1911, he made the first of three trips
to Belgium, accompanied by his young neighbor, Raymond
Green, to purchase horses. They bought 20 young mares and
a stallion to start his breeding herd. In 1923, he started the
"Corn Belt Hatchery and Feed Mill". This proved most
successful and became an important industry in Gibson City.
In 1937, he started a herd of registered angus cattle which
grew to be one of the best herds in the state. The Roth family
consists of Lelia Pannabacker of Peoria, deceased; Frieda
Roth Greenan, Scottsdale, Arizona; Waldo, Florida; Harold,
Scottsdale, Arizona; Anita Roth Conrad, Scottsdale,
Arizona; and Helen Roth Francis of Gibson City. Always a
public benefactor, Mr. and Mrs. Roth donated a farm toward
the building cost of the Gibson City Community Hospital in
1951. The grandson of D. K. Roth, Eugene Roth, now lives on
the Roth farm and farms the estate.
This V2 page sponsored by
and Merchants National Bank of
The first 2 - row cultivators (using three horses)
came into use about liH.i. With weather not too hot for
the horses, a man could cultivate 15 acres a day. The
one - row cultivators ( using two horses ) took tw ice as
long. Picture was tal<en on a farm about five miles
south of Gibson City which was then farmed by the
grandfather of John Summers.
This threshing scene was lalten about 1)>!»0 when the steam engine was used.
With this outfit the straw was carried away from the separator on a canvas
conveyor that oscillated and the straw was stacked by two men. These
stacks were shaped so as to shed water and preserve the feed for horses and
cattle through the winter.
•...-^ '•-<«,
"'i V^'^ «»■•■•
A threshing scene taken in 1900 shows the oats bundles being men shown on stack. The wives of the men were kept busy
hauled to the separator on hay racks. The straw was blown preparing noon and evening meals for the 30 - man crew,
out from the separator. Straw was placed around by the two
M. T. Burwell
John H. Collier
Dr. Davis g
Dr. Hoover
Andrew Jordan
Samuel J. LeFevre ^
Jonathon B. Lott ^
Emmanuel Lowry Q
Evan Mattinson
Jacob C. Mellinger R
Wm. Moyer
Negro Citizens
Samuel P. Rady P
John Adams Rockwood
Lewis Rockwood H
Dr. Talbert B. Strauss ■
Michael Sullivant
Nelson B. Tyler C
James H. White
Dr. Wiley A
Wm. J. Wilson i
George W. Wood
M. T. BURWELL, a native of Clark County, Ohio arrived in
the village of Gibson in the spring of 1873 and opened the first
bank in one of the small frame buildings just south of the
Illinois Central depot on Sangamon avenue. Two years later
he moved to a wooden building north of Union Hall.
In 1878, his brother ■ in - law, William J. Wilson of Clark
County joined the banking firm, which then moved to a brick
building at the corner of Sangamon and Ninth St., which Mr.
Burwell had constructed. Mr. Burwell retired from the
banking firm in 1882 but had interests in other businesses,
owning several buildings including the Bank building, the
Burwell Hotel, just east of the bank (part of which is now
occupied by the Hunt Insurance Agency) and the Burwell
Opera House where many social and civic events were held.
The stage there was as fine as some in large cities and many
shows and opera companies appeared there.
Mr. Burwell married Miss Isabelle Goodfellow in Clark
Co., Ohio. They were parents of several children. The Bur-
wells moved to Kansas City about the mid - 90s. While visiting
her sister Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Burwell died on March 3, 1898.
Mr. Burwell passed away in Kansas City in 1908.
JOHN H. COLLIER, pioneer hardware merchant in the
village of Gibson since 1871, was a native of Oneida County,
N. Y. where he was born in 1844. His father came from
England with his parents at the age of nine. In 1855 the Collier
family migrated to Lake County, Illinois. John was the oldest
of eight children.
When only 18 years of age, he enlisted in Company D, 96th
Illinois Infantry. He was twice wounded but served until the
end of the war. He then returned to Antioch Lake County and
engaged in merchandising until 1871 when he came to Gibson
and opened the first hardware store in partnership with H. J.
Mr. Collier held various public offices including Supervisor
of Drummer Township, Board of Trustees of Town, elected
and twice re - elected to the General Assembly of Ford and
Livingston Counties and First Commander of Lott Post No. 70
On May 5, 1875, the Hon. Mr. Collier married Miss Harriett
McClure and to this union two children were born, Ben in 1878
and Kate in 1882.
DR.^JOSHUA C. DAVIS, pioneer physician and farmer,
came to Drummer Grove in the spring of 1854 and built his
house at the south edge of the grove. At that time there was
not a house to be seen as far as the eye could reach.
He was a native of Dublen, Ohio, where he grew to
manhood, and in early life began the shady of medicine, later
graduating from the Cincinnati Eletric Medical College. Soon
after graduation he went to practice medicine in Rodney and
Grand Gulf, Miss, and remained there during the cholera
epedimic while many other doctors fled the area. While in
Mississipppi, Dr. Davis was united in marriage with Miss
Ellen Hall, a native of Indiana. About 1849, Dr. Davis moved
with his family to Saybrook, Illinois where he practiced for a
few years. He bought land in Ford County as he accumulated
means and moved his family 25 miles to the east, across the
prairie to Drummer Grove in 1854.
Dr. Davis was an excellent physician and had an extensive
practice, never refusing to answer a call when needed,
regardless of the weather or time, making his rounds on
horse - back, by car t, wagon and later in the only buggy in the
Dr. Davis acquired land as he had the means and owned 700
acres at one time. He was also agent for much of the land in
the area and it was through him that Jonathan B. Lott pur-
chased the land that became the site of the village of Gibson.
Dr. and Mrs. Davis were the parents of eight children, five
boys and three girls. As the children grew older and needed
schooling. Dr. Davis hired a teacher. Miss Mary Ann
George, to teach them in his home and invited his pioneer
neighbors to send their children there also. In 1866, he helped
build a school house at the Grove on his land. The foundation
stones were visable there for many years.
The family remained on the farm until 1875 when financial
reverses forced the sale of the land. They then moved into the
village. In 1881, Dr. and Mrs. Davis moved to Bloomington
and two years later to Chicago where a son lived.
Dr. Davis, pioneer physician and settler, is honored by a
memorial gift in his name to the Gibson Community Hospital
by members of the family of his great - granddaughter, Mrs.
Frank Hunt, Jr. the Plaque was placed on the door of the
Medical Records room.
DR. W. A. HOOVER came to Gibson City in September
1886 to practice dentistry. He continued his practice in the
same location for 50 years. His office was located in the brick
building erected by J. L. Saxton at the corner of Sangamon
Ave. and 9th Street. He sold his practice to Dr. H. P. Work-
man in October 1936.
Dr. Hoover came here from Greenville, Ohio. He
graduated from the University of Michigan. He married the
former Laura E. Howver. August 29, 1887. She changed only
one letter in her last name when she married Dr. Hoover.
They were the parents of one daughter, Sibyl, who married
O. R. Middleton (both were attorneys). Mrs. Middleton still
resides in Gibson City. The Hoovers adopted a daughter,
Josephine. She married Thomas Pullen and now resides in
Indian Rock Beach, Fla.
his wife and their year old son
arrived in this part of
Drummer Township in the
spring of 1854 and settled on
the land which they had
purchased and is still owned
by their great grandchildren.
Mr. Jordan was born near
Louisville, Ky. in 1828. When
21 years of age he went to Cass
Co., Illinois working as a farm
hand at $18 a month until he
had saved enough money to
buy 100 acres of land in
Champaign County. There he
married Miss Amanda Devore
and two years later sold their
land and moved to the Ford
Hounty land there they
•emained until they retired
md moved to town.
n'/J. yidhji^i- di-^<</^'"
Those first years were hard ones; Mrs. Jordan walking
behind the plow, dropping seed corn in the furrow while
carrying a baby, nor was any work on a farm an easy task for
man or woman.
The Jordans were the parents of five children -- William,
James, John, Charles and Elizabeth. Many of their
descendants still live in this area.
Religious services were held in their home from the
earliest days until churches were established in the village.
Mr. Jordan set aside a plot of ground for a burying ground,
the first in the area. Most of the graves were moved to the
Drummer Township Cemetery after it was established in
Large deposits of gravel were found on his land and Mr.
Jordan opened pits and operated the largest tile and brick
factory in the area. The tile was used near and far to drain
the wet swampy land and the bricks were used in the building
of the stores and houses in the town.
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan were members of the First Christian
Church and gave the brick used in the building of that church
many years ago.
SAMUEL J. LeFEVRE, a native of Ohio came with his
parents. Dr. W. C. and Martha Jewel LeFevre to their farm
in Drummer Township, Ford County in 18f>6. On August 13.
1862. he enlisted as a member of Company K, 76th Regiment
of Illinois Infantry and served as a non - commissioned of-
ficer until near the close of the war. He received a gun - shot
wound on the last day's fight of the war on April 9, 1865. Mr.
LcF'cvre was married to Miss Laura A. Carver in 1866, a
native of Norton, Mass. They were the parents of two
daughters, Anna J. and Mary Etta.
Mr. LcFcvre remained on the home farm until 1872 when
he moved into the little village that had grown up in sight of
his home, and there engaged in lumber and coal business. In
1891 - 92 he erected an electric light plant and brought lights
to the homes and streets of the little city.
Mr. LeFevre served in many offices of the town and
township - Supervisor, on the first village board, school
trustee, school treasurer, and other important a.ssignments.
The LeFevres gave a play ground for the children just
north of the Methodist Church where there is a marker to
their memory.
JONATHAN B, LOTT was born in 1839, in Licking County,
Ohio, and came with his parents to McLean County in 1847
where he grew up on a farm. When the Civil War broke out,
he, with a friend and a classmate. Joseph Fifer, who became
the Governor of Illinois, enlisted in Company C, of the Thirty
- third Illinois Infantry and served together throughout the
war. They were discharged about the .same time in 1865 and
afterward attended Illinois Wesleyan University,
On Jan. 1, 1867 Mr. Lott was united in marriage with Miss
Margarets. Gibson in Bloomington. In 1869, they purchased
225 acres of land in Section 11 of Drummer township. Ford
County, and moved there that spring Their first dwelling
was a 12 X 14 foot boxcar that had been moved 16 miles
across the prairie from Faxton. This was "fixed up" to live in
while their cottage was being built. Joseph Fifer spent
.several weeks with them that summer and said it was all
quite comfortable with lean- tos added on the sides.
Mr. Lott, with his brother, James, platted the village that
first year. The map was ready for registration on Nov. 4,
1870. He chose the name of Gibson for the village in honor of
his wife, Margaret Gibson.
Mr. Lott had recognized the value of transportation and
knowing of the plans to build railroads through the area, had
contacted many people. With the help of influential friends,
they were able to induce the builders of the Oilman, Clinton
and Springfield railroad to come through Mr. Lott's land and
the Lafayette, Bloomington and Mississippi road to intersect
it at this place. Then later, in 1874. the Paducah and Co.
changed its route and came through the village of Gibson
also. Mr. Lott did more in securing transportation in every
direction for this village than many a person has done for a
much larger city.
He established a real estate business and did many things
to promote the growth and welfare of the town, but lived but
ten short years before death followed a severe illness on Sept.
18, 1879. He was sincerely mourned by all of the townspeople.
Mrs. Margaret Lott continued to make her home in the
town where she was active in community and church work.
She was fond of children and in the early days taught a large
class of young folks in Union Hall, doing many special things
for them. She continued to be interested in the people of the
community as long as she lived. In 1886, she became the wife
of Mr. O. A. Damon. She passed away in August, 1924, at the
age of 80 years.
EMMANUEL LOWRY, editor and proprietor of the
Gibson Courier, became a resident of Ford County and the
village of Gibson in 1875. He was born in Somerset! County,
Pa. in 1837, a son of Michail and Salome (Moyer) Lowry.
Emmanuel received his primary education in the common
schools of his native county and then took a classical course
in Bethany College in West Virginia. He served a regular
apprenticeship to the printer's trade in Somerset, Pa., and
then spent some years in teaching in the public and Normal
schools in the county. In 1870, Mr. Lowry bought a half in-
terest in a paper in Wadsworth. Ohio where he worked for one
year then going to Eureka, Illinois. In 1875 he came to Gib-
son, purchasing the "Courier" which he continued
Mr. Lowry was united in marriage with Miss Phoebe
Colborn at Somerset, Pa. in September, 1862. She was a
successful teacher in the public schools of her native county
and well fitted to be a help - mate in her husband's career.
They were the parents of seven children, four living. Charles
(in the Courier office), James P., John A., and RusseL
Emmanuel Lowry died April 25, 1907; Phoebe on Oct. 15,
1907. The Lowry sons, Charles and J. Percy, published the
Gibson Courier for many years, merging with the Enterprise
in 1933. They sold their interest in the newspaper to George
Woolley and his son John in 1940.
EVAN MATTINSON was born in 1857 in Clark County,
Ohio, where he received his education and engaged in far-
ming until 1880 when he came to Gibson City. He was first
employed as a clerk in the banking house of Burwell and Co.
In March 1885 he was united in marriage to Miss Minnie Belle
Wilson, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson. They were
the parents of one child, Clarence. Mr. Mattinson became a
member of Ihe banking firm of Mattinson, Wilson and Co.
upon the retirement of Mr. Burwell and the re - organization
of the firm.
In 1871, JACOB C. MELLINGER, in partnership with his
father, purchased 960 acres of land adjoining the village of
Gibson to the north. In 1873, Mr. and Mrs. Mellinger moved to
the village where he erected a fine house and large stables at
the north edge of the village on the west side of Sangamon
Ave They were natives of Lancaster County, Ohio Mr
Mellinger engaged in extensive live stock raising and trading
them later in farming.
The Mellingers were the parents of two sons, Dello who
died quite young, and Frank They also had an adopted
daughter Louise, who became ill and died while in college.
Mr. Mellinger was active in civic attains He was a
directior of the Building and Loan Asswiaiion, also of the
Gibson Land Improvement Company Wlule serving as High-
way Commissioner, promoted the graveling of the first mile
of road in the township.
Mr. Mellinger deeded six acres of land to the city for a
park, which was located one block east of his home. This was
known then as Mellinger Park, a name long since forgotten,
now just "North Park". He platted a few lots for sale across
the street west of the park. When houses were built there,
they became known as the "Silk Stocking Row". The
Mellingers returned to Ohio in 1893. The Mellinger Pasture
land to the north of town was the "Town Cow Pasture."
Probably very few people living today can remember the
days when "town people" kept a cow in a barn back of their
houses and in the summer time hired a boy to drive the cow to
pasture and back, from May first to late October in time for
evening milking. That was one way for boys to earn some
"hard to come by" pocket money in those days, and if he
were lucky, he might get two cows to drive to pasture. The
football field and all the new houses have long since taken
over the "Old Cow Pasture".
WILLIAM MOYER was the first commercial businessman
in the village of Gibson. On December 1, 1870, in one of the
small frame buildings south of the Illinois Central railroad
depot. There is no biographical record of the Moyers and the
only relative they had was a niece of Mr. Moyer's; Mrs. John
Smith who lived on North Church Street in later years. "Mr.
Moyer was a man of superior judgment and discretion and by
strict attention to management in business, accumulated a
fortune, which caused him to be recognized as the wealthiest
man in town."
Mr. Moyer was generous to the town where he had ac-
cumulated his wealth and gave several substantial gifts to
the city, including the first library at the intersection of
Sangamon and Ninth streets. The new library still bears his
name. He gave many other gifts to churches and charitable
causes. Mrs. Moyer died in 1888 after which Mr. Moyer
moved to Bloomington where he passed away Oct. 25, 1914.
Mrs. Percy Miner < center) and her tuo daughters. Bernice (at left)
and (vnthia look part in the promenade in downtown Gibson City
last Saturdav afternoon. Promenades are scheduled each Saturday
at L' p.m. Everyone in the community is urged to take part in these
activ ities.
Very early in the history of Gibson, a number of Negro
people came from the Sullivant Farm of Burr Oaks, now the
Sibley Estate. Some of them had been born in slavery, and
nearly all had come from Tennessee to work at the Sullivant
The circumstances of their choosing Gibson City as a
permanent residence are interesting. Michael Sullivant, who
purchased 40,000 acres in what is now Sullivant Township in
186,S for $3.50 an acre, sent his farm overseer or foreman.
John M. Miner, to Tennessee to hire Negro men to work at
Burr Oaks, one - half mile south and east of what is now
Sibley. II was in March. 1870, when he went on this mission
and hired about 20 men, who came to Paxton by train, where
he took them to a restaurant for dinner. They were then taken
to a clothing store, where they were outfitted with warm
clothing, underwear, shirts, pants, coats, caps, shoes, mit-
tens, etc., for winter wear, for which they were ill equipped.
Plans had been made to meet them by wagon at the train,
then spend the night at a farm sleeping in a barn under heavy
blankets, and finishing the trip the next day. The next
morning the men were taken by the drivers with two wagons
with four mules hitched to each one because of the mud. and
the 20 miles to Burr Oaks were finished in this fashion,
driving through mud and slush all the way.
The Negro men proved efficient workers, and were
employed on the same basis as the 2.50 white men who were
already working at the efficiently managed Burr Oaks farm.
Later on wives and children joined the men. and when Burr
Oaks farm was lost in the 1875 money panic, some of them
settled in Gibson City. They bough; small homes, sent their
children to school, and m 1877 established a church, the
African Methodist Episcopal, and erected their church
building in 1879 In recent years this church has been known
as Alexander Chapel. Rev. Aaron Ward assisted in
organizing this church and was the first minister.
Among those early pioneer families were Mr. and Mrs.
William McConnell, (also referred to as McCornell) and
those who remember them will know that he could whistle
most musically. Their daughter. Beulah McConnell, married
Walter Johnson of Gibson, who became an medical doctor
and practiced in Chicago for many years. Another daughter.
Zephie. married Pearl Johnson of Pontiac. They lived in
Gibson City and were parents of five children, all of whom
graduated from Gibson High School: Lois. Pearl. Jr.. Julian
(deceased*, Wilbur and Maxine. W'ilbur served as custodian
at the new high school for several years and now resides in
Decatur. Maxine is a much - traveled person who sang with
world - renowned bands and traveled around the world as
soloist with the bands. She is presently nursing in Chicago but
maintains her residence in Gibson City at 627 North Melvin.
Two of the McConnell sons entered the medical profession
and practiced in Chicago, James McConnell as a doctor and
Charles as a dentist.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green, also were early residents. P'or
many years he was the janitor at the school. Among other of
those early families were the Robert Huddlesons, Ged
Rankins and George Morton families.
A Civil War veteran was Gilbert Jordan. He worked for the
cily and always paraded with the GAR in Memorial Day
parades. His son Mose was a dining car steward, and son
Benny was a veteran of World War I.
James J. Kibble, who came to Gibson City and lived will
Rev. Aaron Ward, was at one time janitor al Ihe school. His
daughter. Miss .Mbcrta Kibble, still resides al 506 North
Guthrie. S. S. Mitchell, a barber, was among those who came
from Burr Oaks. Benjamin Thomas was also an early barber
The Mark Anthony family was perhaps the best known.
Mr. Anthony was a barber. He was unanimously elected to
the office of city clerk after the village had grown in size
considerably. He served from May 1', 1880, to April 30, 1881.
"Aunt Millie Young" was Mrs. Anthony's mother and was a
nurse. She was much loved.
Page Price was a Civil War veteran. His wife, Addie Price,
who always said she was born in slavery, was a cateress and
much in demand.
The Stokes and Fields families did not come to
Gibson with the Burr Oaks people. Thomas and Sarah Stokes
came "on their own" from Tennessee. They were parents of
several sons and daughters, all of whom were successful and
respected citizens. They purchased all of the "100 block" on
North Guthrie and resided there. This block was known as
Stokes Hill, Two of their grandsons were Thomas Fields and
Sam Fields. Mrs. Mary Thomas Fields, wife of Sam Fields,
still resides in the Stokes Hill block at 114 North Guthrie.
Their son, LeRoy Fields, graduated from Gibson High School
in 1929. attended the University of Illinois, and graduated
from Bradley University. He is teaching Special Education in
Elgin and resides in Chicago.
Tommyetta Stokes, aunt of Thomas and Sam Fields, was
the first Negro graduate of Gibson City High School. She
graduated from nursing school and was supervisor of
Providence Hospital in Chicago. She later married Rev.
Beckman of Springfield.
The George Fields family came from Bloomington. George
"Turk" Fields met and married Laura Stokes in Pontiac.
and from there they came to Gibson City. They were parents
of nine children. Mr. Fields followed the trade of drayman.
He conducted a lunch stand al the canning company during
canning season and was known as an excellent cook. In
October, 1880, he was involved in an accident at the
Eggleston andSpaulding tile factory, which claimed the lives
of two other workmen. This factory was located in the west
part of town near Ihe junction of the then Lake Erie, Western,
and Wabash railroads. Fortunately. Mr. Fields escaped
serious injury.
Two of the well - remembered citizens of Gibson
City who were children of the George Fields were Thomas
and Sam Fields. Thomas worked as custodian at the First
National Bank for 31 years and in the old Building and Loan
for 20 years. He and his wife. Cora Burris Fields, lived in Ihe
same house on Lott Boulevard all of their married life, where
Mrs. Fields still resides at 309 South Lott. She was the
granddaughter of Solomon Fowler, who lived on a farm for
many years on Ihe Sibley Estate.
Sam Fields was a mason. He built many of the business
houses as well as dwellings in Gibson City and was the mason
for the present Lamb Funeral Home,
Thomas and Sam Fields had a brother. William Fields,
who graduated from Gibson High School and was a dentist
for many years in Chicago.
As shown in this factual account of the early Negroes of
Gibson City, they contributed to Ihe spiritual, cultural,
social, business, and industrial growth in the early days of
the town. Their good citizenship has enriched Ihe life of
Gibson, leaving happy memories in Ihe minds of many of the
present older residents of Gibson who knew them personally
and remember Ihem with affection.
40- ^
S.WU'KI. P. RADY , pioneer lawyer, was born in New
Albany, Ind in 1853. His parents died when he was a small
child He was reared by an older brother and received his
education in the local schools, then attended law college in
He arrived in Gibson City in September of 1881 and served
as superintendent of the schools for one year before opening
his law office, which he shared with Link Phillips for a few
years Later he moved into his own office over the First
National Bank where he maintained an office until his death
in lOOfi His wife died in 1957. Mr. Rady was united in
marriage with Miss Lillian L. Palmer Oct. 13, 1885 in North
Hillsdale, N Y Their first home was at 608 East 13th St. in
Gibson City. There were the parents of three children, Chloe,
Ivy and Samuel. Their daughter Chloe, assisted her father in
his law office from early teen - age. She and Samuel still
reside in Gibson.
In 1900 Mr Rady purchased 40 acres of land from J. D.
Mellinger that lay between Melvin and Church streets and
15th and 19th streets and planned a new addition for the town
lo be called "College Hill." In 1903 this land was surveyed
and streets were constructed. In 1905 cement sidewalks were
laid and trees planted along each street. Lots were for sale in
the new addition.
When it became necessary to build a new high school, Mr.
Rady deeded Block 8 in the College Hill Addition to Drum-
mer Township High School for a site for the high school which
was completed in 1914.
JOHN At)AlVlS ROCKWOOD lived in LaSalle Co., Illinois
until I8ti3 when he moved his family to Normal, Illinois. In
IH72 I hey sold their home there and moved to a farm in
Drummer Township, later moving to the village. The Rock-
woods were the parents of three children, Lewis, Ralph,
Gertrude (wife nf William McKeever) and an adopted
daughter, Mamie, who married Walter Mottier.
I.KWIS ROCKWOOD received his education in the schools
al Normal and taughl school before entering the employ of
Ihe Maltinson, Wilson and Co. banking firm where he
achieved the position of cashier. He was twice married, first
loMissFlorenceMoffett in 1884 inPaxton. ShediedNov. 1 in
1885 and on May 9, 1889, he married Miss Ida Baerd and to
Ihcm was born one son Roscoe in 1890.
DR. TALBERT B. STRAUSS was born in Wayne Co., Ohio
Nov. 6, 1845 and received his high school education in
Fredericksburg. He enlisted in Company D of the 120th.
Infantry and engaged in the battle of Vicksburg.
In 1864 he moved to Paxton, Illinois and studied under Dr.
J. M. Waters, formerly of Gibson. After three years of
private study he entered Rush Medical College, was licensed
in 1878 and located in Gibson.
In 1869 Dr. Strauss married Miss Anna George to whom
two sons were born. Vernon and Bryson. In 1872 the mother
died and in 1878 Dr. Strauss was wed to Sarah E. McKcevei-.
They were the parents ot three children, Ethel M., Elizabeth
W.'and Charles E
MICHAKI. SfLLIVANT began the operation of his 42.600
acre farm in 1866 with headquarters at Burr Oaks. 10 miles
north of where the future village of Gibson would he located.
There were at times as many as 300 men employed at this
farm, some of them having families.
This farm was nationally known as the "largest corn farm
in the world". Before the Chicago and Paducah railroad was
constructed through the big farm this corn crop was hauled
to the railroads in Gibson and shipped to market in the east,
also some to Chicago.
There was a great demand for the prairie hay which was
baled at the farm and hauled lo the east - bound trains.
During the haying season as many as 30 carloads a week
would be shipped This meant much to business in the village.
Several of the people living at Burr Oaks established
homes in Gibson City or on farms near by after that farm was
taken over by Hiram Sibley.
NELSON B. TYLER was one of the early merchants of
Gibson, having come to the village in the summer of 1872 and
opening a grocery store on the "north end" of the main
He was born in Lake County, Illinois, but went with his
parents to their old home in New York State when he was
three years old, returning to Illinois in 1864. When less than 20
years of age he came to the village of Gibson and opened a
grocery store in the "north end", later putting in a stock of
general merchandise. Mr. Tyler continued in this occupation
until 1885 when he became a salesman for a prominent
Chicago firm.
Mr. Tyler was married in 1897 to Miss Lottis R. Palmer in
North Hillsdale, a native of New York State. They were the
parents of two daughters, Charlotte and Florence. (Mrs.
Florence Tyler Rich, who still resides in the city. )
.lAMES H. WHITE, a pioneer grocer, who continued in
business in the same location for a quarter of a century, was
born in Scotland in 1858. The family immigrated to the United
States of America in 1865 and settled in Pennsylvania. He
went to work in a twine factory in Xenia, Ohio in 1875, then
came to Gibson in 1879 where he opened a small grocery store
and continued in the business until his death. He was a
progressive businessman and citizen. In 1880 Mr. White
married Miss Rachael Thompson of Xenia, Ohio. They were
the parents of two daughters. Maud Ellen and Ethel .Agnes.
DR. THOMAS R. WILEY, a pioneer physician and surgeon
of Gibson City, was born near Colfax in McLean Co.. Illinois.
His father, Lyttle R. Wiley was a native of Kentucky and his
mother was from Indiana. They came to Illinois in 1840,
Thomas Wiley was reared on the farm and after finishing
preparatory school, took a full college course at Illinois
Wesleyan University, graduating with the class of 1871. He
then began the study of medicine with Dr. Hill of
Bloomington and later took a course of lectures at the
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. His next affiliation was
with Rush Medical College in Chicago graduating with the
class of 1874. In March of 1874, Dr. Wiley established a
practice in Gibson City which he continued with marked
success. In June 1874 he married Miss Mattie E. Reeves of
LeRoy, Illinois. Dr. and Mrs. Wiley were the parents of one
child, Beulah Belle. The doctor filled various official offices -
President of Village Board, school board. Building and Loan
A.ssociation. and other responsible positions and was also
active in church and community affairs. (Beulah Wiley
married Dr. Frank Hunt, a veterinarian.) Many of the
Wiley's descendants reside in the community.
WIIJ-IAM J. WILSON a native of Clark County, Ohio.
received his education in the schools of that state and there
married Miss Lydia Goodfellow in 1863. He engaged in far-
ming. In 1876 they moved to Gibson City where Mr Wilson
was in the grain business until his elevator burned He then
joined the banking firm of his brother - in - law. M. T Bur-
well. He also was an extensive land - owner in the area and
had business interests in other institutions. Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson were the parents of ten children.
GEORGE W. WOOD, pioneer carpenter in Gibson was born
in Bloomington, Ind. in 1847 and came to Illinois when a
young man where he engaged in farming near Colfax until
1872. He then came to the village of Gibson. From that time
he followed the carpenter trade until his death in 1942.
He was the only carpenter who could claim the distinction
of working on every church that was built in the town during
his lifetime, beginning with the Methodist Church in 1872.
This church was destroyed by fire in February 1888. Mr.
Wood then helped build the second Methodist Church anH the
present one which was dedicated in 1914.
He also assisted in the building of many of the older houses
and building establishments in the town.
Mr. Wood was one of the pall - bearers for the burial of Mrs.
Bowker, the first person to be buried in Drummer Township
Cemetery in 1876.
Mr. Wood was married to Louisa DuBois. They were the
parents of two daughters, the elder died in infancy. Etta,
aged 90, lives at 805 East Jefferson St., Bloomington, 111. She
walks five blocks to attend Wesley Methodist Church. Mrs.
Wood died Dec. 1889; Mr. Wood in Dec. 1914.
Poterson Greenhouse and Residence, Gibson City, lU.
THK l{. C. I\\. (illtSON ( ITV. IIXIXOIS — I'.A.AIOIS lOK <;<M)I) K<)«H>
>-, ' ■»-^ "■"-.....
Gibson City, Illinois
The Central Soya story began Oct. 2, 1934, when - in the
midst of a depression -- Dale W. McMillen at the age of 54
incorporated the Central Soya Company to process soybeans
for oil and meal.
On Dec. 8, 1934, the first shipment of soybean oil was made
from the small plant in which the company operated in
Decatur, Indiana. On January 23. 1935, McMillen Feed Mills,
which had been incorporated as the feed division of Central
Soya, received its first order for feed -- 46,350 pounds of
mixed feed. . . . "Master Mixing Feed - 30 percent molasses."
From this small beginning, the company grew rapidly and
by mid - summer of 1939 plans were completed for the con-
struction of soybean processing, feed manufacturing and
grain storage facilities at Gibson City, Illinois.
Construction began in August, 1939, and was completed in
October of that year.
Only 28 people were on the payroll when the plant opened.
It was their job to operate a facility that included 10 concrete
silos with a storage capacity of a million bushels, a then -
modern feed mill with a production capacity of 4,000 Ions of
feed per month, and an expeller - type soybean processing
operation with a 5,000 bushel processing capacity per day.
The little company continued to grow and by (he end of 1942
soybean processing capacity at Gibson City was increased to
10.000 bushels per day, while storage capacity had nearly
doubled lo 1,900,000 bushels.
By 1945 an average of 233 persons were employed at the
Gibson City plant and the annual payroll was estimated at
$400,000. By 1949, further expansion of storage capacity had
increased total storage to more than six million bushels and
employment had climbed to 260 persons.
Tcxlay. storage capacity at Gibson City is 6'^ million
bushels, soybean processing capacity has reached 27,500
bushels per day. and the feed mill has a rated capacity for its
two continuous feed lines of an 800 tons per eight - hour day.
Approximately 250 people are now employed at the Gibson
City plant and the annual payroll is just under two million
The growth of the Gibson City plant is typical of other
phases of Central Soya and McMillen Feed Mills operations.
A number of other plants have been acquired or built, and
warehouses and grain merchandising facilities serv(
A marine department operates a fleet of jumbo rive
barges for transporting soybeans, grains and other fee(
ingredients on the inland waterway system.
Over the years the company's operations have beei
greatly diversified.
Ppler .Schertz and son .lesso operated the above
business from IIKIT to l!l-.'i. Ilenr> llafipr purchased the
lumber yard in I!IL'.">. and was later joined by sons
Douglas and Jim in the l^.sn's.
This page sponsored by
Central Soya
•.. M
The telephone was a bit late in coming to Gibson City.
Located in the heartland of Illinois corn country, at a
considerable distance by horse - and - buggy from any of the
state's larger cities, Gibson City folks soon realized that if
they ever hoped to sec one of those new - fangled talking
instruments, they would have to take the initiative in
sparking the interest of local entrepreneurs and pulling
together some financial backing of their own.
Even so. it was only 20 years or so after the Alexander
Graham Bell invention that the first private venture got
George Schlosser, a local man, set up the first switchboard
in 1898 and began selling telephone service. The operation,
known as the Central Telephone and Telegraph Co., appears
to have been a partnership involving both Gibson City and
nearby Paxton.
Schlosser's partner on the Paxton end was a Mr. Lankford.
But for one reason or another, the two men decided to
dissolve their partnership after two years. Schlosser retained
Gibson City and Lankford continued to operate in Paxton.
Despite the split, the prospects for a profitable business
must have been highly encouraging. In 1901, Schlosser talked
two other men -- A. L. Phillips and H. A. Ball -- into joining his
enterprise and they capitalized a new company at $12,000. a
handsome sum in those days. Appropriately enough, they
chose the name Gibson City Telephone Co.
Within a year the new company built a two - story and
basement building at the corner of Eighth and Church Streets
to house their growing business. The building would serve as
the community telephone office for the next 60 years.
Even back in those days telephone companies required
large amounts of capital for construction of new facilities. As
new money came into the business, companies reorganized
and names were changed, ."^nd so it was with Gibson City.
A few months after movmg into the new telephone office,
the company changed its name to Granger's Mutual
Telephone Co., apparently representing a financial in-
vestment and share in control of management by Paxton .
Before another year had passed the name was changed
once again -- to the Gibson Home Telephone Co. -- and the
surviving organization was capitalized at $25,000. With new
money in the till, Gibson Home purchased the entire com-
munity exchange from the Paxton Telephone and Telegraph
Co. And for the first time Gibson City residents were no
longer faced with the expense of having to order telephones
from each company in order to call all telephones in the
In the early days the Home company was managed by
Schlosser under a license granted by Chicago's Central
Union Telephone Co.. the operating company which held the
Bell telephone patent.
The arrangement with Central Union permitted Gibson
City customers to use the Bell System long distance Imes,
thus saving the local company the prohibitive costs of
building a separate toll network.
Telephone service apparently left considerable room for
improvement. In 1909, The Mssrs. D. A. Taylor, W. E. Crowe
and W. E. Day, all of Gibson City, formed the Drummers
Telephone Co. and entered into direct competition with the
Home company.
Old newspaper clippings indicate the company was
comprised primarily of local farmers who were dissatisfied
with the Home service.
The Drummers company negotiated a franchise with the
Gibson City city council which provided for free calls on all
lines constructed within 15 miles of the city. The free calling
area included the communities of Fisher, Foosland.
Bellflower, Saybrook, Sibley, Melvin, Guthrie and Elliott.
The telephone business was highly competitive in the early
1900s, and once the novelty of the invention faded new
business was hard to come by. Adopting a more aggressive
stance, Chicago's Central Union transferred J. F. Stephens
from its Springfield district to manage the Gibson City
Stephens would serve as manager for nearly 30 years and,
as much as any one man, is credited with extending and
expanding the telephone network that formed the basis for
the system serving Gibson City today.
Stephens had been a construction crew boss. Ahead lay the
job of building the hundreds of miles of cable, wire and poles
that made up a telephone network. Characteristically,
Stephens didn't lose any time in getting down to business.
To help finance the construction program Sephens in-
creased rates from $2 a month to $2.50. and boosted the local
company's capitalization to $50,000.
While monthly rates were about one - third of today's
charge, customers could only reach about one - fiftieth of the
telephones accessible now.
Telephone business progressed at a slow but measured
pace over the next 10 years. In 1916, the number of Home
Telephone customers stood at 850. The Drummers company
appears to have hit on hard times, however, the folded.
Illinois Bell began its long association with Gibson City in
1924 with purchase of the assets of the Gibson Home Com-
pany. Records show the Home company operated 744
telephones, and provided service to another 46 owned by
The February. 1925 issue of Illinois Bell Magazine, in in-
troducing the Gibson City exchange to employees, described
the community in these words:
"Gibson City is one of those 'downstate' towns that has
energy enough for a city twice its size. But none too much for
Gibson. They know how to use it."
The words turned out to be prophetic. Three months after
Illinois Bell assumed control, one of the worst sleet storms in
modem historv' struck central Illinois, toppling thousands of
telephone poles and virtually isolating Gibson City from
communication with the rest of the world.
Manager Stephens soon discovered just how much energy
there was in Gibson City.
In a matter of hours he drew together an emergency force
of 40 line - man and rented a number of automobiles to get the
men out into the field.
Poles and lines were down as far away as Bloomington and
Chenoa. Despite 16 hour work days and a repair force many
times over the normal complement of men. it would be
nearly a week before local service was restored. Long
distance service wasn't fully restored until mid - summer
So much fol the early years of "the coming of the telephone
to Gibson City."
The last half - century has been one of orderly growth and
technological innovation.
Crank - type wooden telephones began disappearing in the
1930s. More switching equipment was added to handle growth
in the post - Word War II years and the community converted
to local and long distance direct dialing in 1960. Early this
year Touch - Tone calling was introduced.
Much of the credit for Gibson City's emergence from
"horse - and - buggy" telephone days to a modern 1970s
This page sponsored by
Hunt Insurance Agency, Corn Belt Hatcheries of Illinois, Inc./ Stokely Van
Camp, Inc., and I and B Inn
system belongs to W. M "Sparky" Stiead, a life - long
resident and Illinois Bell's manager here for 20 years.
Sparky and his predecessor. J. F Sephenson, stand out as
the two most influential men in Gibson City telephone
history. Stephenson brought the telephone through its early
development; Snead picked up where Stepher.son left off and
forged the system serving the community today.
What do the next 50 years hold'.' The only limit is the stretch
of the imaguination. Illinois Bell, looking ahead a scant 15
years, confidentally forsees Gibson City with see ■ as - you -
talk Picturephone and direct distance dialing around the
world with calls carried via satellites. Everyday business,
such as banking and grocery shopping, will be done by Touch
- Tone telephone and computers.
After that, it's anyone's guess!
t f
:"^ ,
i«* **-»
DeVVall Seed and Implement Co. now The Corn Belt
Early Businesses
Former Bryant's Drug Store
This page sponsored by
First National Bank in Paxton
Two-Time Winner of 'Outstanding Illinois Weekly' Award
The present Gibson City Courier is a descendant of two
early newspapers, The Gibson Courier and The Gibson City
Enterprise, which were merged in 1934.
The Courier was founded in May 1872 by N. E. Stevens of
Paxton. HesoiditNov. 1, 1873. to Walter Hoge. who published
the newspaper only a short time before he. in turn, sold it to
Emanuel Lowry. who moved here from Eureka and took
possession March 1. 1875.
E. Lowry, as the publisher and editor referred to himself in
the masthead, was active for 25 years. Then The Courier
passed on to brothers C, E. and J. P. Lowry, Emanuel's sons,
who jointly published the newspaper for 35 years.
The Enterprise was founded in 1883 by P. A. Coal, well
known in Republican circles throughout the state, and at one
time postmaster of Gibson City. During the Nineties, Coal
published a daily edition, which was finally discontinued, and
the newspaper reverted to weekly publication, because the
town wasn't large enough to support a daily paper.
In 1904 the Enterprise was purchased by Woolley Brothers
of Saybrook, and George A. Woolley assumed active direc-
tion by moving here, and remaining its head for thirty years.
About 1924 George bought out his brothers and became sole
owner His son. John, grew up in the business and joined his
father as an assistant after he graduated from Drummer
Township High School.
The two newspapers were merged on Saturday, May 12,
1934. and the first combined issued was published May 17 of
that year, as "The Gibson Courier and Gibson City En-
The two printing plants were combined, and mailing lists
merged, with a total circulation at that time of 2,025. George
Woolley acquired stock in the Gibson Courier Printing
Company, and with his son John joined the organization with
C. E. and J. P. Lowry.
Later John Woolley assumed the ownership.
On Nov. 1. 1949. John Woolley sold the newspaper, known
as The Gibson City Courier, to Verle V. Kramer, then of
Warsaw. 111., and his two sons, Donovan and David. At that
time the Kramers owned the Fairbury Blade and Forrest
News, and Donovan was in active charge of that operation.
Verle sold his Warsaw Bulletin and moved to Gibson City to
lake charge of the Courier. In the early 1960s the Fairbury
and Forrest newspapers were sold, and Donovan bought a
newspaper in Casa Grande. Ariz. His interest as a partner
was acquired by Verle and David Kramer, who operated as a
partnership until the death of Verle Kramer Nov. 3. 1968. At
that time, and now the Kramers published newspapers in
Saybrook. Colfax. LeRoy, Chenoa and Lexington, and the two
Monticello newspapers, merged as the Piatt County Journal -
Kramer Publishing Company is a partnership operation,
with Mrs. Verle Kramer and David Kramer as the owners.
The Bement Register was acquired in 1970.
This page sponsored by
Kramer Publishing Co.
fJibson Federal Savings and Loan Association was founded
.June 18, 188:1. 88 years ago It was organized by ten pioneer
businessmen, T. D, SpaFding was the first President and L, E,
Ki>tkwor)d was the first Secretary. The nanne of Gibson
Savings and Building Association was chosen and was
organized under a State Charter, In 1936 the association was
chiinged to a Federal Charter and the name was changed to
(Jibson Federal Savings and Loan Association, The office
ihen was located at 127 N, Sangamon which is now part of the
Ace Hardware Store, In September. 1960. we moved into our
new building located at 402 N. Sangamon. We have enjoyed a
very good business and as of now our assets are over 35
"Old Timers" in the Gibson City area may recall the
beautiful team pictured here - and some may even remember
their names as "Doc" and "George". This represents a small
part of the equipment that has been used through the years
by W.S Lamb & Co. in serving Gibson City.
W S. Lamb came to our town in 1887, and became a fur-
niture merchant. "Undertaking" was a specialty sideline in
those days After his death in 1917, the business was con-
tinued by his son Shum Lamb, and it was he who built the
present funeral home in 1937 Following World War II, the
third generation of Lamb Funeral Service continued with the
management of Jack and Wally Lamb.
We are still grateful that Grandfather found such a good
town as Gibson City to establish his business - and we pledge
continuing good service to those that call on us in their time
of need.
Wally Lamb
Bob Deener
Earl Young
Miss Lelia Gender
The original beginning of the First National Bank and
Trust Company in Gibson City, Gibson City, Illinois, a
leading institution, was in the year 1867.
Old newspapers and reports, no longer available, show that
A. J. Montelius entered into the private banking busmess in
Piper City, Illinois, in conjunction with another enterprise.
At some future date, (actual date unknowm, this banking
company was chartered as a State Bank.
In 1900, under new ownership. National BanK Charter No.
,5322 was awarded, and the title was changed to the "First
National Bank of Piper City".
In the 1941 the old "First National Bank of Gibson City"
was liquidated and the First National Bank of Piper City,
under Charter No. 5322, was moved to Gibson City, and the
name changed to "First National Bank in Gibson City".
In June 1959 the bank moved from 134 North Sangamon
Avenue, to its present location at 119 North Church Street, in
Gibson City.
Under this title the bank flourished and grew with the
community until June 1968, when the present management
applied for and received a change in title to "First National
Bank and Trust Company in Gibson City".
This page sponsored by
Gibson Federal Savings and Loan Association, Gibson City, Illinois
Nearly 25 years ago, Elmo Meiners. an Anchor. Illinois
farmer, got tired of nursing his tractors through a hard day's
work. He and a friend converted an abandoned school house
into a shop and pioneered an overdrive transmission that
would give his tractor four more field speeds. The results
were so good that neighbors and friends began clamoring for
a gear set for their tractors.
In 1949, the M & W Gear Company was organized. Until
1951, operations continued in the old school building about
four miles southeast of Anchor. The company then moved
into Anchor where its headquarters remained until 1966.
M & W made its first appearance in Gibson City in August,
1956 with the acquistion of the Monnie Wagonseller garage at
523 S. Sangamon. M & W's first manufacturing operations
started there. In 1964, work began on the present plant on an
80 acre tract at the south edge of Gibson City. In Sept., 1965.
the nearly completed plant was hit by a tornado that delayed
occupancy for six months. It was March. 1966 before M & W
completed the move into its new quarters. In the next four
years, the original officeand factory structure increased to a
complex of nine modern buildings with a total floor space of
oyer 200,000 square feet.
M & W's entry into large scale manufacturing was
simultaneous w^ith the move into its new plant. Previously, M
& W had concentrated on "after - market" products; ac-
cessories designed to improve the performance or cut the
cost of operating farm equipment manufactured by other
companies. Prominent among these were pistons and
sleeves, turbochargers and dual wheels for tractors; an
automatic header control for combines and an improved
rolling coulter assembly for plows. Now. the M & W Little
Red Wagon is probably the best known farm wagon, the M &
W Perfect Kern'l Dryer, the most advanced grain dryer. M &
W is now in the process of introducing its own heavy duty,
automatic hydraulic reset plow.
The board of directors is made up of Elmo Meiners,
pres.; La Verne Meiners, vice-pres.; J. C. Ertel III of
Indianapolis, secretary - treasurer and J. P. Hawkins,
assistant secretary. In addition to the main office and plant
at Gibson City, the company also has offices and warehouses
at Memphis. Tenn. and Des Moines, Iowa.
Present employment is 230.
This page sponsored by
M & W Gear Company
The Gibson Iron Works was incorporated July 12. 1893 for
the period of 20 vears; for the purpose of manufacturing Iron
Novelties. Hot Water Radiators. Castings of Gray Iron;
general foundry and machine business.
The capital stock of this corporation was S.iO.OOO; 500
shares at SlOO per share. There was a board of 5 Directors
who were elected by the stockholders at the annual meeting
for the term of 2 vears They received SI. 00 for each regular
meeting attended. President T R. Wiley. E. H Harry.
Secretary. J. W. Haines. R. A. McClure. J. D. Mellinger The
machine shop was built this year and the first shipment of
machinerv was made January 1. 1894 and 60 days was given
for payment to be made. On October 25. 1895 J. D. Mellinger
was elected President. J W Haines. Vice Pres.. Al Phillips.
Treas.. E H. Harry. Secretary. R. A. McClure. Director.
Aprii 9. 1901 there were 24 stockholders and 7 board
members. In 1905 the plant was offered for sale for the sum of
S20.000 or rent for $1200 yearly rent. But no deal was made.
Bv 1912 things were looking up a little and a dividend of S2.00
per share was declared; in 1918 things were still better; they
raised salaries and declared an $8.00 per share dividend.
In 1920 the Gibson Iron Works was sold to J. T. Reedy and
John V. Anderson. Chicago. New officers being J. T. Reedy.
President. John V. Anderson. Vice Pres.. James Hutchings,
Treas. and Secretary. They carried on the same type of
business as the original owners. His son Stewart Anderson
worked in the foundry for some time and learned the trade.
The depression came along and in the early thirties the
Gibson Iron Works went out of business.
John V. Anderson then opened a small machine shop of his
own and operated it until sometime in 1956 when he was
forced to retire because of ill health.
Dr. W. D. Hoover
and daughter (now Mrs. Sibyl
frr>0- ■'L; i
The Cit>^ of Gibson was late in attracting attorneys in as
much as it was not the county seat of Ford County. The first
attorney to open a law office in Gibson was C. H. Yoemans
who began his practice in July of 1871. Mr. Yoemans was also
the first city attorney. He was joined in 1883 by A. L. Phillips.
Mr. Yoemans left the practice in 1884.
Mr. Phillips was elected States Attorney April 1. 1892 and
served two years. He also served one year in the State
Legislature. Mr. Phillips practiced alone until he was joined
by Claude M. Swanson in 1916. Mr. Swanson was inducted
into service and later when he returned from service opened
an office in Paxton. In January of 1913 0. R. Middleton and
Frank Shawl, fresh from law school, also opened an office in
this city. Frank Shawl later left and O. R. Middleton prac-
ticed alone until he joined A. L. Phillips after Mr. Swansons
departure to service. Mr. Phillips retired and O. R. Mid-
dleton practiced alone until joined by Sibyl H. Middleton in
1930. The office later became known as Middleton & Mid-
dleton and has since been joined by William S. Middleton in
1939 and Margaret R. Middleton in 1961.
In 1883 Samuel P. Rady opened an office and practiced
until his death. Sometime in the 1890's L. A. Cranston opened
a law office and was active in practice until he moved to
Danville in 1907.
July 1, 1933, Lindley. Pacey and Johnson estaonsnea an
office in Gibson City. The office remained until November 23.
1941 . when it became known as Lindley. Pacey & Pacey.
It remained this way until June 29. 1944. at the death of Mr.
Lindley. Office then closed completely in Gibson Citv.
Of the later attorneys Judge Frank Lindley of Lindley,
Pacey and Johnson of Paxton. Illinois, opened an office after
his retirement from the bench and practiced in Gibson City
until his death in 1944.
In early 1945 Charles E. Carnahan opened a law office and
had an active practice until his death. In 1946 E P. Sawyer
also opened an office and practiced until his death. The latest
office this city has now has been opened by Arthur R. Benz.
This page sponsored by
Henry Hager Lumber Company
J. B. Palmer (irocerv Store in 1^1" The site is now
Cornie's Shoe Store.
Barkow's General Store \r. I'^i:;. The store was located
on the northwest corner of sth St. and Sangamon, the
present location of Coast to Coast south half'. Pic-
tured left to risiht are Mrs Freddie Rarkow. >la(thew
Barkow. Tomm\ Barr and Lester Torrenoe.
fc.OmA*^*^. ^^-JiS^JIl. rk^-\t«^.* tmA^ar^
Spaulding Lumber
The Kair
This page sponsored by
G & W Supermarket, Van's Photo Supplies and Van's Insurance Agency
Iliinl's (olisj-iim was moved by Khodeses in the full of lli:!(i (o the location of the former
Kentland I)air\ (just south of KiA).
About 1890 J. S. Rhodes and family moved to Gibson City
from LeRoy, 111. Soon Mr. Rhodes became engaged in the
house moving business. A short time later he took on a
partner in the business, Sid Simmons. They had horses,
mules and early in their history, had a team of oxen to do the
pulling jobs.
In 1904 after J. W. Rhodes came back from the Spanish -
American War, he spent 2 years in Kansas City, Mo. moving
and raising buildings. He sold out and came back to Gibson
City. In 1906, J. W. Rhodes bought out his father and his
partner and started in business for himself.
In 1946, J. W. retired from active business and turned the
work over to his two sons, Virgil J. Rhodes and Harold W.
Rhodes who are still active in the work.
Both Virgil and Harold have sons who have done this work
and grandsons who are still in high school that have helped
through the summer at the work of raising and moving
This makes five generations of the Rhodes family that have
been house movers.
■*•.'.. .:- t^rfjr
■'-.A _
This page sponsored by
Shaffer Spring Co., Schockeys Dept. Store, Perfect Potato Chips, Inc., and
Wrenn's Sunnyacre Farms, Inc.
lUelcome to
Rich Soil Strong Industry
I Note: Many layers of dust were removed from records to i Margaret) Anderson. City Clerk, for the hours she spent
uncover the items below regarding the early history of the
\lllage of (iibson. A special thanks to Mrs. .Stewart
In 1869 the town site was purchased by Civil War veteran
.Jdnalhan B Lolt from Jesse B. Whitehead of Chicago. The
land was surveyed in February 18/0 for a mile square.
Mr. Lott built his home here and Gibson City had its in-
ception. Lott's wife, the former Marearet A Gibson, whom
he married in 18fi7, was remembered by her husband when
the town was named "Gibson". In making application for a
post office in that name, the department added the word
"City" to the original name because of the confusion with the
town of Gilson, III.
The village was incorporated in 1872 T. D. Spalding. J H.
Collier, S. J. LeFevre. Bruce McCormick and W. T. Kerr
were trustees, with Spalding serving as president. Later,
Spalding served as the city's first mayor.
The trustees were sworn in on June 10, 1872 by Bruce
McCormick, Justice of the Peace In the minutes of the
meeting, S J LeFevre moved that the corporate limits of
Gibson would Include all of Section 11, Town 23, Range 7,
East of the 3rd Principal Meridian, Ford County, 111.
LeFevre was elected treasurer; Milton D. Worrell, con-
stable, street supervisor and town collector.
At that meeting, A. S. Guthrie was authorized to contract
for having Sangamon Ave graded up for a distance of one -
half mile south of Gibson A committee of two. Collier and
.McCormick, were appointed to establish rates of licenses and
decide what businesses should be licensed.
License fees for a year were established as follows, livery
stable, $20; drayman, $5; billiard hall, $20; and butchers, $10.
A tax of $1 per head was assessed on all owners of dogs. A
new dog would be taxed $2.
JUNE 1872 - What was then known as Third St. was
scheduled for grading 2'^ blocks east from what was then
Erie St. and two culverts installed. A poll tax of $2 per day for
three days was levied. Compensation for draymen hauling
within the corporate limited was set at 25 cents per load.
The street commissioner's salary was fixed at $2.50 per
day worked. Licenses for shows were $5 and each side show
$3 each for 2 shows each; auctioneer's license was $10 a year;
peddlers $2 for two weeks or $3 for one month and $2 a month
The first wooden sidewalks were built in 1872. They were
constructed of one inch lumber with three stringers 2x6 inch,
one foot wide and running lengthwise and were 18 inches off
the ground.
Application was made for the first beer license on July 8,
1872. No action was taken by the trustees.
The first sidewalk ordinance was adopted July 23, 1872.
Another ordinance adopted the same date prohibitied trains
blocking railroad crossings for more than 15 minutes at any
one time, (note: Later amended to five minutes.)
JULY 29, 1872 - A petition was presented by 32 voters
requesting the president and board to call an election for the
purpose of voting for or against incorporation under the act
of the Legislation approved April 19, 1872. The election was
posted for August 19, 1872, to be held at Ring and Collier
Hardware Store. Twenty - five votes were cast in the election.
All voted for incorporation.
In other action on July 29, 1872, a license and ordinance
doing the research.)
was adopted granting drug stores and druggists licenses "to
sell liquors for medicinal and sacramental purposes on the
prescription of a regarded practicing physician." They were
required to keep a register of such prescriptions. Violaters
would be fined $25 and imprisoned until such time as fine
was paid i not to exceed 6 months for any one violation).
Dogs running loose presented a problem then as they do
now lOtf years later. A motion was made and adopted that all
dogs found running at large within the corporate limits
without being muzzled "are hereby declared a nuisance and
that any person finding such dogs running at large be
authorized to kill them."
Charles H. Yeomans was employed as corporation at-
torney August 19, 1872. In other action, a bill for digging the
first well was presented for $17 - but trustees would only
allow $15.
ORDINANCE NO. 1 of the city was for sidewalk con-
AUGUST 28, 1872 - The amount of $500 was set for general
taxation for village purposes. (Note: By 1878, the tax levy
was $8000.)
IN 1873, the poll tax was raised to $4 for three days work.
The clerk's salary was $50 a year if ordinances were
published - $70 if they were written and posted. The street
commissioner got $2.50 per day. His duties included in-
specting all chimneys and flues in the village and order such
repai red if needed as well as remove all combustible rubbish.
Committees were named for Fire and Water, Streets and
Alleys, as well as a Fire Marshall back in those days - just as
we do now.
The problems of sidewalks seemed to come up at almost
every meeting. Each person had to apply for a permit to
construct a walk by his home or place of business. Each was
acted on by the trustees.
IN 1874 the clerk's salary was lowered to $40 a year. The
street commissioner's salary was reduced to $2 per day.
Clerks and judges at elections received $2. C. H. Yeomans,
city attorney, received one - half the fines collected as his
pay. That year the city had a street scraper constructed. The
appropriation ordinance was $1300. A tax of $1200 was levied
on the town.
AN ORDINANCE was passed prohibiting firecrackers.
IN 1875 - the poll tax was $3 for three days work. All people
conducting a permanent business were required to pay a
license fee fixed by the trustees. An ordinance was passed
August 2, 1875, closing business houses on Sundays, with the
exception of drug stores. The fine for violation was $100.
Water was first supplied by use of a wind mill. In Sep-
tember 1875, the shaft was ordered removed from the wind
mill and the well in front of Union Hall was put in good order
and a pump was purchased.
The problem with railroads in regard to keeping up their
This page sponsored by
City of Gibson
crossings in the village was the topic at many meetings.
Even in 1971. the city council has this topic on its agenda
many times.
APRIL 18, I87fi - Another liquor ordinance was drawn up
for the sale of "malt and vinous liquors" and the fee was
fixed at $1000 per year.
OCTOBER 9, 1876 - J. D. Mellinger's Addition was annexed
to the city There were three liquor licenses in force at that
time. These people asked that the fee be reduced, but it was
JANUARY 2. 1877 - A committee was appointed to produce
street lamps. On February 12. 1877, the committee on lamps
reported to the trustees and were ordered to purchase 10
lamps for the town.
The first board of health was appointed Dec. 23, 1881.
OCTOBER 28. 1889 ■ A committee was appointed to in-
vestigate electric lights for the town. Committee named were
Worrell, Rockwood and Ross.
NOVEMBER 11, 1889 ■ Electric lights were installed with a
2 - mile circuit for $1500. On the same date bids were taken for
printing city reports, etc. E. Lowery bid 3 cents per line or $12
per year ; P. A. Coal of the Enterprise bid 2 cents per line, for
treasurer's report 24 cents per 100 words. Coal's bid was
AUGUST 23, 1894 - Ordinance was passed for construction
of water works and bonds issued in the amount of $7800 - rate
was 5 percent, 20 - year maturity, $1000 each.
APRIL 24, 1894 - Ordinance passed changed name of the
town from Village of Gibson to that of a city under the
general incorporation act of the State of Illinois in regard to
cities and village in force July 1, 1872. The ordinance
specified that the government consist of a mayor, six
aldermen, a city clerk, a city treasurer and a city attorney.
This was passed and printed in Gibson Enterprise May 24,
JULY 30, 1895 - The city was divided into three wards
(there arc now 4 wards). At that date most old ordinances
were cancelled and new ones written. A new seal was pur-
chased and license fees revised.
MAY 29, 1899 - First brick sidewalk ordinance was passed.
An ordinance for concrete sidewalks was passed on May 10.
1904. Streets were re - numbered north and from center of
Lake Erie & Western Railroad south from same point.
In 1903 Dix Telephone Co. came to Gibson City with
telephone service. In 1904 Gibson Home Telephone Co.
replaced them.
JULY 24, 1906 - First fire department under city super-
\-ision was organized.
Members of the new fire company named on August 28,
1906 were George Woolley, Ford Curtis. Steve Huffman,
(assistant chief). Will Kashner. George Offner (treasurer)
Ike McLaughlin (captain Hose Co No. 1). Jno. Robbins. A!
Mix. Chief Morris Emmons. Will Bolton and John Smith.
Constitution and by - laws adopted for their regulation at this
On September 1 1 , 1906 the following names were submitted
and accepted for membership in the volunteer fire depart-
ment: Lawrence Fitzhenry, N. Mitchell, Ed Phares, Ed
Ashley, Henry Rick, Alf Jennings (Capt. Hose Co. No. 2t and
Charles Clark (secretary). Later on March 12. 1907. the
following names were added to the department: Bryan
Emmons, Ross Connors, Charles Ashly, Bart Wright and
Claud Simmons.
On April 30, 1907, a motion was passed to construct a tennis
court in the city park. It would be located at the southside or
southeast corner of the park.
JUNE 11. 1907 - Noble Bros, were granted permission to
build a 2 - story addition of galvanized iron to their building
on North Sangamon. The elevator still stands at this location.
SEPTEMBER 10. 1907 - George Wood was appointed street
commissioner The State Board of Health requested that the
pond in the park be drained. A drainage district was talked
about but not enough people signed the petition, therefore,
the city had to proceed to do this job.
FIRST WATER METERS - Ordinance passed August 13.
1907. effective Jan. 1. 1908. The meters were provided by
consumer according to city specifications. They were also
purchased through the city. First water rates were 2 cents
per 100 gallons or a minimum bill of $2 per term of six
months All meters were turned over to the city by the con-
sumers in 1930 as so many were in need of extensive repair.
On and after August 1. 1909. the water rates or water taxes
were collected quarterly, falling due the first day of the
following months: April. July. October and January.
Quarterly rates for water used was set.
J S. Robbins applied for the first bowling license on
December 28, 1909. Eighty - two people signed a petition
asking for a bowling alley. The application was denied.
ON MARCH 6. 1911. the following action was taken:
"Whereas William Moyer did on the 13th day of February.
1911, donate to the city of Gibson $14,000 with which to pur-
chase a site for and erect a free public library building for
use and benefit of the City of Gibson (such library to be
known as the William Moyer Library), the following board of
directors for the new library were appointed by Mayor Hi
Arrowsmith: S. J. LeFevre, Evan Mattinson, C. E. Lowery,
J. Y Shamel, W H. Simms. Honorable J. H Collier. L. E.
Rockwood. J. W. McCall and Honorable A L. Phillips."
JUNE 2.5. 1912 - Marshall Stephens reported complaints of
a dog poisoner being around.
SEPT. 22. 1914 - The pot belly stove gave way to furnace
heat in the city hall.
1916 - The Wilkinson building was built.
LotI Boulevard was paved in 1922. Originally named Lott
Sired, it was rename(i in April. 1923.
Mayor and commission type of government was adopted
Mav 7. 1923
The pavilion in ihe north park was originally owned by the
Chalauqua Association. They gave it to the city by resolution
on Septennber 24, 1929. for the indebtedness of $250
Cars once parked in the middle of Sangamon Ave This was
changed to side parking m October 19'!0
Parking meters (235 of themi were installed in the fall of
1949. During the first few years this revenue supported the
police department
The sewage disposal plant was built in 1953 - 54 at a total
cost of $183,671 32, plus cost of land which was $8,000.
former owner of the Gibson Iron Works and Anderson
Welding and Machine Shop located on East 8th St
The large oil painting of a stag which hangs in the council
room was presented to the city shortly after completion of the
new building by Frank Hunt, jr The painting originally hung
m what was known as the Lotus Club in the early days of the
During the winter of 1970 and spring of 1971, the old fire
station was remodeled into a new council room and an office
tor I he mayor The former council room will be the new city
clerk's office and the police department will be located in the
former city clerk's office.
The tire department is now located in the "old Royal
building" connected to the city building on the east. The city
purchased I his building several years ago.
MELLINGER'S PARK (commonly called the north park)
was given to the city by J. D. Mellinger in 1905. He was an
early settler in Gibson City. Fireplaces were placed in this
park first in May, 1924.
LeFEVRE PARK, located just north of "the United
Methodist Church, was created by Ordinance No. 1020 on
March 13. 1917.
ARROWSMITH PARK (known as the south park) was
given to the city in August 1925 by H. P. Arrowsmith.
LOWRY PARK located on the west side of the city was
given to the city by Mrs. Elizabeth Lowry Elkin in the fall of
1%7 to be used as a playground for children.
The first city hall was located on the south half of Lot 3,
Block 11. Original Town of Gibson (where the vacant First
National Bank parking lot is now located). The building was *
constructed in 1873.
Behind it stood the old frame jail house built in 1874 by Jens
Rasmussen. It measured 14 feet by 24 feet and cost $165.
The city hall property was sold Sept. 26, 1905, by bids. High
bidder was J. M Baily for $3002.
A new city building was erected on the site of the present
building. The contract for the building was awarded to I. S.
Shaw. His bid was $7252. Completion date was 120 days. Bids
were opened Oct. 5, 1905. Paul O. Moratz was the architect.
The fire department room was to be sealed with yellow pine
boards, upper floors to be double, first layer being rough and
laid diagonally; copper gutters instead of tin; brick to be
Bloomington brick or "any brick just as good."
The building was destroyed by fire Feb. 11, 1937 - the day
of the annual Firemen's Ball. After fire destroyed the
building, the City Council met on the first floor of the old
Illinois Bell Telephone Office then located on East 8th St.
Bonds were issued in the amount of $21,000 to finance the
cost of a new building. The architect for the present building
was Aschauer & Waggoner. Bonds were sold on June 11, 1937,
payable over 10 years at 3' 2 percent interest.
The contract was let in September 19:?7 for $21,625. The
contractor was J. W. Montgomery of Danville. Plumbing,
heating and wiring contract was awarded to Lester Ping for
$3,849. Final payment was made in March 1938, upon com-
pletion and approval of the contract.
The bronze plaque which hangs in the hall of the city
building was presented to the city by John V. Anderson,
This City Hall was destroyed by fire on Feb. 11, 1937.
The Gibson Community Hospital is a 59 bed general
hospital operated in conjunction with the Gibson Community
Hospital Annex, a 26 bed nursing home.
The hospital was originally opened in 1952 (after its charter
in 1946) as a 50 bed institution. An addition completed in 1963
increased its capacity to the present total of 85 beds.
The Gibson Community Hospital and Annex are licensed
by the Illinois State Board of Health and are both accredited
by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals. The
hospital is a member of the American Hospital Association,
the Illinois Hospital Association, a Blue Cross hospital and is
certified for Medicare patients.
One hundred twenty ■ five employees participate in patient
care either directly or indirectly in the hospital or annex. All
general hospital facilities are provided such as laboratory, x-
ray, surgery, maternity, nursing, acute care, post anesthesia
recovery, inhalation therapy, physical therapy, etc. Con-
tinuing efforts have been made through the years to add new
facilities and upgrade all sections of the hospital and annex.
A total of 12. physicians and dentists representing Gibson
City, Bellflower, Colfax, Paxton, Roberts, Saybrook, Sibley,
and Champaign are on the active staff of the hospital with
another 19 physicians and surgeons from various cities in
central Illinois serving on the consulting staff.
The Gibson Community Hospital and Annex is a tribute to
the courage, faith and concern for people felt by the citizenry
living in the Gibson community.
T D. Spalding (1872)
J. H. Collier (1873)
S. J. LeFevre (1874)
George Mullendore (1875)
C. C. Grim (1876)
A. Crabbs (1877)
James E. Crammond (1878)
Wm. Cornell Jr. (1879)
A. Crabbs (1880 - 81)
G. D Spauding (1882)
G. S. Egglestone (1883)
J E. Crammond (1884-85)
O H Damon (1886)
J E Crammond (1887 - 88)
Dr. T R. Wiley (1889)
T. D. Spalding (1890 - 93)
John H. Holmes (1893 - 94)
On May 22, 1894, an ordinance was passed and approved by
the president and board of trustees of the village of Gibson,
declaring the City of Gibson duly incorporated, and called for
a special election for the election of a mayor, city council,
city clerk, city attorney and city treasurer for the ensuing
year and for the appointment of .judges and clerks of said
The question for city organization was submitted to voters
a( an election held April 17, 1894 "in the manner provided by
law. and the majority of votes cast at .said election were for
city organization under the general law."
The president nf the village at thai lime was J. H Holmes
Trustees were J. C Thornton, Timothy Ross, E. H Harry, W.
A Hoover and Fred Kesting. Judges for the election of
Gibson City's first mayor, six aldermen, city clerk, city
atlorney and city treasurer were John W. Ewing. James
Kobhins and Jacob W. Preston. Clerks were Henry C.
Johnson and Amos Ball.
T. D. Spalding (1894-95)
O. H. Damon (1895-96)
EH. Harry (1897-98)
J. K. Jones (1899 - 1900)
0. H. Damon (1901 - 02)
Jacob Roth (1903 - 06)
C. W. Knapp (1907 - 08)
H P Arrowsmith (1909 - 10)
John T. Swanson (1911 - 14)
William Noble (1915 - 17)
resigned Dec. 1918
EH Harry (unexpired term of Wm. Noble) (1918)
G W. Merritt (1919 died May 1920)
Dr Frank Hunt (1920 - 22)
Peter Scheriz (1923 - 26)
Dr. Frank Hunt (1927- 28)
F P Johnson ( 1929 - died August 1930; H. C, Krudup mayor
pro-lem )
H. C Krudup ( 1930 - 39 - Frank Hunt Jr. mayor pro - tem )
Frank Hunt Jr. (Sept 1939 - May 1944, R. J. Knapp, mayor
pro - tem )
Robert J Knapp ( 1945 - 49)
Elmer E .Swanslrom (1949 - 53)
Henry Hagcr (1953 resigned Feb. 59, W. A. O'Neal, mayor
pro lem )
Clifford L Shaner ( May 1959 special election - 61 )
David S. Stoker (1961 - 65)
Charles H Crowley (1965 - 69) Leiand Bush, mayor protem
from May to July 1969)
Donald E Craig (.July 1969, special election)
Those of us who do not know intimately the history of
Gibson City, perhaps wonder when the idea of having a pubUc
library in Gibson first had its inception. There are on file at
the library, some of the first certificates issued by the Gibson
Library Association dated June 24, 1876. Only one other
enterprise in Gibson has longer standing - the Gibson City
The data concerning the work of this library association
isn't very definite but the best that could be learned from the
records is that it was carried on under great difficulties, no
permanent quarters being available. The first stock of books
were housed in Dr. Water's office, a building in the block now
occupied by the present library.
The first Gibson Library Association carried on from 1876
probably until 1890. The association issued a catalogue in 1879
listing some 300 volumes. Another catalogue issued in 1883
listed some 400 volumes. Mr. Lowry says, in the letter from
which this material is taken, that it was his privilege to be
librarian on Saturday afternoons when he did the most solid
reading of his lifetime. From 1890 to 1900, the library was in
the care of the local Y.M.C.A. and was housed in an upstairs
room over the Kash and Karry Store, that is now the south
part of Cornie's shoe store.
About 1905 the library was moved to the Burwell Opera
House, now the Masonic Lodge. During these years no
regular librarian was in charge. From this time for several
years it was housed in different places, notably the Higgin's
photograph studio in the McClure Block, this is now where
the buildings were burned and torn down and is now an
empty parking lot. The old Library Association name still
Early in the winter of 1911 it was disclosed that William
Moyer, one of the early settlers, left Gibson $14,000 to be used
for the benefit of the city. It was decided to build a library for
the city and a lot was secured at a cost of $4,400 from the
father of Mrs. Chloe Rady Barrow. The rest of the money was
to be put into the building and equipment. When the old
library association turned over its books to the Wm. Moyer
Library, named after its donor, there were between five and
six hundred volumes.
The original Wm. Moyer Library was torn down because it
had been condemned by the state and the new library, under
the name of Moyer Library was built. It took five years and
two bond issues to get sufficient funds to build the present
library. During those five years the library was housed in the
V.F.W. building just south of the railroad on Lott Boulevard.
In 1962, the library moved into its new building and
celebrated with a grand opening. In this centennial year,
1971, Moyer Library has over 14,000 volumes. Gibson City has
had library service for over 95 years - from 1876 to 1971. Now
even better service is possible because of the library's
membership in the Lincoln Trails Library System. This
makes possible not only many more books but also films,
records and pictures.
The regular librarians since the first library building have
been Mrs. Lucy Culter from 1912 to 1949. Mrs. Charlotte
McClure assisted and was librarian for a time. She was
succeeded by Mrs. Mary Kay Barton Edwards. The present
staff at Moyer Library consists of Mrs. James Hartford,
librarian, Mrs. RuthSwanson, Mrs. James Mitchell and Mrs.
James Kidd.
The present library board consists of W. Thos. Francis,
president; Larry Swartzell, v. president; Mrs. Jon Hunt,
secretary; Richard Moody, treasurer; Mrs. E. C. Bucher;
Mrs. John Noble; Richard Kemple; Mrs. David Kramer and
Dr. T. Q. Swanson.
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0/ 0y'^yy~/>o toiitiiii, 'Jl/itioh, M ilie jSwinr and laider of am r)ftate
of cVoci,- in Hic GIBSON LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, Mibjecf h a/f the
voKdilioiiA iiiiJ tii'iiit of liJiiyfei of AuiJ M'^i:!;. a^ pioi'iJcJ ti( (lie toiiAiiiuiion and
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H'lfiiiss till /111/14' iif till- Seriiliiru. mill Ihr efirinirnlr Snil ^f said SssociatiDii . this
e^ w^
View of city some years ago taken from top of Central Soya bins.
A Christinas season scene years ago. Smaller lighted trees decorated the sidewalks.
Old street scene showing Moyer fountain
The pavilion in (he North Park is the scene of
many family fialheiings and hand concerts in the
siimmerlinie. The old dirt floor was covered with
blacktop in I!m;s. The project was sponsored by
the .lavcees.
The pavilion at the north park was originally owned by a
f^roup called the Chautauqua Association. The association
fjave it to the City by resolution September 24, 1929, for the
indebtedness of $250.
The original resolution read as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen,
City of Gibson, State of Illinois:
At an official meeting of the members of the Gibson City
Chautauqua A.ssociation, held in the Chautauqua Pavilion in
the City of Gibson and State of Illinois, on the evening of
Monday, September 2.3, 1929, a resolution was passed and
adopted by a majority of the members and a majority of all
outstanding stock, by virtue of which the Chautauqua
Pavilion, located on City Park Ground, is tendered to the City
of Gibson, to become its exclusive property, to be maintained
by the City for the public pruposes for which it was erected,
and such purposes as in the judgment of the City Council are
for the benefit of the community
This action was taken by the Chautauqua Association to
preserve and perpetuate this unique and valuable property
for the benefit and enjoyment of the community, and to serve
as a gathering place for functions which can be ac-
commodated in no other enclosures in the community, and
with I he undei-s landing that the only reimbursement asked of
the city will be the payment of the present small in-
debtedness of the Association, amounting to the sum of about
The tender of this property is made to your honorable body
with the hope that it will receive your favorable con-
Presented by
J. T. Swanson,
Dr. Geo. A. Wash,
W. S. Lamb,
C. E. Lowry,
L. E. Rockwood,
Dr R. N. Lane,
Resolutions Committee.
C. E. Lowry,
President Chautauqua Ass'n
Bryson Strauss,
Acting Secretary.
The people of this communiK' may well be proud of ihi'
beautiful, well kept cemten.' on the knoll at the southwest
edge of our city Jonathan B Lolt. the Founder of Cibson. in
1870 planned to build his house on the site, but decided the
location would be the best in the \illage lor a burial ground
\ie built his house on what was to be named Sangamon
In 1874 he deeded 10 acres of land on the •hill" to Drummer
Township for a Burying Ground with the pro\ ision that an
assiKiation be formed and trustees elected to supervise the
management of the cemetery and a lax be le\ied lo maintain
it. This plan has been followed since that lime
The original cemetery was laid out with a circular dirve
around the hill and the "Soldier's Circle" given the place of
honor at the top of the hill. In the cente of the Circle Lott
Post. No 70. Grand Army of the Republic, placed a large
cannon and a parrot gun with a number of shells which they
received from the United States government Fortress
Monroe A flagpole was erected beside the cannon. This was
dedicated to the soldiers at a ceremony on Memorial Day
May 30. 1898. A circle of Civil War veterans graves surrounds
the cannon.
The first burial in the cemetery was that of Mrs. Mary
Bowkerwhodiedat her farm home south of town on Januarv^
R. 1876.
The original plot of ground has been enlarged several
limes and now consists of approximately 40 acres, extending
from the pine trees on the north to Routes 54-47 on the south
and to Route 47 on the west. Several new drives have been
constructed and plantings of evergreens and shrubbery-
added. Many of the old trees were destroyed in the tornado of
a few years ago.
The old cemetery record books show only the name of the
purchaser of the lot. hence graves of the early settlers are
often hard to lex-ate If there is no marker Better records are
now kept
The first burying ground for this area was on the .Andrew
Jordan farm In ihe 1880 s ihe marked graves from there
were moved lo thi' new town cemetery Where no relatives
could be contacted, a section in the cemetery was ':i'' aside
for those gra\ es Some of the markers were of wood .md long
since unreadable
During the summer of 1962, the members of the Govenor
Thomas Ford Chapter of the Daughters of the American
Revolution conducted a complete survpy of every cemetery
in Ford County and recorded the readable inscriptions on the
markers and tombstones in each one There were over :i700 of
these in Drummer Township Cemetery at that time Twenty
five or so were unreadable
Six books were printed with these listings. There is one in
Moyer Library in Gibson City with the records of Ihe local
cemetery also of Mt Hope Cemetery in Sibley. Waggoner,
Flliolt, Wallace, Pontoppidan, Meharry, Farmersville, Ten
Mile Grove, Pleasant Grove and Mt. Olivet Cemeteries
There are 60 marked Civil War Veterans graves, five
Spanish American War ones, and about 70 World War I
Veteran's graves. Not all the veteran's graves may have
been marked.
Until recent years flags and flowers were placed or
veteran's graves for Memorial Day. There has always beei
Memorial Day services conducted by Veterans organization;
starting almost a century ago when the grand army o
Republic men returned from the Civil War honored theii
soldier dead. This has been continued through the vears b\
the men who have come home from the Spanish-Americar
War, World War I, World War II, Ihe Korean Conflict anc
Vietnam War. The American Legion and Veterans of Foreigr
Wars are carrying on with this time honored tradition.
Soldiers' Monument, Gibson City, III
Soldier's Monument
Volunteer firemen of 1883
ij N :
rebuilt, bet.er than before ^ determination of these pioneers, the businesses were always
Gibson City Fire Department float in Corn Carnival parade.
Members of the Gibson City Band as they appeared the day before Decoration Day, May, 1910. Front
row. seated from left: Charles l.owery. Bill Ricks. Clyde Smith (leader). John Christensen and
Raymond Green: .'nd row. from left: Hugh Bell. (?) .Swartsley, Earl Coal, Jule Paxton, Jim Mitchell,
Kdward Augspurger (?i Paxton and unidentified. Third row, from left: (?) Bland, Ira Munsen. Mike
Huffman and Ralph Huffman.
Country lane near Gibson City, III.
Of the 102 counties in Illinois. Ford County was the last to
be organized. It has an odd shape because it was founded
from land taken from Vermillion and other surrounding
counties. It was named in honor of the eighth governor of
Illinois, Thomas Ford and was created a county by act of the
legislature on February 17, 1869.
The first settlers in Ford County located at Trinkle's Grove
near Paxton in 1835 before the county was organized. There
are twelve townships in Ford County -- Patton, Drummer,
Rogers, Brenton, Button, Dix, Wall, Pella, Mona, Lyman.
Sullivant. and Peach Orchard. Drummer Township was
second organized -- in 1858, and is said to have taken its name
from the little grove called Drummer Grove which lies about
a mile northwest of the present Gibson City. The grove is
said to have been named for Thomas Cheney's hunting dog,
Drummer; so called because he was good at "drumming up
wild game."
The first settler in the Gibson City vicinity was Andrew
Jordan who came here in 1851. In 1855, a Dr. Davis settled at
Drummer Grove where he pursued farming and also prac-
ticed his profession. Thomas Stephens settled on land in the
southern part of Drummer Township in the early 1850's and
engaged in extensive livestock raising during the first year,
later in raising flax and corn.
A little later came Sam LeFevre, J. H. Dungan and
Leonard Pierpont. who settled near what was to become the
village of Gibson
In a short time the Canterbury, McClure, McKeever and
Weakman families came. Settlers had to drive to Paxton or
to Chatsworth to market their produce, get their mail, and
buy their supplies.
The dairy of an early Ford County settler describes Illinois
in the I850's. "It was not a barren waste. It was a bleak, cold
waste in the winter time. The snow went the way the wind
took it as far as it wanted to go and the tumble weeds also;
but in the summer time it was all grass and flowers; the tall
grass, when the wind blew, was like waves of the sea,
beautiful to behold. You could see as far as the strength of the
eye would permit. If you knew where you wanted to go, you
had nothing to do but start out and go. There were no roads or
hedges as there are now, but look out for the ponds of water,
you would be into one before you knew it. The grass would be
higher than your heads and it would be lots more trouble
getting out of it than in it. The country was mostly given over
to grazing. Cattle were fattened on grass and driven to
Chicago or to eastern points for market. Settlers had a hard
time to keep the deer and cattle from their little corn pat-
Jonathan B. Lott, Civil War veteran, in 1869, purchased the
town site of Gibson City from Jesse B. Whitehead of
Chicago, and in February, 1970, the land was surveyed for a
mile square. Lott built his home here, and Gibson City had its
inception. Mr. Lott named the village Gibson in honor of his
wife. Margaret Gibson. Later the "City" was added to
distinguish it from Gilson, Illinois. With the help of influential
friends, he succeeded in having the surveys of three railways
changed to come through his town, a great task for any one
man at any time.
The first commercial business done in the city was by
William Moyer, who opened a grain office in December, 1870.
Wilson Brothers opened a general store in June. 1871. In the
same month came H. J Collier. T. D. Spalding opened a
lumber yard near the crossing of the railroads. M T. Burwell
established the first bank in 1872. the .same year the first
paper The Enterprise was published in Gibson City.
The village was incorporated in 1872, with T D Spalding,
J. H. Collier, S. J. LeFevre, Bruce McCormick and W. T.
Kerr as trustees, with Spalding ser\'ing as the first mayor.
The first wedding was that of Miss Hattie Gibson, a sister
of Mrs. Lott, to Bruce McCormick. The first girl born in
Gibson was Maude Lott, a niece of J. B. Lott. Harry Spalding,
son of T. D. Spalding, was the first boy. Methodist built the
first church in town and were soon followed by the Cum-
berland Presbyterians, United Brethren and Catholics.
In January, 1883, Gibson City had a destructive fire which
burned most of the west side of the street,. but in six months
time brick structures had replaced the wooden ones. The
most pretentious building was the Opera House owned by M.
T. Burwell. It is now the Masonic Lodge Hall, and in those
early days was said to be the finest opera house in the state
outside of Chicago. It boasted a stage, scenery, drop cur-
tains, and was lighted by gas.
The water works were built in 1895 at a cost of $30,000. It
was a gala day for Gibson when the three large fountains
donated to the town were unveiled and the water turned on.
The large fountain at Sangamon and Ninth Streets was given
by William Moyer; the one in front of the Post office by
Mattinson, Wilson and Company; and the fountain at the
library corner was the gift of 0. H. Damon. October 8, 1895
was declared a holiday; the schools were closed and the
water was turned on and played against the side of a building
to show the people how high it would go. There was a parade
and speeches. Then everybody went to a vacant lot where a
huge bonfire had been kindled. The firemen came with their
hose, turned on the water and put out the fire.
When building in the village began the slough grass, a
particularly tough, strong grass grew several feet high: often
it would grow as high as a horse. Weeds flourished in (he
swampy ground. For many years there was trouble with
water and mud and in the western part of the village it was .^
necessary in flood times to rescue people with horses.
There were no churches, no schoolhouses, no colleges to
speak of, for miles from the settlement. There were only a
half dozen or more families on all the surrounding prairie.
Such was the land.scape, such the conditions thai invited
these early settlers.
Game was plentiful, such as deer, wild hogs, wild turkeys,
geese, prairie chickens and wild ducks, which provided meat
for the families for quite a period ahead.
And even under these primitive conditions, the settlement
thrived and others began to come And this, when spring
opened up In full blast, these settlers were more than plea.sed
with the prospects before Ihem.
Of course, there were plenty of discouragements too. as the
ague was bad. rattlesnakes plentiful, flies simply fierce,
especially which was known as (he "green heads," that set
the horse frantic, yet, with all this these settlers persevered.
always looking on I he bright side
The first person buried in the new cemetary was Mrs.
Mary S. Bowker She died .Jan. 8, 1876 and was buried on the
beautiful knoll southwest of Ihe village where wild deer had
roamed only a few years before
The first trees were planted in Gibson City in May 1879.
These were planted by a .) W Moore. .500 trees of Ihe
following varieties
2(MI Box Riders 12' lo 15' high
liKiAsh «• to 10' high
UK) Kim 8' lo 10' high
:i(iLmden 8' loll)' high
20 European Mountain Ash 8' to 10' high
50 Evergreens, assorted 6' to 8' high
50 Ornamental trees and shrubs such as weeping ash,
willow, poplar.
The sum paid was $150.00, payable as follows when trees
are planted and in good condition $65.00; when the said 500
trees are found to be growing and in healthy condition
$40.00; when said trees leaf out in the spring of 1880 and are
found to be growing and in good condition the balance of
A team of coal-black horses was used to pull the fire engine in
the early days of the Gibson City Volunteer Fire Department.
In the background is the old city hall which was destroyed by
fire F'ebruary n. 19.37. It was built in 1906. The picture was
furnished by long - time volunteer fireman. Frank Cooper.
He thought the picture was taken sometime in the I92n's.
A line of buggies filled with mourners were included in the
funeral procession for Dr. F.O. Culter. The Knights of
Templers of Paxton, wearing plumed hats, marched in
the procession.
One of the city's most impressive funeral processions took place in 1908 upon
the death of Dr. F.O. Culter. W.S. Lamb can be seen on the hearse at left.
Members of the Masonic Lodge walked behind the hearse.
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Jonalhan B Lolt, Civil War veieran. in 18f,<i. purchased Ihe
iownsilci)('(Jibsnn City from J'jssr H W'hiifl.cnd til Chicago
and in February, 187(i. iho land was >u-vcved. for a mile
s()uare. Loll hiiill his home here, and fJihson City had its
Because Ihe original town was plaled and l:iid out by Lott,
it was named after his widow, M:irgaret A Gibson, whom he
married in 18(i7 In making application for a pcj.M oflice of the
same name, thai department added thr U' id "city" to the
original name because of thesiniilani> wiih (iilson. 111.
The first store was operated by Wilson Brothers, but soon
such men as J. H. Ring, J H Collier, and T. D. Spalding
joined in the ranks of business men. However, the first
commercial business done in town was a grain elevator
owned by William Mnyer. one nf the city's first inhabitants.
Me started his business in 1870 and soon reached the distinc-
tion of being the wealthiest man in town
C. H Yftemans was the city's first lawyer: Dr. Anderson,
the first physician; J. E. Cruzcn the first post master; andM.
T Burwell the first banker. The first paper published in
Gibson City was the Enterprise, by N. E. Stevens, in 1872, and
after going through several hands, the paper finally came to
the Lowry family. Methodists built the first church in town
and were followed by the Cumberland Presbyterians, United
Brethren and Catholics. The village was incorporated in
1872, with T. D. Spalding, J. H. Collier, S. J. LeFevre, Bruce
McCormick, and W. T. Kerr as trustees. A little later
Spalding served as the city's first mayor. A few years later,
in 1874, there was erected Ihe finest school building in the
county with a capacity of 300 students. Another school
building with a capacity of 100 was erected eight years later.
Both of these buildings were destroyed by fire in 1912 and the
present grade school and the Drummer Township High
School were erected the same year.
On January 29, 188.3, the town was visited by a fire which
swept away in the course of a few hours about $50,000 worth
of property. It was here the enterprising spirit of the citizens
showed itself, for in less than a month after the fire workmen
were busy rebuilding, and soon had erected 12 new brick
stores and other improvements at a cost of nearly $80,000. It
was at this time that M. T. Burwell's opera hall was erected
which was made famous at that time because the entire
building — hall, stage and footlights — was lighted by gas.
The city's waterworks was dedicated in 1895, the city's 25th
anniversary, and the first pump had a capacity of 1,500,000
gallons every 24 hours.
The first railroad through Gibson City was the Gilman.
Clinton and Springfield, now operated by the Illinois Central
which was buill in 1871, and was followed the same year by
the I.alayelle, Bloomington & Mississippi (now Norfolk &
Wi'<)(rn Peori.i brandv \m regular 'rams were run until
ilir inll.iui.^ spring. The Chicago and Paducah. now Ihe
■Nnrliilk & W.-siern - Decatur branch, was buili through
(iibson <"ii\ m 1874.
II was in Ibis year that the Swedish delegation of settlers
began to arrive in Gibson City. An agreement was made with
the Illinois Central Railroad that these new arrivals should
settle on the land Ihat the railroad company had for sale in
consideration of which the company would give Ihe Swedish
.Auguslana College at Paxton a commission of one dollar per
acre on every acre sold to Ihe Swedish settlers.
The first town meeting was held in Guthrie hall, then in
Union hall, moved after that to Burwell's opera house, and
finally, in 1906. Ihe city hall was built. Just a few years after
Ihe erection of the city hall, the William Moyer library was
erected The building was begun in 1911 and completed in
1912 and was made possible by a donation of $14,000 by
William Moyer,
Bruce McCormick, the first happy bridegroom of Gibson
City, married Miss Hattie Gibson in 1872. The first child born
here was Maude Lolt, daughter of J R. and Ollie. born in
1873 Fred Spalding, the first boy born in Gibson, was later
killed in an explosion at the canning factory. The first school
in town was taught by Miss Caroline Williams. Mr. C. H.
■^'eomans was the first lawyer; Dr. Anderson was the first
physician; J. E. Cruzen was Ihe first postmaster; M. T.
Burwell was the first banker; and J. H. Collier and Austin
Crabbs were among the first prominent business men.
Corn and oats in the early days of Gibson sold for 15 cents
per bushel, with eggs at 3 cents per dozen. The first store was
run by Wilson Bros. Their stock was small and settlers rode
on horseback or walked to Paxton and Saybrook for supplies.
The first paper published in Gibson was the Gibson En-
terprise, published by N. E. Stevens in the spring of 1872. In
the fall of 1873 the paper was purchased by Walter Huge who
changed Ihe name to the Gibson Courier. In 1875 Mr. E.
Lowry became the owner and editor, selling in 1884 to M. F.
Cunningham and John C. Malloy. In 1897 he repurchased it
and it was later published by his sons. The paper is now-
published by Kramer Publishing Co.
In 1885 the first iron foundry was started by E H. Harry. In
the same year a group of men started a canning factory here.
A tile factory began operation by Andrew Jordan on his farm
just southeast of town. In 1890 a novelty factory was started
by Mr. Spalding and Mr. Eggleston. In 1893 a cigar factory
was started by Mr. 0. J. Phillips. In 1900 Mr. George Wood
started a washing machine factory which later became a
broom factory. In 1901 a shoe factory was located here.
(From City Directory, published by City of Gibson and
sponsored by Gibson Chamber of Commerce in late 1940's.)
Gibson City, III. in 1885. The village was
founded by Jonathan B. Lott in I87n and
was named for his wife, Margaret
Gibson. McCabe Meat Market shown at
right and old town pump and horse
trough. Rev. D. O. Oiffin and family, a
I'. B. minister is shown in the spring
wagon at the left. Notice the board
awnings and high board side walks.
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JUNE 1947
John Myers, now a resident of Kcntutk> . ulls that in 1836.
he in company with his brother, Ephnam Myers, came from
Kentucky to explore this part of Illinois
They traveled on foot by way of Rantoul with the mtention
of reaching the settlement of Cheney's Grove (now
In the course of their wanderings, they joined Tom Cheney,
who was riding a horse and was accompanied by his dog,
which he called Drummer because he was good at 'drum-
ming up wild game'.
When they reached what is now Drummer Grove, they
discovered traces of wild hogs at the north end of the grove.
They fired into the bunch and succeeded in killing two of
Ihem Afterward a deer was seen across the prairie. Cheney
left his horse and the dog in charge of John and started out on
foot to track down the deer. When he was almost close
enough lo shoot it. the dog became restless, broke loose, and
see^pg the deer, immediately gave chase, frightening the
deer so that it escaped before the hunter could fire a shot.
When Tom Cheney came back to the Myer's men, he said
that he would like lo shoot that dog for playing such a trick,
and he did just that, right then and there!
Ephriam immediately suggested that they name the grove
Drummer Grove, in honor of the dog, and so it has been from
that day ' this, 135 years ago.
Drummer Grove was to the youth of the village what the
Lake of the Woods is to the young people of our town today, a
place to go for outings, a place to spend a few hours away
from the streets of the town, the school room, and the routine
of daily life. The older folk of those early days enjoyed a trip
lo the grove also. It meant a new hours in the shade of trees,
missing in the treeless village, and the sound of running
water, which many had enjoyed in their former homes.
The name Drummer was honored in other ways: Drummer
Township. Drummer Township Cemetery, Drummer
Township high school for a time and even the football team
was called the Hounds. Many of the trees have fallen, the
spring has been clogged and the grove has been closed to the
public because of vandalism but the memory of the good
limes In Drummer Grove in the years gone by lingers on.
By Helen Foster Kelley
My grandfather John N. Vaughn, a Civil War veteran and
memberof Lott Post70G.A.R., Ford Co., came to Gibson in
iKfiH He was the father of II children. In 1875 he established
the first implement business in Gibson, on the site now oc-
cupied by the Corn Belt Hatchery. He installed the first wind
mills, binders, threshing machines and steam engines to be
used in Ibis territory. A few years later he added the selling
of real estate to his endeavors. The family lived in and
operated a hotel then located just north of the present
Fashion Shop. My mother, Ella Vaughn Foster, loved to
recall the Republican political rallies of that day in which
they all look part.
In very early days, just a mile northwest of Gibson, there
was a lovely grove of virgin timber on the banks of a
meandering stream, which spread out over a gravel deposit,
making a very good ford for those who wished to cross. Close
lo this grove and on the banks of this stream were several
delightful bubbling springs of pure water from which anyone
might drink with safety. II was here Tom Cheney came with
his dog Drummer to hunt. A deer was spotted, the dog
frightened it away and Cheney, so displeased with the dog's
behavior, shot and buried him there. Since that time they
have been called Drummer Grove and Drummer Creek. It
has been said that Cheney, prodded by remorse, brought an
oak from Cheney's Grove and planted it to mark the dog's
grave. We know that only one oak tree ever grew there. It has
been gone for several years. Many of the walnut, having
passed their prime, were used by the government during
World War II for gun stalks.
It was in 1854 that Joshua E. Davis, a doctor and owner of
this property, came to Drummer Grove to live in a small
house with out - buildings. He hired a tutor for his children
and invited those in the neighborhood to come. His home soon
became crowded, and he moved his family to a house he built
on the site we now occpy , which burned in 1913.
When the county was laid out in 1858 and roads began to
develop, land was set aside for a school on the Mellenger
farm south of us, and the Drummer Grove building was
moved. Joshua E. Davis moved from the farm in 1875. His
son Frank came in the early 1930's to visit the scenes of his
My great - grandfather, John Foster, traveled through this
part of the country buying grain for his elevator in Chicago.
In the year 1869 he started negotiations to buy 700 acres.
Drummer Grove Farm, from Mr. Davis. In 1874 the deal was
completed and a release granted.
My great - grandfather then began to improve the farm by
changing the channel of the creek, which at that time came
very near the living quarters. He planted a large orchard of
fruit trees bordered on the south by seven acres of pine.
Hundreds of night herons made their home there for years.
He also planted 5000 forest trees in four different groves,
surrounding one with beautiful European larch. The herbs
penny - royal and anise - root grew there abundantly. He
planted many wild flowers in Drummer: Jack - in - the -
pulpit, Dutchman's breeches, dog toothed violets. Wake
robins and many more, along with flowering shrubs. The wild
crab filled the air with fragrance for half a mile in spring.
The blue birds and yellow canaries came in droves. They
loved to nest there. "There were pussy willows to charm the
bees in spring and one's choice of mint for a cup of tea. He
built a fine set of buildings with the crib up on stones to keep
the rats out and brick house piped with spring water to cool
the milk. He installed many miles of tile, open ditches, and
board fencing around the farm and groves to protect them
from grazing.
We have great - grandfather's ledger in which he kept
detailed accounts of his business dating back to 1817. I can
remember the sties he used to cross the fences and the
homemade sun dials conveniently placed. Before he died in
1898 he deeded my father, John Stanhope Foster, 218 acres
with instructions to "sink or swim". Dad also received 120
acres when his mother died, but he did learn to swim, as he
soon bought the remaining family interest in the 700 as well
as other adjoining acreage.
In (he years that have passed, the public has taken ad-
vantage of their welcome to go and come as they pleased at
Drummer Grove and the old swimming hole. There was a
ball diamond there at one time. However, besides the
ravages of nature, the public also proved quite destructive by
leaving fires, digging up the flowers and trees, filling the
springs with rocks and breaking the tile, building dams in the
creek, shooting at the livestock and killing the birds and
squirrels. So it has become necessary to restrict access, even
though the grove has long since lost its bloom.
Written by J. P. Lowry
(former editor of the Gibson Citv Courier)
Drummer Grove! Magic name! Paradise of boys for sixty
years. This is the forest primeval, sans murmering pines and
hemlock, but verdant with oaH, walnut, hickory, haw, wild
crab apple and slippery "ellum". When they staked out the
village of Gibson in the prairie bottoms at the beginning of
(he seventies. Drummer Grove was the nearest approach of
the primeval forest, and it was a mile and a half away. The
urchins of the seventies, wandering afield, found it and
whooped for joy.
The boys of the eighties, and nineties and every succeeding
decade have found in it the land of romance, the land of Robin
Hood and Tom Sawyer and of Injun Joe. They have
bivouacked there They have called it their rendezvous,
which they pronounced renddez - vows and not rondavoo.
They have drunk from the icy spring of living water which
has bubbled at the edge of Drummer crick for ages. They
have buried their treasures in its soil.
Here Mother Earth has taken these boys to her bosom and
satisfied the restless yearnings of their souls. The gaunt,
ancient trees have thrilled at the dark secrets whispered in
their grateful shade. Sunfish and catfish and silversides have
nibbled the angle worms from their hooks, and startled
crayfish have skeedaddled in the brook before their wading
The big Irees are still there, some of them at least, but the
dense mysterious undergrowth of the mystic past is gone.
and one charmmg bend of Bendermeer's stream has yielded
lo the ruthle-ss dredger. The place is still eloquent in its
natural appeal, an oasis in the surrounding fields of corn. A
charm from Ihc skies seems to hallow it there, a little bit of
heaven, an island of dreams.
The other day Drummer Grove was rediscovered, this
lime by a descendant of one of the tribes of (he Red Man. His
eyes saw things which the boys of yesterday could not see. He
knew the ancient, imperishable signs left behind by a race
long gone. Accompanied by Gibson men who had been
Drummer boys, he traced for them a Kickapoo Indian (rail
along the banks of the little stream. He uncovered sites of
former teepees, and dug up close (o (he surface chunks of
flint and firestone. Here was an Indian habitation of perhaps
25 to 30 teepees, he said, and hundreds of years before the
Kickapoo another unknown race had been on the banks of (his
stream and left behind (hem "footprints on the sand of time."
Perhaps this is the secret of the wild rapture which has
filled (he hear( of boyhood in the quiet precincts of Drummer
Grove. Maybe Drummer Grove is indeed the happy hunting
ground, and mayl)e the spirits of these great untutored but
nature - wise aborigines wander in these shades and speak
(he language of Ihe spiril lo wide - cNod liltle twys. leaving a
benediction and an impression deeper than all of the prattle
of civilization and book learning. Shades of ancient Drum
mer, we salute (hee!
The Gibson City Lions Club was organized on April 20th,
1922 with twenty - six members. This membership had in-
creased to thirty - five by the time the club had its charter
night on June 29. 1922. Lionism was then four years old and
there were some 500 clubs scattered over twenty - seven
slates of the Union, compared with today's 16.558 clubs in 118
countries and geographical areas. At that time Gibson City
was the smallest city ever to hold a charter and was known as
the baby Lion Club of America.
The following year, in 1923, Gibson City Lions Club at-
tended the state convention with the Gibson City band and at
the banquet was presented a beautiful silver loving cup.
appropriately inscribed, for having the largest percentage of
its membership present at the convention. Gibson City's Hy
Arrowsmilh was a friendly and familiar figure at all the
meetings and the "Baby Lions Club of the United States" was
in the spotlight throughout the convention.
In 1924 the convention was in Elgin and again a good
representation of our club attended with the Gibson City
band. Five hundred carnations, three hundred roses and a
thousand sweet peas, all Gibson City grown, flooded the
convention. Every Lion received a carnation, every Lion's
lady a rose. The registration lobby of the big Y.M.C.A.
building was decorated by cartoons and catchy mottos
calling attention to Gibson City as the place for the next
convention. It was Hy Arrowsmith's third convention and his
name had become a household word. One cartoon claimed
that you could go a hundred miles on one boulevard in Gibson
City and showed Hy riding a tricycle around the median strip
of the new Lott Boulevard. Another, with Hy standing by a
house, with people sleeping on the roof and half way out the
windows, showed what accommodations they could expect.
there was keen competition for the convention honors for
1925 but so potent was Gibson City that Cook County asked
the privilege of making the nominating speech and a Chicago
man seconded the nomination. As the roll of Illinois clubs was
called, the vote of club after club of Chicago and Cook County
went for Gibson City, and as the enthusiasm grew, downstate
fell into line. Gibson City won on the first ballot and im-
mediately the Gibson City band, stationed in the balcony,
struck up "Hail. Hail, the Gang's All Here," followed by
"There'll Be A Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight." En-
thusiastic Lions grabbed Hy Arrowsmith and carried him
around the hall on their shoulders.
The Slate Lions Convention was held in Gibson City on May
18, 1925, In point of attendance it exceeded every record of
any state convention prior to that date. The mile long parade
w'hich followed the morning session surpassed any Lion
parade ever seen in this stale up to that time. There were
seven bands plus two or three comic bands. Business sessions
look place in the Edna Theater and the 6:30 banquet w-as held
in the park pavilion. This large steel and glass structure had
been floored for the occasion, and every available foot of
space was occupied by the tables. Four different churches
sened the dinner from their individual tent which had been
erected around the pavilion. It was a success in which the
entire community had a part. Homes, churches, lodges,
schools, and public buildings were thrown open to the
honored guests of the city, and the citizens vied with each
other in making the occasion a memorable one. The Cook
County delegation, representing about 25 clubs, chartered a
solid Pullman train for the convention, including a buffet car.
It was set off on the siding of the Illinois Central tracks,
where it served as a hotel for the Chicago guests for the two
nights. A special train also came from Springfield.
For 49 years, through depressions, booms, and wars the
members of the Gibson City Lions Club have met every
Tuesday, except for the months of July and August, to eat,
laugh, sing and enjoy themselves. But underneath it all is a
serious purpose. $5301.14 has been given by the club for the
building of the Gibson Community Hospital and its new
addition. The club donates and lends its aid to the Community
Chest drive and money is given to the student loan fund each
year. Donations are made to the Hadley School for the Blind
and Leader Dog School. Students are sent to summer music
camps and Boy's State. The children of the community are
given a party every Halloween and on Easter. An athletic
banquet is co - sponsored each spring honoring athletes of
Gibson City High School. The youth baseball program is
underwritten by the club. The club supen'ises the activities
of the homecoming football games and prizes are given for
the best floats in the homecoming parade.
A gala 40th birthday celebration was held in 1962 in the high
school gym. The event attracted some 600 Lions and their
wives from all over the state.
During the year 1966 - 67 Lion Wes Calhoun was elected
Governor of District IB.
In the spring of 1967 the District IB Convention was held at
the High School in Gibson City.
Gibson City, having been the second oldest club in District
IB, became the oldest club in the newly founded District IK
in 1970. The club holds the distinction of being the only club
meeting at noon time in District IK.
Since its organization the club has sponsored 10 Lions
Clubs: Hoopeston. Onarga. Potomac. Forrest. Milford.
Rossville. Colfax. Saybrook. Melvin. and Sibley.
All of the original 25 charter members are dead except one.
Andrew Tarbox moved to Indiana about 1927 and now lives in
Our club's 50th anniversary will be held in the fall of 1972.
In the 50 years of Lionism in Gibson City much has been
accomplished by the Lions, and we are proud of our club as
the Lions go marching on.
r ^ '^ 1
— — _^ / ' ^
(ORGANIZATIONS continued on page .5K)
Gibson City Area Centennial Calendar of Events
June 26 through July 3
Sunday, June 27
Ohm. - Mr. & Mrs. Noel Hutchcraft (Ph: 784-5656)
All activities to be held at the North Park unless
stated otherwise .
Heritage observance in all churches
Community Potluck Picnic
Sports Car Rally - East 16th Street
Chanute Air Force Band Concert
Presentation of Winning Costumes
Ice Cream Social
Horseshow Pitching Exhibition
Pony Cart Rides
Park Activities and Games
Concert by the Community Childrens
Old FaRV>*oned Hymn Sing
Monday, June 28
Chm. - Mr. & Mrs. James Hazen (Ph: 784-4416)
ALL DAY Youth Organization's Exhibits and
Displays - Tent Uptown
9:00 Children's Parade - 12 years and
under. Awards in various categories.
Assemble at United Methodist Church.
9:45 Opening Ceremony of Gibson City's
Centennial Celebration - Library.
All afternoon and evening activities to be held at
the North Park.
1:00-3:00 Free Swimming - 18 years old and
under - Gibson Pool
3:00 Youth Swimming & Diving Competition,
Childrens Games & Contests - Awards
8:00 Teen Dance - 13 to 18 years old
Kitten Ball - North Park Ball Diamond
For older "youth" 19 to 99 years old.
Tuesday, June 29
Chm. - Mr. & Mrs. Gary Keii,, (Ph: 7 84-4117)
Displays & Exhibits - Tents Uptown
Pancake & Sausage Breakfast -
Legion Hall
Antique Flea Market - Uptown
Memorial Service for pioneers and
Founders - Cemetery
Horseshoeing - Place to be announced
Fruit Pie Baking Contest - Tent Uptown
Pies must be at the tent by 12:30.
Judging at 1:00
Recognition Ceremony & Awards for
pioneers and former residents, fol-
lowed by refreshments and conver-
sation hour. Tent Uptown
All evening activltes to be held at the North Park
5:00-7:00 Ham & Bean Supper
Old Time Fiddlers Competition
Square & Round Dance
Exhibition by Circle R Square Dance
Wednesday, June 30
Chm. - Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nelson (Ph: 784-4395)
Co-Chm. - Mr. & Mrs. Gary Reitz (Ph: 784-5826)
ALL DAY Displays & Exhibits - Tent Uptown
Antique Machinery Display - South
8:00-7:00 Antique Flea Market - Uptown
INTRY DAY #1 continued
Country Store - Uptown. Various
organizations will be selling their
homemade items, baked goods, etc.
1:00 Small Garden Tractor Pull - North
Industrial Tours - Cargiil, Inc.,
Central Soya , M & W Gear Co. ,
Electronic Compnents Corp., and
the Airport. Schedules will be
posted at City Hall and Centennial
Headquarters. Bus service to and
from. Everyone must use the tour
buses, no individual cars, etc.
allowed at these businesses.
7:15 Pre-Spectacie Entertainment
8:15 Premier Performance of "Running Deer
to Soaring Planes"
Thursday, July 1
Chm. - Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nelson (Ph: 784-4395)
Co-Chm. - Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Knapp (Ph: 784-4378)
Displays & Exhibits - Tent Uptown
Antique Machinery Display - South
Antique Flea Market - Uptown
Country Store cont. - Uptown
Car Polo - M & W Gear Co. North
lot (Route 9 East)
Industrial Tours to be continued
Roast Beef Supper l^orth Park
Pre-Spectacle Entcudiiiment
Second Performance of "Running Deer
to Soaring Pl'.nes '
Friday, July 2
Chm . - Mr . & Mrs .
Lloyd Taylor (Ph: 749-2229)
Special Guest for the Day - Betty Fillip of WCIA-TV
Displays & Exhibits of interest to
women - Tent Uptown
Antique Flea Market - Uptown
Country Store cont. - Uptown
Boiiriet Contest - Awards - Categories
to be announced - Tent Uptown
Bread ^Taking Contest - Awards -
Details to be announced - Tent Uptown
Style S'pow o! 1371 Fashions, featuring
winners of various costume awaids.
first Presbyterian Church
Ire-Spectacle Entertainment
Third Performance of "Running Deei
to Soaring Planes"
Saturday, July 3
10:30 Time Capsule Ceremonies
Chm. - Mr. Harold Johnson
(Ph: 784-5985)
The parade will assembly at the
Gibson City Athletic Field and will
disband at the South Park
5:30- '':30 Chicken Bar-B-Que - North Park
7:15 Pre-Spectacle Entertainment
8:15 Final Performance of "Running Deer
to Soaring Planes"
Giant Fireworks Display will follow.
'■ "Running Deer to Soaring Planes"
^ 1^ II i>% ii|<|i' ii^<» m^^|^ m ^tlf mmmt>t^mmKt^ifmmi0ltk'mmttt^fmmmi^
The Gibson City Area Centennial Committee proudly presents. . .
A John B. Rogers Production
Directed by h red Illius
Gibson City High School Athletic Field
June SO -Julys
Pre-show 7:30 P.M.
Show 8 :15 P.M.
. In the event of inclement weather, or that four episodes of the "Running Deer to Soaring Planes" follows the outline of
production have not been completed, rain stubs will be history of the city, but certain additions and delitions have
honored at any subsequent scheduled performance. been made in the interest of total dramatic unitv
^ iinflf iii"i%
^ II ^ II ^
Dave McNeeley Marjorie Clark
William S. Middleton Jean Stocker
Harold Nelson Ruby Smith
Kay Meredith
PROLOGUE — Naming Drummer Grove
Grand Entrance "Happy Birthday" - Meet the cast
*m ■!» M I Biiip
EPISODE ONE: "Another Time Another Man'
EPISODE TWO: "The Land Beckons"
EPISODE THREE: "The Birth of a Town"
EPISODE FOUR: "Faith on the Prairie"
EPISODE FIVE: "A Time to Learn"
EPtSOOE SIX: Gibsoa City Grows"
EPISODE SEVEN: "We Move into our Future"
EPISODE NINE: "Battle Cry"
EPISODE TEN: "Our Destination"
Time: 1871 to the Present
Centennial Patrons
McCord Auto Supply, Inc.
Montgomery Ward, Gibson City, 111.
Speers "^hne Repair
SctiulzeSi Burcti Biscuit Co. ^ Flavor- K ist Cracker & Cookies
Gibson United Service, Inc.
Thipodore Q. Swanson, O.D.
Dr James Hartford
Coast To Coast Stores, Gibson City, III.
Gibson Liquorette Mel and Juanila Yeats
Oneal's Auto Repair
H E Mulvany& Son Plljg. & Heat.
Houtzel Auto Body Shop
Cfiief City Tobacco Co.
Prairie Farms Dairy Inc.
Hol'n One Donut Co.
Bethany Mf & Sales Co., Inc., Bethany, IM
McMahon Distributors, Ltd., Champaign, III.
Ryder Truck Rental
Howard Thomas Gravel Co.
Comics Shoe Store
Edson L. Etherton, M.D.
Dr. Mark R. Foutch, Optometrist
Elkin's Tourist Home
Sts'o Farm Insurance, George R. Mattox, Agent, Elliott, III
Nl Gas Co.
Noble Bros
Ropp's Greenhouse
Sibley Complete Feed & Grain Service
Jane Burns Dance Studio
The Farmers Gram Comoanv
Dr Robert D Rankin, Dentist
Hoover Jewelers
W. D. Kreitzer & Son, Elliott, III.
Lott's Landing
Bill Hanson Chev. Buick, Inc., Paxton, III
O'Neal & Batson TV
Ken Rost Ford Inc.
Arlens Drug Shop
Arthur R. Benz, Attorney
Smith Sand & Gravel
Laurel E Pmg
Bower Automotive Inc.
Ace Hardware
Calhoun Dairy Inc.
Cender Gas Company
deMola Florists
L. F Swanson & Son
Kemple Insurance Agency, Inc.
Western Auto Associate Store
The Hessenhaus
Friendly Flower Shop
Middleton & Middleton
Sky work?
Johnson Auto Repair
Duggins Electric
Gibson City Area Centennial Performing Cast - Spectacle
Brown, Connie
Colwell, Thelma
Parker, Wilhelmina
Ehresman, Maria
Schroeder, Peg
Schroeder, Carol
Kerchanfaut, Dorothy
Warsaw. Bonnie
Timm, Mary
Mizell. Larry
May, Edward
Hager. Doug
Hunt, Jon
Hawthorne, K. R.
Helmick, Loel
Pierce, O. W.
Cender, Emery
Hood, Ron
Hartford, Tom
Heideman, Toni
Heideman, Betty
Eddleman, Kristy Ann
Johnson, Kris
Barrow, Debbie
Stolz, Susan
Main, Bettie
Kumler, Joyce
Rhodes, Connie
Sharp, Michelle
Bell, Kay
Arnold, Raylene
Smith, Ruby
Goodrich, Edna
Smith, Robin
Oliverio, Mary Ann
Perkins, Jimmie Joan
Oliverio, Mary Ann
Schhckman, Tena
Smith, Leah
Bedel, Claudia
Blissard, Barbra
May, Don
Bane, Charles
Muters, John
Hall, Tom
Cook, Wayne
Perkins, Wayne
Goff, Doug
Benningfield, John
O'Neal, Lorene
Moore, Margy
Burton, Patty
Reitz, Judy
Kumler. Ethel
Hill, Diane
Anderson, Doris
Troyer, Hazel
Garard, Lucille
Rickey, Alma
Rickey, Connie
Nelson, Elinor
Braatz, Debbie
Nicholas, Melissa
Perkins, Lorrie
Retter, Delora
Johnson, Sharon
Knapp, Marion
Brooks, Geneva
Tompkins, Mary
Jones, Virginia
Johnson, Leona
Roesch, Rick
Brucker, Jim
Schlickman, Dick
Myers, Phil
Sledge, Shorty
Schlickman, Dick
Kingsley, Mick
Sisk, Lucille
Ehlers, Glenda
Ehlers. Linda
Reynolds, Mae
Loy, Imogene
Nickrent, Marie
Nelson. Virginia
Young. Doris
Nelson, Sue
Goodrich, Percy
Sfolz, Peggy
Nelson, Dorie
Kyle, Nancy
Young, Fran
Graff, Patti
Summers, Jim
Summers, Mona
Huston, Howard
Huston, Yvonne
Reiners, George
Reiners, Beulah
Bell, Buzz
Woodard, Marie
Leathers. Evelyn
Swearingen. Mildred
Borchers. Ann
Borchers. Alice
Brandt, Carolyn
Stocker, Scott
Knapp, Kevin
Knapp, Mike
Taylor, Steve
Knapp. Mary
Roesch, Rick
Brucker, Jim
Reynolds, Francis
Knapp, Doug
Stocker, Frank
Stocker, Jean
Taylor, Mary Ann
Hill, Jane
Hill, Bob
Summers, Bruce
Gregerson. David
Heideman, Brian
Huston, Dorothy
Cullip, Pauline
Grider, Gail
Timm, Jackie
Fields, Julie
Long, Bill
Nelson, DonaW
Leisure, June
Hazen, Edwin
Hazen. Mabel
Miller. Charles
Miller, Alvina
Story, Ruth
Pruitt, Earl
Pruitt, Marie
Pruitt, Sherrie
Rhodes, Carole
Rhodes, Don
Rhodes, Greg
Rhodes, Jan
Jenson, Don
Jenson, Janet
Gregerson, Richard
Gregerson, Margaret
Gregerson. David
Samet, Bob
Leonard, Evan
Leonard, Stanley
Kingsley, Mick
Samet, Dolly
Cook, Maxine
Cook, Pam
Whitten, Vandel
Bedel, Mary
Bedel, Delmar
Summers, John
Summers, Helen
Brooks, Cindy
Bedel, Claudia
Berger, Paul
Berger, Quida
Hayse, Annimary
Hayse, Ronald
Davis, Cecil
Davis, Lillie
Benson, Martha
Benson. John
Kroon, Cathy
Lunde. Julie
Johnson, Ellen
Kumler, Jane
Taylor, Kim
Mariage, Teresa M.
Strebeck, Susie
Nagle, Dave
Summers, Brenda
Crowley, Julie
Smith, Patty
Smith, Robin
Olivero, Marianne
Horsch. Dorothy
Cender. Sharal
Cender, Charlene
Kelley, Lois
Taylor, Jack
Woodward. Charlie
Barrow, Dick
Hager, Doug
Cross, Herman
Huron, Kim
Jensen, Sandy
Smith, Chris
Herrin, Lorrie
Ferguson, Anne
Thompson, Treva
Morano, Maria
Gesell, Caria
Jenson, Julie
Howard, Laurie
Timm. Lori
Herrin, Kitty
Evans, Lynda
Williams, Susie
Culbertson, Sherry
Osborn, Homer
Osborn, Helen
Smith, Maurita
Smith, Christin
Hill, CarIa
Nunamaker, Sharon
Garard, Jerry
Clark, Pat
Clark, Mary
Rhodes, Jan
Jones, Peggy
Orr, Jann
Jackson, Peggy
Lunde, Patty
Smith, Robin
Kyle, Sally
Parker, Doria
Parker, Joy
Perkins, Jerrie Lynn
Barrow, Tom
Romine, Ronnie
Beulah Builta
Mrs Helen Foster Kelley
Mr and Mrs Wm. Schnittker
Mr and Mrs. Raymond Green
Raymond N. Holm
Charles F. Hamm
Mr and Mrs. James A, Taylor
t^r and Mrs. Wesley Brownlee
Charles Builta
Carl Hedlund
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Johnson & Mark
C. A. T Johnson
D E Craig
Mrs Harry Baker
Milton Kelly
Emery P, Cender
Jones Motor Sales by Eva B. Jones
Mr and Mrs, Dike Eddleman
Chester Burton
Mr and Mrs W P Loy
Lester R. Moody
Darlene Tucker
Mr and Mrs. Tom Hunt
Laura Hanley
Mrs F N Bryant
Mark Hobart
Larry Fawver
Mr and Mrs. Richard Reinhart
Mrs. Mae Helmick
Mr and Mrs. Howard Hutchcraft
Jack Dubois
Mr and Mrs. Jerry L. Holsten
Vernon Wilson
James F. Thompson
Evelyn M. Thompson
Norma J Thompson
Charles p Thompson
Rickie D Thompson
Harold Gilbert
Cornelius Ropp
Dick Moody
Mrs. Lori Reynolds
Jean S, Hall
Iris Archibald
E Clinton Conrad
Mrs, Charlotte Dozier
Susan Padgett
Mrs. Verle Kramer
David Kramer
Norma Kramer
Mike Kramer
Mark Kramer
Lisa Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rhodes
Tony Lewis
Mr John Andersen
Mr. Dave Nagle
Mr. and Mrs Warren Nally
Mrs, Rose Tjarks
James E and Laura Miller
Mr and Mrs. Elmo Meiners
Paul W, Sunderland
Mrs, Gordon Essington
Mr. Richard Strebeck
Mr. and Mrs. S. Edmund Cameron
Mrs. J. L. Finn
William S. Middleton
Mr and Mrs. Roy Main
Mr Frank Denne
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ringler
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Shields
Paul Johnson
Rudy Ahrens
Mr Larry Strebeck
Maurine Haines
Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Hansen
Dr. James Hartford
A. J, McKinney
Mrs. Jean Stocker
Mrs. Richard Strebeck, Sr.
Mr. Richard Strebeck, Sr.
Mrs. Eldon Thorndyke
Alice Ogg
Edward W. Ogle
Maurine Ogle
Guy Ogle
Cecil Ogle
Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Meiners
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Bennett 8. Jim
Mrs. Rubie Bane
Mr. Robert Strebeck
Leslie E Mulvany
Jim's Furniture Mart
R. L. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Arlen B. Reynolds & Michelle
Dr. A. L. DeMola
Leonard Y. Bennett
Clarice Bennett
Mr. John E. Anderson, Jr.
Mrs. Beverly Anderson
Glenn V. Rutledge
Irene J. Rutledge
Gerald Rudolph
Mr and Mrs. Tom Tucker
Mrs Imogene Smith
W. Tom Francis
Helen Francis
Tom Francis Jr.
Debbie Francis
Connie Brown
Ernest E Brown
We regret the omission of any names and any incorrect spelling due to the earlv
deadline for this publication.
Gibson City Area Centennial
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Royal
f^r. and Mrs. Jim Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. R H. Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ricks
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutchcraft
Mr and Mrs. Rictnard Kemple
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis
Loel Jordan
Darren Volker
Ted Swanson, Jr.
Dick Jardine
Frank Stocker
MEN'S CHAIRMAN Robert P. Boyce
Ted Swanson
Darrell Volker
Frank Stocker
Ron Sheppard
Harold Knowles
Darrell Riblet
George Kuntz
Larry Fawver
Jim Miller
Ken Fackler
Bill Fouts
Ed Rtiodes
Harold Ttiomas
Larry Ricks
Ivan Sloat
Garland Craig
Jim Summers
Tony Heideman
Ron Stieppard
Russell Sctimidt
Jerry Garard
Homer Osborn
Dave Yates
Dike Eddleman
Howard Ehresman
Patricia Clark
Chief Harry Anderson
Betty Hunt Ctiairman
Dr Chester Chandler Co Chairman
Evelyn Dueringer
Rosemary Schertz
Sibyl Middleton
Chloe Barrow
Bess Johnson
Valeria Hunt
William Middleton
Jon Hunt
Mary Volden (did all copy work on original history)
Fred lllius Rogers Company
Bob Duggins
Marie Pruitt
Phyllis Cliff
Sue Pruitt
Margaret Anderson
Phyllis Anderson
Marcia Wright
Virginia Ricks
Esther McClure
Gretchen Nelson
Donna Harms
Imogene Smith
Janet Noble
Co CHRMN Mrs. Ruth Bucher
Helen Francis
Malinda Bradford
Helen Day
Dwanna McCall
Gere Walter
Pauline Fuoss
Dave Herron & Tom Fisher
Boy Scouts
Warren Brown
Lil Fisher
Jane Burns
Andy Sommer
Paul Mooney
Tom Shubert
Weldon Hansen
Glenn Meredith
Bill Gifford
Jr Gifford
Jim Taylor
Lawrence Comer
Richard (Snook) Jordan
Jean Pearson
James Sommer
Virgil Rhodes
' Leigh Ann Bowen
Cathy Garard
Sharon Luedde
Jo Swanson
Marsha Riddle
Kay Bell
Lillian Fisher Co chairman
Mrs. Frances Reynolds Ray Petersen
Russell Douglas
Robert Leisure
Lee Barry
Civil Defense
Police Department
Ray Bierman • Civil Defense
Ken Curtis
Russell Ehlers
Gene Rankin
Charlie Dreidame
Frank Hendricks
Leonard Bennett
Richard Bennett
Harry Ricks
Harold Johnson
Bob Duggins
Jack Walton
t^d% Hoover
Bruce Cothern
Lois Rhodes Dwanna McCall
Betty Grafton
Cadette Girl Scouts
Gibson City Belle Chapters
Baity, Richard Horsch, Chris Smith, Tim
Smith, Eric Ensign, Ricky Erickson,
Chucky Erickson, Arnold Hunt, Robert
Scott Nickrent, Richard Patrick Nally,
Joe Thomas, Barry Meers, Tim Meers,
Kevin KnaDO, Mike Knapp, Mickey
Taylor, Mark Brownley, Tim Ricks, Brad
Sprau, Robbie Williams, Peter Wohelski,
Jeff Bradbury, Eric Timm, Bryan
Donner, Mark Andreae, Karn Long,
Dennis Stange, Darren Hester, Vince
Hester, Craig Patton, Tom Litwiller, Rod
LitwiMer, Todd Sommer, Scott Yeates,
Robbie Hix, Brad Tompkins, Allen Lee
Wilkins, Jon Lee Clark, Don Traister,
David Traister, William Brokate.
Henry Sievers, E. H. DeArms, Vernie
Martin, David Gill, Tom Meers, Lee
Barry, Howard Ehresman, Earl Pruiff,
Don Douglas, Roger Birky, T. L.
Auterman, C. F. Robertson, William
Bryant, Sherman Bowan, Charles Bowan,
Charles Van Holland, Joe Brooks,
Richard W, Strebeck, Sr,,'Orville Hardy,
Floyd Noland, Scott Miller, Deret
Moxley, Laacp Moxley, Karry Kistner,
Eddie Lambert; Richard Davis, Roger
Smith, Steve Mullvain, Ken Sprau, Lester
Anderson, Stanley Wisegarner, John R,
Noble, Weldon Hanson, Ken Meredith,
Frank Oliviero, Andrew J. Anderson,
Alva Osman, Fred Friend, Albert
Schantz, W L Barnhart, John A Burns,
F. E Walker, Jake Cramer, O. H,
Saathoff, Jack Branson, Bill BullQifk,
Paul Sunderland, Gene Gregory, Arnold
Luedde, C M Gray, Bernard Finis, Virgil
Stewart, Gene Williams, Fred Carroll,
Roy Quinn, Charles Letter, John Webb,
Laurel Ping, Fred Huston, Merle
Brokate, Melvin Rippel, W C Munson,
Loren Bane, M L Utterback, Harold
Bonnen. H. H. Palmer, Alvin C. Koon,
Kenneth Karr, William Becker, Joe
Kolross, Melvin Yeats, Clayton Gramley,
Ora Ferguson, Lynch, Joe Nunnick, Roy
Schlickman, Jim Mitchell, Henry May,
Percy Goodrich, Emery Trover, Harlan
Arens, Stanley W Davis, Robert Taylor,
Dale Moxley, William Smith, Dick
Kemple, Ernest Schroeder, Lewis Birky,
Bud Reynolds, Harm J. Baker, Ernest W.
Ogg, Don Patton, Rick Goben, Richard D,
Barnes, William Zimmerman, Lloyd
Brokate, Jack Fleck, S. Stephens, Eugene
Swearingen, Earl Pruitt, Ray Oglesby,
Howard Hutchcraft, Walter H, Arends,
Bill Arends, Steve Arends, Robert E.
Birkey, Glenn Hart, Larry Darnall,
Denny Troyer, William A. Loveless,
Bobbie Martin, Cecil F. Mott, Nelson C
Sommer, James E Ross, Walter Taylor,
Robert McMahon, Edwin Hazen, William
C DeWall, Jr and Warren Nally
BEARDED MANY Robert Boyce,
Robert Leisure, Mark Craig, Lyie Ptoff,
Don Erickson, Bob Hutchcraft, Jerry
Girard, Dtan Files, Glen Davis, Doug
Hager, Jim Hager, Bob Grossman, O. F.
Reis and George L. Moody.
TREE BEES Morris Fox, Donald T.
Kincade, L. DeWayne Grafton, Thomas
F. Fisher, Henry E Brickman, Gerald K.
Revenaugh, Glenn A Richard, Robert E.
Peeken. David K, Kaiser, Charles D.
Jensen, Wayne A Rittenhouse. Paul V.
Howard, William L. Everett, Steven R
Dickey and D Glenn Roop.
Albert Bode, W. C. Bryant, Michael
Wilson, Gerald M. Osborn, Clyde Day,
Ronald Osborn, Homer Osborn, Jerry
Garard, Frank E, Fox, Dave Hooran,
Stanley W Davis, Earl Edmonds and Bud
Girken, Homer Osborn, James Jackson,
George Stevens, Doug Knapp, Bud O-
Neal, Michael Wilson, Steve Ort, Clyde
Cokely, Bobby Welborn, Richie Swaim,
James Hudson, Charles Dewey, Martin
Meyer, Howard Moore, Loel Jordan,
Robert Duggins, Albert Bode, Frank
Hunt, Jr., Ivan Andreae, Herb Persons,
Sr,, Micheal Wilson, Lester Lammie,
Steve Case, Ed Cameron, Robert
Bradbury, Don Nelson, James Price,
Clyde Day, Charles Woolward, Glen
Rutledge, David Nagle, Frank Fox, Glenn
Meredith, Russell Coulter, Richard
Horsch, Thomas Mulony, Tom Davis,
Paul Mooney, Harold W. Underwood,
Gary Hoover, James Johnson, Harold
Thomas, Vince Fogarty, Vernon Ralston,
George Barr, Larry Johnson, Paul
Verkler, Lynn Bowen, Warren Clark,
Charles R. Crowley, Earl Edmonds,
Lester Vinson, Michael AMen, Floyd
Brotherton, John Kerchenfaut, David B.
Kramer, Ramon Rankin, Tom Tucker,
Bill Lindsay, Delmar Schantz , R. H.
Hutcherson and Robert L. Seelye.
Charlotte Clark, Margaret Emiy, Patt>
Emiy, Edna Van Scoyoc, Alice Larrison,
Melody Peeken, Norma Jean Thompson,
Barbara Bouldrey, Alice M. Loveless,
Susan McElfresh, Barb Tucker, Marjorie
Clark, Margee Ernst, Marge Ernst,
Arlene Strebeck, ^haron Stroh, Patricia
Wagner, Vicky Lindsay, Sharon Johnson,
Lottie Hutcherson, Mary Jo Main, Beckie
Wieborg, Bobbi Benningfield, Tammy
Preston, Debbie Preston, Anna Riggs,
Mary Ann Ricks, Marilyn Zander, Diane
Hill, Mrs, Gene Rankin, Neva Rankin,
Lucille Robertson, B6rnia Worley, Velma
Taylor, Kathy Taylor, Sheri Bryant, Mrs.
Sherman Bornen, Mrs, Charles Bornen,
Mrs, Virginia Ricks, Mrs. Gail Kincade,
Mona Van Antwerp, Lucille Fawnsworth,
Donna Hoffman, June Leisure, Pat
Everett, Gladys Marcellus, Jean Hoff
man, Karen Long, Virginia Underwood,
Dorothy Bridgewater, Joane Schroeder,
Julie Anne Sprau, Helen McAfee, Agnes
Sloth, Barbara Leisure, Katharine K.
Moody, Carol Leisure, Wilma Crowe,
Cynthia Crowe, Candace Crowe, Virginia
Bradley, Gladys Fasking, Becky Ricks,
Pat Clark, Maria Young, Helen Osborn,
Alvina Miller, Peggy Fields, Holly Tripp,
Loretta Kyson, Judy Glascock, Sylvia
Smith, Pat Schoolcraft, Ruby Bennett,
Grace Bond, Debbie Brooks, Dorothy
Brooks, Grace Thorndyke, Leta M.
Strebeck, Mabel Teter, Marilyn Shields,
Kathleen Sarah Shields, Leora Shields,
Mabel Gandy, Barbara Cokeley, Mrs.
Stroh, Charlotte Nelson, Florence Roop,
Lola Reynolds, Eva Mae Long, Wilma
Sommer, Leanoir Null, Hilda Mott, Hope
Gackay, Donna Hansen, Janet Clements,
Marge Bod«, Debbie Johnson, Leiia A.
Cender, Violet Peeken, Margaret Nelson,
Katrina Dewey, Florene Knab, Helen
Kemple, Janet Stocker, Lorene Raper,
Bessie Oakley, Pat Lambert, Lillia>
Deason, Gladys Dow, Mary Lange,
Margy Moore, Ida Mustafa, Sybil
Kramer, Alyce Preston, Lillian Hardy,
lleane Miller, Doretta Johnson, Jodi
Miller, Shannon Miller, Helen Schmidt
Mrs. Hutchison, Carolyn Moxley, Carol
Schroeder, Barb Williams, Jessie Davis,
Blance Andrews, Leona Hartford, Mary
Ann Taylor, Dorothy Shellman, Shirley
Reynolds, Pat Marten, Sharon Rigby,
Bonnie Byerly, Shelia Wittaker, Flora
Price, Phyllis Chambliss, Judy Reitz,
Sherry Reitz, Vicky Rietz, Vil Anderson,
Sharon Yates, Laura Sawyer, Marie
Campbell, Hilda Preston, Elsie H. Barr,
Frances Retter, Delora Lynn Retter,
Betty Bradbury, Sally Rohn, Ellen
Frieburg, Martha Fasking, Mildred
Forrest, Mrs. W A. Dusola, Janallee
Noble, Violet Taylor, Julia McGuire,
Cheryl Hester, Eita Craig, Nancy
Olivero, Wilma Duggins, Gesina Nelson,
Mrs. Osman, Hazel Archibald, Grace
Hanley, Cindy Hanley, June Ogg, Georgia
Page, Wilma Andreae, Betty Hunt, Sherri
Fawver, Carol King, Helen Cornelison,
Louise Schantz, Thelma Arobus, Thelma
Persons, Laurie Persons, Mona Sum-
mers, Elvera Sheppleman, Betty Vinson,
Claudia Strebeck, Beverly Arnold,
MariorieMiller, Linda Livingston, Carole
Netherton, Jane Burns, Betty Sallee,
Mary Lou Kelley, Mabel Martens,
Thelma Brook, Marjorie Lowry, Bertha
Morris, Mrs. Roy Boyd, Catherine Kin-
cade, lla Spry, Susie Branson, Betty
Keath, Laverne Johnson, Laura Hanley,
Mrs. Edgar Cullip, June Stange,
Margaret Harding, Ruby Lange, Carol
Bullock, Mildred Sunderaind, Evelyn
Lange, Wilma Tandy, Linda Page, Alice
Shields, Dorothy Shields, Rose Ann
Hardwick, Kathy Bond, Berandine
Bryant, Ruth Oglesby, Bessie Price,
Mabel Kend«r, Rose Day, Virginia
Williams, Sharia Williams, Liz Hanson,
Janet Hanson, Kathryn Dreidane,
Beverly Arnold, Melba Quinn, Shirley
Jackson, Nancy Main, Mrs. Lester An-
derson, Karen Doman, Wanda Austle,
Hazel Gandy, Marica Walker, Betty
Grider, Edie Grider, Gail Grider, Mrs.
Glen Rutledge, Alta Waggoner, Mae
Gardner, Annette Matthew, Gladys
Smock, Barbara Leisure, Lorette Bode,
Terry Fox, Lois Friese, Joyce Wilson,
Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Merle Brokate, Ina
Lund, Lorrenne Zick, Ethel M. Arm
strong, Anna Johnson, Ethel Munson,
Hazel Mooney, Mrs. Albert Wilson,
Thelma Colwell, Pauline Busby,
Beverley Coons, Helen Kelley, Imogene
Graff, Ellen Johrrson, Mrs. Johnson,
Evelyn Hendrickson, Ana Taylor, Sandra
Dial, Helen Hill, Geneva Lindsey, Mae
Brading, Diana Coulter, Beverly
Conover, Francis Kollross, Gloria
Carlson, Clara Mae Gramley, Wilhelmina
Parker, Annetta Seamonds, Ruth Ann
Williams, Christine Ferguson, Mrs.
Lynch, Barb Cavinder, Elaine Collett,
Fern May, Mary Eckhoff, Mrs Richard
Horsch, Eileen Randolph, Joyce Goff,
Gretchen Nelson, Mrs. Emery Troyer,
Mrs. Harold Medler, Diana Ceilings,
Margaret Blissard, Berenice Crowley,
Ellen Crowley, Genieve Fogies, Emma
Ann Davis, Menola Donner, Mrs. Robert
Taylor, Bessie Moxley, Lora Brown, Lucy
Ruck, Lil Anderson, Marie Hohn, Linda
Lynch, Mary Lou Kyle, Marlene Walkers,
Kathy Smith, Pauline Ort, Verona
Thomas, Anna Martin, Mrs. Hildur
Johnson, Mrs Russel Martin. Mrs.
Wayne Perkins, Ruth Swanson, Mrs Sam
Doman, Madelon Girkin, Ruth Loy, Carol
Barry, Helen Tate, Hope Zachary, Eva
^f\ae Loy, Wilma Sommers, Leanoir Null,
Hilda Mott, Bessie Rasmussen, Mrs.
Roger Birkey, Sherri Birkey, Laurie
Birkey, Mrs. Don Smith, Tina Baumen,
Juda Baumen. Beverly Fight, Edna
Auterman, Dorothy Tinicke, Leona
Evans, Susan Ivans, Gert Friese, Delores
Friese, Anna Jardine, Jean Jardine,
Esther Sparks, Mrs Bob Hill, Beulah
Oneal, Gertrude Hutcticraft, Maxine
Arends, Nellie Hudson, Lisa Moore,
Kattiryn Cameron, Ann Gale, Pearl Gale.
Linda Gardner, uariene Harper, Barbara
Rafferty, Evelyn Puis, Stiirkey Peeken,
Ann Hall, Marlene Shreves, Dorothy M.
Gilmore, Willa Hart, Topy Wierzoriek,
Lena Smith, Frances Bonnen, Carolee
Cook, Dorothy Smith, Carmen Karr, Mrs.
George E. Smart, Janite K. Barnes,
Dorothy Barnes Betty Brokate, Betty
Schroeder, Eana Hudson, Mrs Freddie
Fogarty, Fredda Gamley, Pauline Mott,
Mrs Raymond Repp, Betty Oneal, Mrs.
Percy Goodrich, Mrs Ivan Brucker,
Betty Copher, Margaret Copher, Daisy
Darnall. Deana Johnson, Mrs. Joyce
Lange, Anita Houran, Virginia Kingsley,
Mrs Dav.o Mott, .Mrs Willis J Sommer,
Lucille Garard, Lielores Walker, Dorothy
Suntken Bermce Hustedt, Betty Meiners,
Linda Walker, Linda Hunt, Evelyn
Byerline, Bonnie Rutledge, Ella Speedie,
Mrs. Herb Smith, Mary Loveless, Marsha
Lage, Bertha Mott, Jennie Quinley, Sarah
Tabbs, Eva Steinberg, Judy A. Prehn,
Marie Whaiion, Loretia wooaward. Rose
Marie Birkey Charlotte Clark,
Laurie Bradbury, Connie Rickey,
Connie Frieburg, Kristin Mc Guire,
Sherrie Culbertson, Daria Forrest, Lori
Timm, Prudence Donner, Christine
Donner, Janie Andreae, Karen Long,
Beth Fawver,
Beth HutchcrafI, Loi i Hu<
chcraft, Carole Netherton, Pafti Yeats,
Barb Barry, Mildred Shaner. Ire.i-
Sti.veis Diana Hester, Shelley Rowclitt
McK.ne Brock, Laura Hix, Linda Hunt,
Jan Hunt, Venessa Taylor, i_orrie
Perkins, Vonda Coulter Sherri A/.i.Rit,
Robin Smith, Anna Sievers, Tif'ani
Sommer, -sAaigy V^alker, Lisa Walker,
.lerrie Perkins, Brenda Crrssman, V/ilson
jirls, Cindy Dial, Lola Williains, Vicky
Williams, Julia Tompkins, I isa Tom
JKins, Angle Eckhoff, Julia Crowley,
Kristie Sue Mckrent, Shannon Marie
i-znch, Terry McCarthy, Delene Riblet,
Roberta May, Tami Brokate,
Charlotte Tubbs, Alice Tubb"., Carta
Gesell, Sherrie Pruitt, Tenna Clift, Keria
Riblet, Kathy Riblet, Mubelle Lee
Johnson, Patty Lange, Kelly Tapscott,
Kim Tapscott.
SUNBONtJET sues Jennie Allen,
Jiana Acree, Mar,- Sommer, Ann
rolne. n, Phyliis Brickman, Marie
deckel, Gladys Arnola, Velva Acree,
v^ai .a irhlick, Betty Perry, Serita Allen,
Wi garet • .- " ijret Brandt, Pat
- eiJs, K; .".arlena Deasor,
zu. na An "■ a Wicks, DeLoris
c.nay, Ljneii boroeis, Janice Mills,
Aary Me -ers, Florence Wright, Ruby
-icr', Evtiyn Fawver, Phyllis Acree,
Ann D'inlap, Cindy Shaw, Laritt Reynols,
Tarr.'i. Allen, Juanita Yeats, Paula
Yeats, Virginia Mouser, Reba McGuire,
E. Standley, Bernice Singer, Dorothy
Oakes, Alice Acree, Betty Trhlick and
Vera Marcellus.
GUTHRIE BELLES Evelyn Leathers,
Doris Rutledge, Mildred Swearingen,
Cecilia Anderson, Rose Tjarks, Daisy
Brownlee, Alma Richey, Betty Ralston,
Anna Borchers, Irene Meyers, Ann
Holsten, Myrrle Borchers, Bess Johnson,
Hilda Blum, Gertrude Marcellus, Marie
Oodson, Hazel Enghausen, Kathryn
Cameron, Carolyn Brandt, Mabel Welsh,
Elizabeth Colwell, Alice Borchers, Mabel
Hazen, Lucille Piatt, Louise Swearingen,
Laura Steinhelper, Ginga Blizzard,
Marcia Leathers, Mary Beth Leathers,
Gibson City Belle Chapters
Ethel Ulfers ana janice Bond.
Bell, Betty Heideman, Judy Reitz,
Beverly Hendricks, Christine Hazen, Lil
Fisher, Nancy Timm, Anna Marie
Taylor, Liz Hansen, Jackie Curtis, Betty
Knapp, Cheryl Fox, Doria Parker, Linda
Persons, Viola Finis, Mildred Perkins,
Doris Arnold, Kathy Carpenter, Mary
Lou Miller, Ruby Smith and Wilma
Virginia Underwood, Aileen Unouiwood,
Margaret O'Neal, LaVonne Moody, Mary
Jane Patton, Mary Carroll Hansen,
Delorice B3ity, Thelma Young, Marge
Kreiter, Deanna Saver, Marge Peters and
Pam Jordan
B & P W DOLLS Donna Harms, Doris
Anderson, Leta Z. Hay, Er.na Hoover,
Carol Hutcncraii, Phyllis Anderson,
Leona Johnson, Phyliss Leonard, Hazel
Troyer, Marinell Jones, Vivian Comer,
Geneva Brooks, Margaret Anderson,
Mildred McQuiggan, Rena Wiles, Fern
Carroll, Juanita Boyce, Marilyn Riblet,
Virginia Ryan, Genevieve Nickrent,
Pauline Brooks, Imogene Swarm, Vauna
Jones, Sharon Jones, Louise Thompson,
Ethel Kumler, Margaret Wright, Alice
Jesse, Lou Evea Tesch, Carta Sue
Rowcliffe and Marcia Wright.
( averna Remley, Loretta Riley, Mattie
Cender, Emma Riblet, Frances Bane,
Ethel Faye May, Mabic O Neal, Lorene
ONeal, Mrs. Gene ONe.il, Phyliss Cliff,
Maria Bane, Florence Rhodes, Emma
Coll. Lyda Cender, Alice Sommer, Mary
Cline, Mary Nickel, Wilma Hendricks,
Anna Oliviero, and Frances Becker.
DAINT^ CYNO'S — Sharon J. Hieser,
Vera H. Bsne, Susie Oyer, Phyliss M.
Anderson, Elaine W Hawthorne, Jean
Droll inspr. Bar bar Heuli, Delia Tipsord,
Pai Lindauer, Mary S'ei.ilicht, Joyce E.
Nally, Susie Hoffman, Linda C. Ganssen,
Sandy Reynolds, Wanda Jacobs, Susan L.
i. iiidelof, Kathy Schultz, Susan Simmons,
Linda Lindelof, Pat Drake and Cleona
BUSTLE BELLES — Jean Stocker, Judy
Peterson, Karen May, Judy Glascock,
Phyllis Donner, Regina Johnson, Mary
Knapp, Evelyn Patton, Beth Vyverberg,
Gail Seamonds, Susan Strebeck, Marilyn
Riblet, Mary Jane Hill and Jo Swanson.
Dewey, Mrs. Russell Douglas, Mrs.
Darrel Kroon, Mrs. Donald Douglas, Mrs.
Thomas Rhodes, Mrs. Phyllis Coons, Mrs.
Mary Rainwater, Mrs. Janice Mc
Cul.ou^ii, Karen Rhodes and Connie
Geneva Calhoun, Jac Walker, Val Hunt,
Jean Hunt, Margaret Hunt, Gayle Hager,
Darlene Tucker, Marti Hager, Helen Day
and Jan Noble.
Johnson, Clarice Bennett, Ethel L
Zimmerman, Mae Meredith, Sandra
Meredith, Sylvia M. Weidner, Gladys
Wallis, Wanda Curtis, Mikki Boyd, Ellen
Boyd, Jane Bush, Eva Cook, Cecelia
Anderson, Edna Schnittker, Freeda
Bedel, Bea Warman, Dorothy Rudolph,
Susan Rudolph, Barbara L^onsand Sonia
GIBSON GIRLS Marion Knapp, Olive
Bertram, Eunice Jones. M^rv Tomokins,
Alice Ogg, Jean Hall, Betty Mooney
Joyce Kumler, Rosemary Lehman, and
Marilyn Steinman.
SOYA BELLES Freeda Speers, Joann
Pearson, Cathy Goff, Gretchen Nelson,
Margaret Tongate, Caria Gravlin, Sharon
Nunamaker, Patti Graff, Bette Lain,
Imogene Smith, Margaret Rando, Audrey
Rotjertson, Donna Lindelof, Bettie Main,
Clara F McNarny, Darlene Be'i and
Susie Thackeray.
PAPER DOLLS Brenda Welbourn, lla
Kumler, Norma Kramer, Val Hunt, Hazel
Witt, Jean Hunt, Virginia Christensen,
Johanna Giseburt, Nadine Tomblin,
Sandi Craig, Linda Gregory, Ann Roop,
DorIa Parker, Rita Peters, Marie Garvis,
Ethel Woolley, Helen Andreae, Linda
Barrow, Joyce Hix, Jean Schertz, Cheryl
Hester, Vicki Richard, Jane Ferguson
and Sharon Asher.
V.F.W BELLES Imogene Ping, Nadine
Tomblin, Eileen Schutte, Wilma Hen
dricks, Marion Warder, Mildred Taylor,
Jean Crossman, Betty Pearson, Pam
Brown, Mary Jensen, Zelma Bane, Oleta
Lantz, Elma Stewart, Wilma Tandy,
Anna Andreae, Shirley Benson, Susan
Douglas and Kay Bane.
GOLD DUSTERS Violet Schmidt, Liz
Kumler, Frances Oneal, Frances Mc
Mahon, Nan Bright, Margo Martin, Jean
Goslin, Mary Ann Grider, Nancy Kumlpr,
Claudia Murphy, Rose Godsey and Jan
Mrs. Loyal Dickerman, Elizabeth Elkin,
Mrs. Paul Elkin, Mrs Mabelle Farlin,
Mrs. Lula Farris, Mrs. Stanhope Foster,
Mrs. Blanche Hollen, Helen Foster
Kelley, Mrs. Grave Moody, Mrs. Roy
Schlickman, Mrs. C. L, Shaner, Mrs.
Doris Tiardes, Mrs Mont Utterback,
Mrs. Ralph Warfield, Mrs. George Stolz
and Mrs. Richard Schertz.
Virginia Nelson, Doris Young, Imogene
Loy, Margaret Gregerson, Bonnie
Warsaw, Liia Rankin, Marcia Nickrent,
Linda Ehlers, Marion Green, Mary Alice
McRae, Shirley Reynolds, Lucille Sisk,
Sally Reynolds, Nellie Osborne, Neva
Rankin, Fran Young, Patricia Cribelor,
Betty Young, Helen Ernest and Margaret
OLIVE FOLEY Mrs. A. W. Johnson,
Mrs. Elizabeth Salyards, Mrs. Harlan
Arens, Mrs, Howard Ehresman, Mrs. Don
Schroeder, Mrs, James Mitchell, Miss
Gladys Dueringer, Miss Evelyn
Dueringer, Mrs. Raymond Gill, Mrs.
Warren Nally, Mrs. Emma Kidd, Mrs.
Lena Shields, Mrs. Pauline Fuoss, Mrs.
Sylvia Hatterberg, Mrs, F. E. Walker,
Mrs, Chester Chandler, Mrs, Agnes M.
Simms, Mrs. Josephine M FitzHenry,
Mrs Hazel Boyer, Mrs. Sibyl Middleton,
Mrs. Mary Frances "Stubbert, Mrs.
Harold Buesing, Mrs. Lee Barry and Mrs.
C. F. Robertson.
Huston, Jenedia Jenson, Pauline Cullip,
Buohlah Reiners, Vandel Whitten,
Dorothy Huston, Emma Jensen, Dot
Nelson, Wilma Giffard, Minnie Huston,
Elinor Nelson, Eleanor Stolz, Pauline
Helmick and Gladys Taylor
Bessie Cater, Clara Thedens, LaVonne
Riblet, Jessie Roesch, Etta Beck, Grace
Bielfeldt, Ann Brokate, Edna Brokate,
Ella Clausen, Maxine Cook, Edna Sandor,
Anna Schroeder, Clara Schroeder, Elsie
Schroeder, Cora Glascock, Le Etta Bane,
Ann Beck, Kathy Riblet and Kate
(ORGANIZATIONS — continued from page 51)
Down Ihrough the years the progress of Gibson City has
been in a larce part, the result of work by its Chamber of
The Gibsop City Chamber of Commerce has been sup-
ported by progressive business people. It was responsible for
assisting the "ndiana - based Central Soya Company to locate
its second plant - first in Illinois - in Gibson City. Central Soya
soon became the largest employer in the community, and a
■■good citizen ", with its contributions of money and materials
for many civic causes, and the donation of time by many of
its executives and employees.
The Gibson Chamber of Commerce played a large part in
locating the M & W Gear Company plant in the mid - 1960s at
the south edge of the community. The company had its start
at Anchor, where it grew so rapidly that it soon needed larger
quarters, a larger labor pool, and access to greater tran-
sportation possibilities than were available at Anchor. The
company became Gibson City's largest employer by 1970. as
it climbed to the top of ■'short line " farm machinen.-
manufacturers in the nation.
The original Gibson Canning Company, sponsor of one of
the finest amateur basketball teams in the United States at
one lime, named -Yours Truly " after the firm's popular
brand name, was later acquired by Stokely - Van Camp. The
company cans sweet corn, sweet peas and lima beans, and is
an important seasonal employer. It is of considerable other
economic value because of the large acreage it owns and
contracts from others for its crops.
As Gibson City reached its Centennial year, a number of
other important local industries had been located in the
community largely through the efforts of the Gibson
Chamber of Commerce. Among them are the Nation - Wide
Glove Co., Shaffer Spring Co., and Electronics Components,
Davis Welding and Manufacturing Co. was a hometown
industry that grew with the development of new products,
Kramer Publishing Co. became the central printing plant for
the Gibson City Courier and seven other area weekly
newspapers. Noble Bros, was a major seed merchandiser in
the country.
But the Gibson Chamber of Commerce did more than at-
tract new industries and encourage the growth of already
existing companies. It annually sponsors and finances
downtow-n Christmas lighting and decorations, and brings
Santa Claus to town each year for visits with children of the
community just before Christmas. Merchants sponsor
periodic Dollar Days and Sidewalk Days events, as well as
other special events for the budget - minded in the Gibson
City trading area.
The Chamber for years has sponsored, together with
farmers of the community, the annual Community Sale
event, on the first Thursday of March. The organization
annually recognizes the '■Outstanding Citizen", and one year
named the entire volunteer Gibson City Fire Department for
the honor.
In many other ways the members of the Gibson Chamber
of Commerce have acted to promote the betterment of the
Gibson City community in all ways. Its membership consists
not only of merchants and business men and women, but of
those in the professions and the senice occupations,
representatives of local industries and utilities, and
ministers of the community's churches.
The Gibson City community is today what it is because of
the efforts of many organizations and individual citizens, and
the Gibson Chamber of Commerce has earned a large part of
the credit.
1949 -
1950 -
1951 -
1952 -
1953 -
1954 -
1955 -
1956 •
1957 -
1958 -
1959 ■
1960 ■
1961 ■
1962 ■
• 1966
■ 1968
■ 1970
- 1971
- 1972
John (Jack) Bradford
Lyie Edel
Wally Lamb
Clifford Shaner
D. S. Stoker
John Carson
Clifford Orr
Verle Kramer
Verle Kramer
Frank Hunt Jr.
Wes Calhoun
William S. Middleton
Les Lammie
Jim Hager
David Kramer
Orren Pierce
Jon Hunt
Emery Cender
Max Hoover
Dick Kemple
George Stevens
Ernie Brown
Jim Thompson
This page sponsored by
Jim's Food Center and Arends & Sons
Charter officers of the BPVV were (seated, from left) Mrs. Imogene Smith, Mrs.
Eleanor Gilmore and Mrs. .Mice Ogg: (standing) Mrs. Esther Hamburg. Mrs.
Darlene Tucker and Mrs. Jane Burns.
The Business and Professional Women's Club of Gibson
City was chartered June 19. 1964. with 54 members. At the
enci of the first year there were 100 members.
Membership is open to any woman in the area who is a
professional or business woman, and gets a regular pay
check. The purpose is to elevate the standard for women in
business and professions.
The charter officers were Mrs. Eleanor Gilmore,
president, who was also the president the second year; Mrs.
Alice Ogg, first vice president; Mrs. Darlene Tucker. 2nd
vice president; Mrs. Imogene Smith, recording secretary;
Mrs. Jane Burns, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. Esther
Hamburger, treasurer.
Other presidents have been Mrs. Alice Ogg. Mrs. Imogene
Smith, Mrs. Margaret Anderson. Mrs. Fern Carroll and Mrs.
Phyllis Anderson. Mrs. Marmell Jones will be serving as
president next year.
The club has a dinner meeting at one of the churches on the
third Tuesday of each month.
The four people responsible for organizing the club were
Mrs. Margaret Smith. Mrs. Eleanor Gilmore. Mrs. Alice Ogg
and Mrs. Llovd Patterson.
On July 7. 1938. in the home of Mrs. M. Malone. the Gibson
City Junior Woman's Club was organized. There were 43
members. Meetings were held the second and fourth Monday
evenings of each month in the American Legion rooms of the
old library. By the end of the year the club had a membership
of 70.
The first officers were Genevera Carlson, president; Helen
Ogg, vice president; Lucille Miller, secretary; Doris Tjar-
des, treasurer: Zola Ropp. leader and Mrs. M. Malone.
senior advisor.
On December 28. 1938. a Christmas Charity Ball was held
in the K. P. Hall to help finance their first project - - a milk
fund the the grade school. They cleared $36.00 and it was
deemed a great success.
As the membership grew smaller, home's of members
were used as the meeting place. During the late 1940's and
50's bi-monthly meetings were held at the Woman's Club
Memorial Building as membership reached a high of some 80
members. The club was very active in raising funds for the
Girl Scout Cabin in the late 1950's.
In Centennial year 1971 (33 years later) the Gibson City
Junior Woman's Club has a membership of 15. They meet the
second Thursday evening of each month at member's homes.
The officers for 1971 - 72 are Mrs. John Bell, president;
Mrs. James Hazen, vice president: Mrs. Tom Fox,
secretary; and Mrs. Robert Hendricks, treasurer.
The organization is a volunteer service group offering
many different fields of interest, ^ome of our community
projects are baking cookies for the hospital and Gibson
Manor, planting flowers in the North Park each spring, the
student loan fund, the migrant council and sponsoring a Girl
Scout troop, to name a few. Federation projects include
Brain Research, Scholarships for Teachers of Exceptional
Children, National Association for Retarded Children,
Project Concern and many others.
Our main fund raising project has been the sale of Trick of
Treat candy sold annually in the month of October.
The General Federation of Women's Clubs, of which we are
a member, is the largest woman's organization in the world.
charter members
■Worship Master;
Westrope - J. W.;
Wm. Cornell. Jr
Gibson Lodge No 733 Ancient Free and Accepted Masons
first received its charter in October 1875. There were 41
They are listed below: Henry A. Raney -
Freeman S. Church - S. W.; Wm. A.
Caleb McKeever, Samuel A. Thompson,
, John H. Gaston, Ferry L. Leonard,
Napoleon Snyder. Jas. R. Lott, Joshua E. Davis, Samuel A.
Armstrong. John McKay. Frank C. McDowell, Thomas C.
Wilson, Jos. N. Putney. Cornelius Dyer, Samuel J. LeFevre,
Thaddeus S. Collins, 'John H. Bulger, Geo. S. Eggleston,
Walter H. Cornell, Wm. M. Bailey. Chas. H. Yeomans,
Thomas H. Kingsley, W, S. McLead. Wm. H. Simms,
Timothy Ross. Geo. McNabney. Geo. W. Wood, Geo.
MuUendore, Chas. P. Younggreen, .Anderson L. Ballard,
Dwight A. Dungan, John R. Gilchrist, Lester S. Heath, James
N. Hoskins. John H. Collier. Andrew Jordan, Joshua R.
McClelland, Chas. E. Wilson.
There have been at least two meeting places. One was
above what is now Rose's Shoppe. How long they met there is
not certain. Many of the records were destroyed by a fire.
The present meeting place, above Loy's Store, was originally
Lambs Furniture Store and Funeral Home. They have been
meeting there for the last 50 to 60 years. At one time the
Commandery also met in the present lodge hall.
The photo is of Brother Arthur E. Wood, who transferred to
Gibson Lodge in 1901. Brother Wood had the great honor of
being elected Grand Master of Masons of the State of Illinois.
This honor comes to few men. Brother Wood was elected in
1923. Due to ill health he resigned after one year of service of
what is a two year term. He passed away in 1926.
The lodge membership now, 96 years later, exceeds 235 and
is a very active organization.
Lillian Rebekah Lodge No. 146 was instituted Nov. 18, 1885,
with 22 members. During the years between 1885 and 1970 a
total of 705 have held membership in the lodge.
At present the membership is 18, including four 50 - year
Mrs. Mayme Gilmore was the Noble Grand when the order
was instituted in Gibson City. Her husband, Ira, was active in
the Odd Fellows Lodge. Mrs. Lola Reynolds is currently
serving as Noble Grand and Mrs. Lulu Phares as Vice Grand.
The Odd Fellow Lodge No. 542 built the building now owned
by the American Legion. It was built in 1913 or '14. The
building contractor was George C. Pinkley and the building
committee was composed of J. A. Shaw, Ira Gilmore, N. B.
Tyler, Fred Harm and J. P. Myers. After the building was
sold, the Rebekah Lodge moved to a room over the Oscar
Buesing Pool Hall. In 1965 this building burned and
everything was lost. The Rebekah Lodge moved to the First
Christian Church and presently meets in the new church
The Gibson City woman's club was organized in October,
1895, as a study group with a membership of 25 women in the
home of Mrs. J. B. Foley with Mrs. Emmanuel Lowry as
assistant hostess.
Meetings were held in the homes until a room in Moyer
Library became available. From that time the membership
has increased to 100 or more.
In 1920 the club became federated with the state; in 1924
with the 17th district, in 1933 with the county and with the
general federation in 1945.
The woman's club has helped with many welfare and civic
projects over the years, in co - operation with other groups
and has contributed generously to several community funds.
In 1956 Mrs. Edna Phillips Coal, a long time member,
bequeathed the Gibson City Woman's Club the sum of $15,000
to purchase a club house. This money, minus an inheritance
tax bought the partly constructed building at the corner of
North Church and 18th Streets where the Woman's Club
Memorial Building now stands, and completed the structure.
Club meetings and other gatherings are held there.
Modern Woodmen of America, a fraternal organization,
established camp no. 235 in Gibson City early in the 19O0's
and still has an active group of members which hold monthly
meetings. This camp had a very active drill team that
traveled around Central Illinois putting on the work of the
The Gibson City Coin Club was organized in October of
1964. It has a present membership of 25 active members who
were asked by the area centennial committee to help with the
programs. Harold Underwood and Robert Grossman were
appointed to represent the club and with a few suggestions
from different people, they drew a sketch and designed the
medallion which the centennial committee accepted.
The Gibson City Rotary Club was organized June 16, 1964,
and held its charter night September 2-t. iyH-1
The club meets each Wednesday night at Jake and Kate's.
Rotarians of Gibson City were presented the District 649
Community Service Award in 1970 and 1971 for participation
in community activities.
Some of their community service projects include:
Providing benches and play equipment at Lowry Park;
assist in sponsoring a nursing scholarship; sponsor a
delegate to Boy's State ; financially support the Student Loan
Fund; co-sponsors of the annual All-Sports Banquet
honoring high school athletes; maintenance of steam engine
in the south park; sponsor annual flea market;
Provided new water fountain in business district; sponsor
music scholarship; recognition of scholars; gun safety
program ; bicycle safety program ; installed sewer drain and
brought in water and installed toilets in Boy Scout Cabin in
south park; invested $500 in Gibson City Centennial
Officers of the club during 1970 - 71 are Dick Moody,
president; Lee Barry, vice president; Art Benz, secretary;
and Bill Anderson, treasurer.
Other membes who have served president of the club are
as follows: Charles Hamm, Larry Williams, David Gill.
Charles Crowley, Donald Trotter and Kenneth Meredith.
Royal Neighbors of America, Fraternal Life Insurance,
was founded as a social group in 1888. It was known as the
Ladies auxiliary to the Modem Woodsmen of America.
Royal Neighbors of America was chartered as a fraternal
benefit society in Illinois, March 21, 1895.
The first Supreme office was located in Peoria, 111., in 1894.
In 1908 the National Headquarters were moved to Rock
Island, 111. and are still located there.
Notice to the effect that R.N. A. ceased to be an auxiliary to
Modern Woodsmen was published in July 1929.
The Royal Neighbor Home for the benefit of aged mem-
bers, was built in Davenport, Iowa, and dedicated July 18,
In September 1961, the R.N.A. fraternal scholarship
program was authorized by the Board of Supreme Directors,
offering scholarships on a compettive basis to young adult
members of the Society,
April 6, 1900, Gibson, 111. received its R.N.A. charter for
adults. The petition for the charter was signed by: Dr. 0. A.
Coss. Dr. F. B. Lorell, Mrs. Martha Jordon, Mrs. Ida
Swanson, Mrs. Lottie Swanson, Mrs. Luella Brown, Mrs.
Julia Prince, Ms. Emma Grim. Mrs. M. Christensen, Mrs.
Calnie Grapes, Mrs. Rosa Claypool. Mrs. McDowell, James
Jordon, Mrs. Pernia Keith, 0. C. Keith, Mrs. Ashby, Mr. M.
Christensen, Mr. Wm. Rick, Mrs. Rick, Mr. C. W. Brown,
Miss Christensen.
The society first held their meetings in the Woodsmen Hall
and also the K.P. Hall. The first line of officers installed
were: Oracle - C. W. Brown; past oracle - Miss Christensen;
vice oracle - Emma Grim, chancellor - Ida Swanson;
recorder-Pernia Keith; receiver-Martha Jordon; marshall-
Julia Prince; ass't marshal - Mrs. Amanda Ashby; inner
sentinel - Lottie Swanson; outer sentinel - James Jordon;
manager - Mr. 0. C. Keith; manager - Mrs. Calnie Grapes;
manager - Mrs. Rosa Claypool; physicians - Dr. Lorell and
Dr. Coss.
Gibson City received the Juvenile Charter on Jan. 6, 1920
and the names of the first juveniles were inscribed on the
charter as follows: Robert Chippendale, Faye Johnson,
Gladys Leonard, Mattie McAtee, Frances Poplett, Leah
Thomas, Evan Rick, Lola Sawyer, Bertha Swanson,
Theodore Q. Swanson, Guy Thomas.
Gibson City was host irl 1970 for the Ford County R.N.A
49th Convention. R. N. A. met in the American Legion Hall
for a number of years and now meet at the Del-Co cafe.
A preliminary meeting was called Sept. 23, 1919, to
organize a chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star in Gibson
City The following people were present: Mrs. Vina Barrow,
Miss Elizabeth Bartlett, Mrs. Margaret Grant Main, Mrs.
Pcarle Eggleston, Mrs. Mary D. Bartlett, Mrs. Fannie E.
Cooper, Mrs. Hester Wilson, Mrs. Lucile Denne, Mrs. Nettie
Gill, Mrs. Maude Means, Miss Elizabeth Shaner, Mrs. Delia
Lamb Mrs. Cleo Lamb. Mrs. Cora Barnhart, Mrs. Lena
Denne, Miss Anna Day. Mrs. Maude Tatman Schumaker,
Mrs. Martha J. Crammond, Mrs. Zaidee Phillips, Mrs.
Margaret A. Wash. Mr. Bryson Strauss, Mrs. Gertrude M.
Strauss. Mr. W. Shumway Lamb, Mrs. Mollie Alice Hay,
Mrs. Robena Newcomb and Martha J. Crammond as
II was decided that meetings would be held the first and
third Tuesdays of the month and that a constitutional number
of persons, consisting of 23 ladies and 2 master Masons had
signed the petition for Dispensation for forming a new
chapter. The petition was forwarded to the Grand Chapter of
Illinois. On October 2. 1919. the dispensation from the Grand
Chapter was received, authorizing that Drummer Chapter be
instituted and become invested with full powers as a chapter.
The Chapter was formally instituted October 22, 1919. The
commission was read whereby the authority was shown that
Brother A. G. Wascher, Worthy Patron of Prospect Chapter
No. 367. Paxton. Illinois was duly appointed Deputy Worthy
Grand Patron and officers were appointed by him to assist in
the work of instituting the Chapter.
First officers of Drummer Chapter were: Bryson Strauss,
worthy patron; F«nnie Cooper, associate matron; Cora
Barnhart secretary; Lena Denne, treasurer; Mollie Alice
Hay conductress; Gertrude Strauss, assoc. conductress;
Elizabeth Bartlett, Adah; Nettie Gill, Ruth; Margaret Main,
Esther Margaret Wash, Martha; Maude Means, Electa;
Martha Crammond, chaplain; Hester E. Wilson, organist;
Mary D. Bartlett. warder; Lucile Denne. marshall and Pearl
Eggleston, sentinel.
The charter of Drummer Chapter was received from
Grand Chapter October 5. 1920.
In 1964 Ariel Chapter. Fisher. Illinois merged with
Drummer Capter.
Drummer Chapter has flourished spreading charity, truth
and loving kindness and now has 253 members.
Rev. C. J. Robertson of the Christian Church founded the
Boy Scouts in 1915 in Gibson City. It was an independent troop
chartered directly from New York City headquarters. The
, first leader was O. C. Oakley ifamiharly known as "Oakie")
Means. He was assisted at camp during the first years by
Mer\in LeValley. "Oakie" ser\'ed in the capacity of leader
for many faithful years.
In 19:!9 ■ 40 Mr. Means re-chartered the Lone Troop into the
Arrowhead Council of Boy Scouts of America with head office
in Champaign. For the past thirty years the Boy Scouts have
operated as part of Arrowhead Council.
Meethig Place
The American Legion Post had a cabin in the block south of
the North Park, now the Chas. Grider's back yard. It was
built of 2' X -I's and beaver board by Jack Nagle's father. It
was moved to the South Park where it was bricked in early in
the4U's. It was then donated to the Boy Scouts.
In 1915 the boys camped south of Mahomet along the
Sangamon River. They went by horse and buggy, which was
a 1'l' day drive. In the 1920's the troop changed camp sites a
number of times, ranging from very close to Gibson City to
souiliwest of Mahomet. In the late 20's and early 30's they
settled on a camp site about one - half mile east of the East
Bend Mennonite Church north of Fisher. The Hermit's Cabin
near Fisher was near an annual encampment.
Many happy memories surround their camping ex-
periences. The big cook tent was piled high with canned corn
and beans from the Gibson Canning Factory. Water was
brought every day by a Model - T Ford through the gully to
the East Bend Church and back to camp. On visitors' night
friends and families attended, and often an Indian Pow - wow
was held. Every year the boys built a stone dam in the river
and stairs in the clay bank to facilitiate getting down to the
water to wash dishes.
Since 1943 the boys have usually camped at Camp Drake,
the Council camp in ihe Oakwood area. This two - week
camping period became the high light of Ihe year with
swimming, five - mile hikes, and the ceremony of the Order
of the Arrow. In the 1950's a canoe trip to Region 7 Canoe
Base was held. The Explorer Post spent five days in the
wilderness of the Michigan Peninsula. This involved
traveling by map and compass, getting lost, carrying 70 lb.
packs, learning to paddle a canoe on a big lake against the
wind, as well as learning to make a real camp site.
In 1932 a group of about six girls were vs'anting to form a
club. They had been reading Girl Scout magazines and were
impressed with the Girl Scout activities in other towns and
states. Mrs. L. A. Barrow organized and had chartered the
first Girl Scout troop in Gibson City, in April 19.34. Mrs. Doris
Johnson Suter was the first troop leader, and there were 56
girls in Ihe troop. They were of Ihe 7th and 8lh grade age
group. In 1940 the first Brownie troop was organized for 2nd
and 3rd grade girls. By 1955 there were 9 troops of 130 girls
active in the program, a senior troop of high school girls
having been added. In 1970 there were 8 troops of 135 mem-
Meeting Places
The first 2 or 3 meetings were held in the Boy Scout Cabin.
The early Girl Scouts met in rooms in the Grade School
basement and in parents' homes for many years. On May 30.
1959. the newly built Girl Scout cabin was dedicated. The
m(xiern. brick, fireproof structure was built by dads and
local volunteers under the direction of Harvey Rasmussen,
who volunteered to be construction chairman The plans
were drawn up by his son. Robert, an architecture student at
University of Illinois. Practically everyone in the community
donated time and money to Ihe project. Local organizations.
Ihe Community Chest, and individuals donated money, in
addition to that raised by the troops. At the dedicatory ser-
vice. Ihe V.F.W. dedicated a flag pole at the site and also
presented the girls with a flag which had flown over Ihe
While House The cabin is located on land that Mr. L. A.
Barrow had purchased and donated to Ihe city to be used for
recreation and or a park. The baseball park is located on
this same land.
In 1955 the Girl Scouts were changed from a Lone Troop
status lo affiliation with the Green Prairie Council, Cham-
paign area, later named Green Meadows Girl Scout Council
of Illinois, Inc.
The Girl Scouts enjoyed camping from Ihe very beginning.
At first camping was done in tents - and still is. Outdoor
cooking was a big thing, and bean - hole cooking was very
popular. This is where a large hole is dug in the ground, a
good bed of hot coals is laid, and an entire meal can be cooked
underground. In 1970 Ihe Girl Scouts are still using this
method of outdoor cooking.
Camping was done at Foster's Grove, at the Hermit's
Cabin near Fisher, and also at Camp Drake near Danville.
Day Camp was held in the very beginning and has con-
tinued through the years. In the present day. Day Camp is
held for one whole week.
Camping for one week or two still continues since 1934. The
Girl Scouts used to camp at Lake Bloominglon with Ihe entire
camp staff being volunteer mothers and older girls. About
1944 Ihe girls began using Camp Kiwanis near Mahomet. This
camp is still being used by Ihe Gibson City Girl Scouts and
had been enlarged considerably Another camp site is Wa-ha-
na-ha near Gilman. Singing around the campfire at night has
long been a tradition of the Girl Scouts.
War Projects
The Girl Scouts collected grease in a "Fats Drive", and in
one paper drive alone they collected 15.189 pounds of old
Troop Projects
The Girl Scouts have sold cookies since 1938 - 39. The first
couple of years the cookies were baked by the Harder's
Bakery. In 1940. the first factory made cookies were sold.
There was only one kind and they sold for 25 cents per box.
Each cookie was stamped with the Girl Scout emblem. Today
Ihe Girls are sbll selling cookies. There are 5 kinds to select
from, they cost 50 cents a box. are still stamped with the Girl
Scout emblem, and the money is still being used to pay for
troop camping.
Girl Scout calendars were sold as far back as 1945 for 25
cents. They are still being sold with the price being only 35
The girls used to work for the community in the areas of the
elderly and the needy. Today the Girl Scouts are doing the
same. They seriously carry out their pledge to do a good
deed. This has been proved in 1969-70 when one troop
volunteered three afternoons a week to be with the elderly at
the Gibson Manor and were highly commended for their
volunteer work.
The first 4-H club in the Gibson City area was a boys club
started apparently in 1928 with John Haypenny as the first
leader. George Swaim was the farm advisor at that time. The
club was composed of about 12 boys and projects carried
were beef, swine and a hybrid corn project. Hybrid corn was
just becoming available and the boys planted an acre of a
particular variety as their 4-H project.
The girl's club was probably started about 1928 or 29.
Among the first leaders were Mrs. Eleanor Onken, Mrs.
Deana Warfield, Mrs. Raymond Green. Mrs. P. M. Ker-
chenfaut. Mrs Merritt Kerchenfaut, and Mrs. Carl Beecher.
The first projects were clothing construction projects.
Cooking as a 4-H project did not start until about 1936.
Alice Green Siegfried, now of Scottsdale. Arizona, was the
first Ford County delegate to 4-H Club Congress in Chicago in
1936 She earned the trip through her work in sewing con-
struction and modeling.
4-H, in both agriculture and homemaking areas, has been
more or less continuous since its start. The name of the first
girls club was Blue Ribbon which the club today still uses.
The Ford County Extension Service first was organized in
1919 to provide farmers with production management in-
formation. At that time the farm bureau was organized to
give local support to extension programs.
In 1922 the first 4-H «lub "Burr Oak", was organized at
Sibley under the leadership of Louis Rust. The standard
project was swine.
In 1935 Home Economics Extension was organized and
supported by the home bureau. The name was changed to the
Home Economics Extension Association in 1967 and today
about 280 women members participate and support the ex-
tension program.
The 4-H program is an integral part of Cooperative Ex-
tension. In 1971 nearly 450 boys and girls are enrolled in 22 4-
H clubs in Ford County. Their projects range from livestock,
foods and clothing to photography, arts and crafts, con-
servation and model rocketry. Activities include camping,
leadership experience, health, and recreation.
In addition to Home Economics Association support, the
Ford County Cooperative Extension Service is provided local
financial support by the Ford County Board of Supervisors.
The Gibson Community Hospital Auxiliary was organized
in November, 1952, with 238 members and Mrs. R. A. Stroh as
the first president. The Auxiliary was organized for the
purpose of promoting and advancing the welfare of the
Gibson Community Hospital Association. This Auxiliary has
grown to 262 members, including 35 life memberships and 37
associate memberships in 1971.
Since its organization, the Auxiliary has provided
numerous volunteer services to the Gibson Community
Hospital. Some of these services have included patient mail
service, a library cart, sewing and mending, beauty shop,
tray favors, bandage rolling, sponsoring the Red Cross Blood
Mobile, refreshment stand and a candy stripers program.
In the past 19 years the Auxiliary's annua! fund raising
projects have raised over $20,000. These funds have been
instrumental in purchasing laboratory equipment, hospital
beds and furniture, an incubator, air conditioners, oxygen
equipment, a heart monitoring machine, and sponsoring an
annual health careers scholarship.
One of the ser\ ices provided to hospital patients by members of
the Hospital .Auxiliary is serving juice and cookies each af-
ternoon. Faithful members for many years were Mrs. Marie
Whallon <left> and .Mrs. Emma Jensen.
(iibson City has been fortunate to have a swimming pool since the middle 192ll's. In l!)r>7 the
original pool's deep end was filled to a shallower depth when a new diving pool was added. At the
same time a wading pool for small children was built. Above Donna \>rkler instructs a group of
potential swimmers during Red Cross lessons. The diving pool is at top right and the wading pool
is to the left.
Gibson City Athletic Club in 1S92. Bottom row. from left. Art (irant. Sum Ward. Percy Morris,
l.indsey. Second row - Will Wilson. Ed Shaffer. Harry Spaulding. Frank Haiipt. Dr. Chapman. B
Strauss. Top row - Will Slater, Rolla McClure. S. Palmer, Loyal Wright, Harry Worrell, Jas.
pent, Lon McClure.
Athletics have always been very important to Gibson City.
One of the first was the Athletic Club which was located in
what is now the Masonic Lodge. They had about twenty
members Their main event was boxing. They had several
good boxers and brought in men from other towns and held
boxing meets about twice a month. This was around the year
In the early days Gibson had a very good football team
which played all of the larger towns in Central Illinois. They
built up a very good reputation as one of the best teams.
Gibson has always been a great baseball center. They have
had many great teams''through the years. At one time the
baseball games were played at the Fairgrounds which was
west of the Canning Company. Then after Drummer High
School was built baseball was played on the high school
diamond. The last independent baseball team was around
\9\5. After baseball there was the Softball league which
played on a diamond south of the Nickle Plate depot. For
several years there was a lot of interest in the league. They
played two games a night, five nights a weelc during the
summer time. Then after that they had a league for the
different towns. Central Soya represented Gibson City and
they had a great team. Now we have a new diamond east of
the North Park with bleachers and a refreshment stand
where small leaguers and the commercial leagues play
nearly every night of the week under lights with very good
Then Gibson became basketball conscious and we had one
of the best basketball courts in Central Illinois, the Hunt
Coliseum It was built for a roller skating rink and they really
had several years of fine skating. People came from all over
Central Illinois to skate here Then tine Yours Truly Basket
Ball Club was formed named after the brand of pork and
beans canned at the canning company. It was made up of
home town boys. They played all the best teams in Illinois
and one year the Independent Basketball Tournament for the
state championship was held here which the Yours Truly
won and was state champion. There were teams from
Chicago and all the states here. The Yours Truly played for a
number of years until the new high school gymnasium was
build and Hunts Coliseum was moved to south Sangamon
Avenue and became a cheese factory.
Another thmg Gibson had one wmter m the Hunts Coliseum
was wrestling matches. There was a man who moved to
Gibson City and he was a big man in wrestling. We had
several matches between him and some of the best wrestlers
in the United States until we had the world championship
middle weight wrestling match in Gibson City in which our
man lost by one fall.
Then in the space of one year our swimming habits were
changed from the old swimming hole in the Cordie Ogg's
farm to the new swimming pool built across from the North
Park. We thought it was certainly wonderful, a wading pool,
swimmmg pool and a diving pool. At that time we thought it
was the finest in the state but it has been brought up to date
and you wouldn't know the old pool after seeing the new pool.
Back in the 1930's Gibson had a very good nine hole Golf
Course on the McKeever farm west of Gibson City which
brought several teams from other towns for meets. Gibson
won their share of meets and a lot of persons spent several
summers enjoying the golf course.
Gibson has always had a gun club through the years
located in different places. Always before the holidays they
had meets for game such as turkeys, geese, ducks and
chickens. They had very good crowds. The meets would
usually start about 10 in the morning and last nearly all day.
Gibson got its first bowling alley in the 1930's and there has
been a bowling alley in some location every since - uptown at
first. Now we havi two real good bowling alleys. Both have
league games every night during the week which (?ives a lot
of people entertainment.
Champion Basketball Team of 1911 -
1!M2 of Drummer Township High
School. Left to right - F'ranklin
Barber. Owen Harry. Prof. B. L.
Pilcher. Russell Richards. Herbert
Bloom. Front - Herman Krudup.
Football Captain - Loyal Wright
YOURS TRl'LY BASKKTBAI.L TFAM of I!M;! ■ 1 1 thrilled audiences at the old Coliseum with their
skill and fancy ball handling. The (libson City Canning Company furnished the suits ; se\ en all - wool
ones cost $10(1. and the second year each player received a matching sweater. Players pictured at top
left to right ■ Haltie .Vshby. "Doc" Shawl. Dr. Frank Hunt (coach i. Franklin "Daddy" Barber. Dane
Andersen; Second row • Kd "Bosco" Bonnen. Herbert "Kat" Bloom. Herman "Dutch" Krudup.
Sitting in front - Wiley "Bud" Hunt.
The Modern Woodmen Drill Team, (amp No. 2:15, had a very active group that traveled around
Central Illinois performing in parades and for recreation. The commands of their drill master. Tim
Bigger, could he heard for quite some distance, as he was a seasoned veteran of the Spanish
American War and World War I. Pictured in March l!)lfi are (top row from lefti Tim Bigger. Drill
Master; Lawrence Swanson. Simon Salmonson. Charles Hays, Harper Glenn, Harper Vernon. John
S. Stevens. (Middle row) Hampton Bergstrom, Charles Chambers, Wa>ne Sawyer, (unidentified
man). (Bottom row) William Brading. Roy Keitlinger, Walter Piatt, Raymond (Teter) Phillips.
The Republican Glee Club of ISSS furnished beautiful music for many political and other events.
Those identifiable are from left - Sam Preston, John Pierpont, and extreme right James Pierpont
(twin brother of John.) Other members pictured are John Ewing. R. R. Baily (auctioneer), and
Henry Preston.
(;ibson Citys Hook and Ladder Team were State Champions in 1900. From left top row -
Ed Croddv. J. H. C.regory. VV. Thomas, Kirk Gregory. Loyal Wright. Albert Cilchrisl.
Frank Patton. Second row - Forest Eggleston. Wm. ONeal. Hark Harry. Forrest Nagle,
Ira Oilmore. Front row - Fred Jones, Chas. Kelso, Guy Haupt, Bert Ball.
^%Joaife^ J
fi- -k^% K^%
The (iibson City Hose Team, composed of volunteer firemen, each summer engaged in
competiti\e sport with other city teams, to learn which team could throw Ihe fartherest
stream of water in the least niimher of seconds Members in IS!IS were Hop row. from
left! Forrest Kg^ileston. I'reslon Wright. Wm .S I)u\ . (»tt I'off; middle row. .lack
Mctiarry. Wm I* Thomas, .lack .•^Icphcns. \lt>crl (iilchrist. and Ira (lilmore; bottom
row. Oscar Keadels. (has. Kelso. Wm. ONeil and (iuy Haupt.
Feeling the need of a Full CJospel Church in ihis city, a
group of twelve persons met al the home of Willard
Thomason in August. 1960. and held Sunday School classes
and prayer meetings
A few months later the group rented the former Pilgrim
Holiness church building on West 9th St. where the Rev. J. C.
Lewis was the first pastor.
In the year 1%2 the Rev. Roger Boyd became the pastor,
and the longregation purchased the Lutheran Church
building and parsonage on thecorner of 8thand Melvin Sts. in
March 1964
The Rev Ciary Royer came as minister of the church in
1968 He was followed by his father, the Rev Elmer L. Royer
in January. 1971. who is the present pastor.
The congregation is enjoying the many blessings of the
Lord, and is averaging 43 in attendance.
The First Church of the Nazarene in Gibson City was
organized March 17, 1963, by the Chicago Central District of
the Church of the Nazarene It was started as a home mission
project under the direction of Rev Marvin Cockman. A
chapel-parsonage was constructed at the corner of Fourth
and Guthrie where it is still located.
The pastors of the church have been: the Rev. Raymond
Stockman (1963-66); the Rev. Harold Frye (1966-67); the
Rev. Claude Diehl (1967-68); and the Rev. Kenneth Floyd
(1968-69) The Rev. John Bouldrey, present pastor, is in his
second year of the pastorate.
The church and its people extend a warm hand of Christian
friendship to the community, welcoming anyone who visits
the church
.^^tg ^
The First Baptist Church, 628 South Church St.. Gibson
City, has not always had the name of First Baptist. The
church was organized in 1950 as The Conservative Baptist
Church, with Rev Robert D. Oman of Chicago, III. as the first
pastor. The first worship services were conducted in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Gosser. who are still members.
As the Conservative Baptist Group, the Wantwood School
building was rented for worship services. Later in 1952 they
purchased another school building for their worship services.
After the purchase of this property in 1953, the church voted
to petition the Southern Baptist Convention for affiliation. At
this time they voted to change the name from the Con-
•servated Baptist Church to the First Baptist Church.
In 1956 the lot at 628 S. Church St., upon which the church
plant is now located, was purchased. The ground-breaking
ceremony was conducted with the members present, and the
first spade of earth turned over by Henry Forhn. This was the
beginning of the building of the church which is presently The
First Baptist Church, (affilicated with the Southern Baptist
Convention) of Gibson City.
The present pastor is Everett S. George.
The first meeting place of this group was in the Canterbury
School northeast of Gibson in 1869. From there they went to
the loft of a building where John Moore had his wagon shop
The congregation was formally organized on Feb. 15, 1872,
with 19 members, under the leadership of the Rev. G. W.
Campbell. At that time it was called the Church of Christ.
The most prominent member in that early day was J. B.
Lott, the founder of Gibson City. His wife, known as "aunt
Maggie", was a faithful helper and donated the building site.
The bricks for that building were donated by Andrew Jordan
who made them in his brick yard. The church was erected at
the southeast cornerof Sangamon Ave. and 11th St.
To raise money to meet back obligations a poll tax of 75
cents per male member per month was levied in 1874. Also, a
resolution was passed that a tax of one per cent of the actual
value of the property of each and every member of the
congregation be levied, sufficient to raise the balance of the
money necessary to meet expenses. There is no record of how
successful the venture was.
One of the church's prominent ministers was Rev. Steven
Fisher, who resigned here to become pastor of University
Place Church in Urbana, where he was very instrumental in
establishing Illinois Disciples Foundation on campus in
Another of their ministers went on to become the president
of Eureka College. He was the Rev. Louis Lehman
The Rev. R. M. Luedde was pastor for 27 years during
which lime, he taught in the public schools, became Vice
President of Illinois State School Board Association, served
as president of Ford Co. Sunday School Association, and for
five years was president of the Illinois Christian Education
Commission. He was well known throughout this area.
The old church building at Sangamon Ave. and nth St was
lorn down in March, 1971. shortly after the congregation
moved to its beautiful, modern structure located on the
northwest corner of Sangamon Avenue and 12th Street. Cost
of the new edifice was $225,000. The site of the church was
given by Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Tjardes.
The first worship ser\'ice was held in the new building Feb.
28, 1971, and was formally dedicated June 6, 1971. At the
present time the minister is the Rev. Hugh A. Reynolds Jr.
The sanctuary seats 212 and the choir loft at the rear of the
sanctuary seats 35. The fellowship hall can seat 125 at tables.
The gaily-type kitchen can be used for serving receptions,
dinners and other occasions. Landscaping is to be completed
in the near future.
Coder-Taylor Associates of Kenilworth were the ar-
chitects. Robert Rasmussen, son of Mrs. Rose Ramussen and
the late Harvey Rasmussen, was the project architect.
StoUer & Maurer of Fairbury were general contractors.
The former church site was sold and Champaign
Production Credit Association will build a new office at that
On June 30, 1953, a group of 41 people met at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ropp and voted to organize a new
church, which was named Community Christian Church. The
articles set forth in the very beginning were in keeping with
the Disciples of Christ; to foster Christian love and
Brotherhood, and to cooperate in all the Brotherhood
Programs of the Disciples of Christ Church. There were 80
charter members.
On July 5th, 1953, the first Sunday School and worship
services were held in the Edna Theatre. In December, 1953,
the congregation met in the Legion Hall, until a suitable site
could be obtained for a structure.
Lots were purchased for the present church on Route 54, at
12th. and Lawrence Streets for $3000 from Ruth Ringland
Rains. Estimated cost of the education department of the
building was $20,000 to $25,000, with the members doing a
great share of the work. The main sanctuary was to be
constructed in future years.
Ground breaking ceremonies were held Sunday, May 16.
1954. On June 23, 1954, the corner-stone was laid. The first
services were held in the new church on March 6th, 1955. The
new building was dedicated Sunday, November 20, 1955.
The Rev. Dean McGrew has been the pastor since March
26, 1961.
United Brethren Church and Parsonage, Gibson Cfty, III,
^^^LLI '^1 il
< -AUil
In the year 1875, the quarterly conference of the Elliott
charge appointed a Board of Trustees, consisting of C J
Buchner, J C Thornton. Peter Main. Sr.. Rev. L. L Rincharl
and John Wagner. Esq.. to lake under advisement the
feasibility of building a church house for the L'nited Brethren
in Christ in Gibson In the following August began the
erection of what was known as the Brethren Church in
(libson. and on the 8th day of January. 187H. it was finished
and dedicated to the ser\ice of G<xd. The building was 4.S feel
long. :?() leet wide and 18 feet ceiling. II had a belfry and a
vestibule and cost $1850.
During the year 1876 Rev. F. R. Milchel was the pastor.
.serving his second year on the charge He organized a l'nited
Brethren society in (iibson City.
The l'nited Brethren denomination and the Evangelical
denomination united in 1946. hence the name was changed to
The Evangelical l'nited Brethren Church.
In July 1968. the United Brethren congregation merged
with the First Methodist congregation, using the church
facilities of the First Meth(xlists.
The KVB church, which was demolished early in 1971. was
dedicated in 1917 The Rev. George McClanathan was the
pitslor at the lime of the dedication.
The Gibson City Bible Church began as a result of
evangelistic services conducted in a tent on the present site
of the church in August of 1950. The tent services were
spf)nsored by a ten member Inter-Community Laymen's
This layman's group established a Sunday School which
first me! in the AME church on Eighth Street, under the
direction of a ten member council.
Later in 1951 the first stages of the present building were
completed at its present location on the southwest corner of
Sixth and Melvin Streets. Reverend J. A. Heiser of Fisher
was the first pastor. Members of the original church council
were John Bruehl, Lewis Birky, Justus Detwiler, Earl
Birkey, Carl Young, Lloyd Heiser, Orval Schrock, Dave
Schiavo, Willard Heiser and Sam Zehr. A second work was
established on the west side of Gibson City called the West
Side Chapel, which has since been discontinued.
The church is currently under the direction of its third
pastor, Rev. James Walsh. The church employs a youth
director, Clyde Ingold, who is a lifetime resident of Fisher.
Presently 22 of the church's membership are serving in
Christian Service. Of these, nine are serving as foreign
missionaries, and six are either ministers or minister's
wives, in the United States. Of the church's $.31,620 annual
budget, more than half is designated for foreign missions.
Having a present membership of 239 members, the Bible
Church is one of Gibson City's fastest growing churches.
.M:il(t\ \ll sui I \| SSI s
.Ichii\uhs Witnesses established a cuimrt'galion in Gibson
City m June. 19fi7,
The local congregation is one of some 26.60(1 congregations
in 206 countries world-wide
Present attendance at the Gibson City Kingdom Hall of
.Jehovah's Witnesses is 60-65 persons They obtained their
present building in 1967.
Jehovah's Witnesses, a Christian group of Bible students,
base their beliefs and conduct on early Christianity as set
forth in the Bible and in historical records from the early
Chnstian era.
They have become well-known for the past 100 years the
world over for their house-to-house preaching. In 1970, their
combined efforts around the globe resulted in 267,581,120
hours .spent sharing Bible truths at the homes of the public
They took time to conduct free weekly Bible studies in
1,146, 378 homes of interested persons of the public around the
world. There were 164,193 persons from all nations baptized
as Jehovah's Witnesses last year.
Jehovah's Witnesses invite the public to attend their Bible
study meetings at the local Kingdom Hall, 323 N. Lawrence.
Since the local congregation was formed David W. Ellison
has served as presiding minister.
In the year 1874 the Swedish population of Gibson City
began to grow. As the population grew, the need for a
Lutheran Church was seen. One was built at Eighth and
Melvin Streets and was known as Salem Lutheran Church.
Salem Lutheran Church flourished for some time. The
congregation was slow in shifting from the Swedish language
to English and the membership began to swindle. In 1934 the
church was closed and the congregation dissolved. The
building stood vacant for almost ten years.
In 1942 a considerable number of Lutherans had moved to
Gibson City. An appeal was made to the American Lutheran
Church to investigate the possibility of establishing a
congregation here. The Mission Board made a survey and
found the field to be promising. A call was extended to the
Reverend Werner Fritschel of Hebron, Nebraska where he
had been teaching in the Hebron Junior College. He accepted
the Call and arrived in mid-summer 1942. The initial service
was held July 26 in the old Salem Lutheran Church at 10:30
By April, 1943, the congregation had grown to the size that
it could be organized and on April 15, at 7:30 p.m. a meeting
was held in the old Salem Lutheran Church for this purpose.
The name American Evangelical Lutheran Church of Gibson
City, Illinois was adopted and the congregation was duly
incorporated. The first officers were: Trustees: August
Borchers, Bernard Scheiman and Aivin Timke; Deacons:
Charles Riblet and Milton Fryitman.
An attempt was made to acquire the properties of the old
Salem Church. The Augustana Synod was very generous to
us in that they offered us the church building and the lot it
stood on for only $1000.00. Later, when they learned that we
would like to have the parsonage for the pastor's residence
they gave it to us as an outright gift. We are deeply indebted
to the Augustana Synod and thank them for their very real
part in the growth of this congregation.
After being vacant for ten years both the church and house
needed repair and improvement. One of the main im-
provements, dedicated January 16, 1944, was a new set of
church windows. In 1949 the congregation became self
In 1%4 during the pastorate of Rev. Carl Grabemann a
new church was built east of town on Route No. 9. The
dedication service was held Sunday, March 8. 1%4. After
Rev. Grabemann's death in 1966, Rev. O. H. Kreiter was
called and is currently serving as pastor. A new parsonage
was also built. The old church and parsonage were sold to the
First Assembly of God.
The first date in connection with Catholicism in Gibson City
is 1875. At this time Rev. John Fannin came from Fairbury,
111., occasionally and said masses in the homes for the 12
members. These masses were said probably not oftener than
In 1884 Rev. John Kelly built the first Catholic Church in
the south part of Gibson City, on lot 7 of Block 18, on the
corner of Third (now Fifth) street and Church in Guthrie's
Addition to Gibson City.
Records show that between 1882 and 1891 Franciscan
Priests from Bloomington, 111., served this parish-probably
using the Lake Erie and Western Railroad as their mode of
On March 25, 1892, Thomas R. Wiley and wife Mae, sold to
RT. Rev. Jos. S. Spaulding, Bishop of Peoria Diocese, Lots 1
and 2 in Block 39, First Addition to Gibson City, 111.
In December of 1891, Rev. Joseph P. Barry became the
pastor and in the spring, following the purchase of the lots on
N. Wood St., supervised the building of the first Rectory.
(This building was recently replaced by the present Rec-
tory. ) Father Parry was in poor health, and because of this,
his family paid to have the church moved from the Church
Street location to Lot 2 of Block 39 North Wood St. At this
time, Roberts, Melvin, and Farmer City were out-missions of
Gibson City.
In 1910 Rev. J. T. FitzGerald became the pastor. He
supervised the planning and the erection of the present
Church. The comer stone of the new church was laid by
Bishop Edmund Dunne of Peoria and the Sacrament of
Confirmation was administered in 1913. The new church was
opened to the public, for the first time on Sunday, February
22, 1914. It was not formally dedicated at that time as Bishop
Dunne was in Europe. It was solemnly blessed by Very Rev.
J. J. Shannon, Vicar General of the Peoria Diocese.
In May of 1917 Rev. John L. McMullen was appointed to the
Gibson City and outmissions. In 1922 St. Rose Church,
Strawn, was made an out-mission of Our Lady of Lourdes in
addition to St. George, Melvin and Immaculate Conception,
Some time between 1930 and December 1934 Roberts was
transferred as a mission to Piper City and St. Joseph Church
of Colfax was added to Our a Lady of Lourdes.
In 1959 Rev. William Kirk was appointed pastor of Gibson
City and directed the building of the Religious Center in
Gibson City. In 1963 he was transferred to Wheaton. While in
Wheaton he was severly burned in a fire in his rectory and
died. The Religious Center here then was named in his honor
"The Father Kirk Memorial Center".
Rev. James Duffy came to Gibson City after Father Kirk's
transfer to Wheaton.
Rev. Vytas Mememas replaced Rev. James Duffy in 1%7
Under his direction the new rectory was built and the church
In January, 1939 four families began meeting for worship
at Guthrie Community Hall. This was the beginning of what
was later to become the Gibson City Church.
A lot was purchased in Guthrie in June, 1949, and a building
was moved onto this lot for a meeting house. The Brethern
began to meet in this building for the first time in January,
In May, 1965, a new church building was constructed in
Gibson City and in August, 1965, the congregation was moved
from Guthrie and began meeting in the new meeting house.
The one acre of land on which the new church was erected
was donated by Elmo Meiners of M & W Gear Co. The cost of
the building was approximately $45,000 and is located just
south of town on Rt. 47. The sanctuary will seat 275. Ad-
ditional seating for 75 is available in a balcony at the rear of
the auditorium. There are 10 classrooms.
The present minister is Larry Darnall.
From the original four families which began meeting in
Guthrie in January, 1939, our membership has grown to over
The African Methodist Church was organized in Gibson
City in 1877 by the Rev. Aaron Ward Charter members were
Mark and Melissa Anthony, Betty Manson, Ellen Smith and
Mr and Mrs. Allen Sjpeckard.
Their first building was erected at a cost of $600 and since
that time there has been a congregation in town to ac-
commodate those who wished to attend
Negro citizens started the church when they came here
from Burr Oaks where they worked for Michael Sullivant on
■his extensive farm holdings. Some chose to remain in this
area after Sullivant lost much of his property and they came
to Gibson City.
The church is now known as Alexander Chapel.
This page sponsored by
Peter Eckrich & Sons, Inc., First National Bank
and Trust Company in Gibson City, The Fashion
Shop and Ford Iroquois FS, Inc.
IV«i»byitf(»;» Cho.-^h, Ofttan Cdy, 111.
A petition signed by 18 persons was presented to
Bloomington Presbytery on Sept. 26th, asking for the
organization of a Presbyterian Church at Gibson City. The
petition was granted and on Oct. 28th, 1871, the same year in
which the town was founded, the First Presbyterian Church
of Gibson City was organized.
The first meeting place was the North Union School house
four miles northwest of Gibson City, the organizing minister
was the Rev. R. A. Criswell who was also the shepherd of the
flock for the ensuing four years.
Among the 21 charter members were Mrs. Ruth E.
Gilmore and Mrs. Sarah McKeever. These two names are
still represented on the present membership list, there being
several Gilmores and McKeevers with other of their
relatives now in the church in 1971.
As soon as Gibson took on the semblance of a town, the
congregation came to where the people were, and held their
services in Gilmore hall or in Guthrie Hall and on some oc-
casions in the Illinois Central Depot, where the pews were
planks and where the pulpit was a barrell. This latter place
was often used by other denominational groups for their
place of worship.
The first building was planned in 1874, but due to the
hardships of the season it was not completed until 1875. The
church cost $3500. Money was tight and 18 percent interest
had to be paid at the bank on that which was borrowed.
By the turn of the century the little Gothic style church was
outgrown and in 1902 a new building, the present one, was
erected on the sight of the old at Church and Eleventh
An organization within the Church that has lasted over 60
years is the Sunshine Class which has contributed to the
finances, to the kitchen equipment, to the roll of teachers,
and to the lasting memory of faithful participants.
In 1906 the Cumberland Presbbyterian Church-l- merged
with this First Presbyterian and brought a sizeable influx of
new members.
In 1950 a new kitchen was added (o the big brick structure
In this centennial year a new Christian Education addition
costing $115,000 has been completed. The new addition was
dedicated Sunday, April 25, 1971. The church will officially
obser\e its Centennial year on Sunday, October 24, 1971. The
present minister is Dr. Chester E. Chandler.
+The Cumberland Presbyterian Church, originally called
the Hopewell Congregation was organized at Drummer
Grove School one mile Northwest of Gibson City on Dec 19,
1868 by the Rev. J. R. Lawrence.
Their building, completed in the fall of 1873, was one of the
first churches in town. Their congregation was noted for
being a dressy group, and their main leader was Ben Mc-
Clure who was known to all the school children as Uncle Ben.
Some of his descendants, along with the Knapps, the Hustons
and the Jardines - (all related to charter members) are still
members of this merged church today.
The first meetings of the Methodist Episcopal Society were
held in 1872 in the old Gault House, located where the Legion
Hall now stands. Under the leadership of Rev Job Ingram.
arrangements were made to hold regular services in what
was known as Gilmore Hall on Sangamon Avenue, and
meetings were held here until the church was built the
following year, 1873. on the corner of Church and Tenth
streets across the street south of where the present church
stands. This church, facing north, was a frame building with
two small rooms to the west, one for a vestibule and the other
for Sunday School classes. The building had a belfry and was
heated by two soft coal stoves. The total cost was $2000.
Times were hard, money was scarce, and crops poor.
During the building of the church, a group of women met in
the belfry and organized a Mite Society, their object being to
help raise money for the building of the church. The society
afterwards became known as the Ladies Aid.
Rev. A. C. Byerly had succeeded Rev. Ingram in 1873 and
was pastor in charge when the church was finished, serving
for two years. During his first year pastorate, Mrs. Byerly
organized the Women's Foreign Missionary Society.
In this early church there was a class meeting held at 10:30
a.m. followed by the worship service at 11 o'clock. The
Sunday School was held at 3 p.m. The first Sunday School
superintendent was Charles Wilson, and the first class leader
was N. S. Garrell.
In 1882 the three lots where the present church and par-
sonage stand were purchased for $900. The next year a
parsonage was built at the site of the present one.
In 1888 the church building burned to the ground. Plans
were immediately made for rebuilding. A frame structure
was erected on the site of the present church. During this
time, the Ladies Aid was actively engaged in raising funds to
help defray expenses of the building. This second building
was dedicated on October 28, 1888. Rev. Robert Stevens was
pastor at the time. Th cost of the building was $4000.
In 1892, when Rev. W. T. Beadles was pastor, the old
parsonage was sold for $200 and a new one was built and
dedicated on December 31, 1892, at a cost of $2,195. On March
7, 1897, the church again caught fire and was badly damaged.
It was remodeled with a basement and kitchen added. The
Ladies Aid, Epworth League, and Junior League furnished it.
During these first 25 years, several revival meetings were
held, increasing the membership on each occasion,
culminating in the Great Union Revival in 1906 under the
leadership of Billy Sunday, which resulted in more than 100
uniting with the Methodist Church.
In 1913, when it became necessary to make extensive
repairs upon the church, it was decided that a new church
should be built to replace the 1888 building. The cornerstone
was laid in the late summer of 1913, and the present church
was completed and dedicated on August 30, 1914, at a total
cost of $34,070. A brick parsonage was built in 1951.
In 1939, the Methodist Church, South, and the Methodist
Protestant Church united with the M.E., the new
organization assuming the name of simply the Methodist
Church. The Ladies Aid and Women's Missionary Society
became the Women's Society of Christian Service.
In 1966 extensive remodeling was undertaken in the
present building at a cost of $116,000.
In 1968 the Evangelical United Brethren and Methodist
Churches merged, becoming known as the United Methodist
Church. The Elliott U.M. Church became a yoked parish with
the Gibson Church when the former EUB and Lutheran
churches of Elliott merged. The total membership of the
yoked parish is 990.
The church is presently served by Rev. John R. Curtis. Jr. .
senior pastor, and Rev. David A. Eadie, associate, who also
serves the Elliott church.
Methodist Episcopal Church and Parsonage, Olbsop City, III. ^
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(Editor's Note: The following article was prepared by Miss
Evelyn Dueringer, a teacher and librarian in the high school
lor many years and now retired.)
The first school was established in the prairie days when
the first settlers arrived between 1852 and 1860. Dr. J. E.
Davis, who had settled on the prairie on what is now the John
Foster farm, hired a private teacher in the fall of 1863 by the
name of Miranda HoUoway and invited his neighbor's
children to his home for education with his own children in
his home.
In 1865 in the northwest part of Drummer Township, Mr.
Asa Centebury followed the same procedure as Dr. J. E.
Davis and hired a teacher by the name of Miss Jennie Frew
of Paxton to teach in his home, also inviting the neighbors'
children to be taught there.
In 1866 the Drummer Grove district was organized, and a
school house was built near Drummer Grove. It was on the
south side of the road and on the west side of Drummer Creek
northwest of the village of Gibson on the Dr. J.E. Davis farm.
The first teacher was Mary Ann George. The children of the
new village of Gibson had to go to this school. Some of those
who walked from the village to the Drummer Grove School
before there was a s school in the village were Emma Gentle,
Sara Gilmore, and Emma Houdyshell. Of these, the known
descendants of Emma Gentle are the Mottier family, who
resided northeast of Gibson City during the first half of the
20th century. Also, relatives of Sara Gilmore living in the
Gibson City area are descendants of her uncle, Albert and
Craig Gilmore,
In 1872 this school was disbanded due to overcrowding from
the increasing number of pupils from the growing village.
The building was purchased by George Johnson, house
mover. He moved it to Lot 9 on the west side of State Street
and converted it into a residence for his family. It stood just
opposite the west of the Jonathan B. Lott home. The old
historic Drummer Grove schoolhouse still stands at 527
North State Street, occupied in the early half of this century
by the David Craddick family, and presently occupied by
Kenneth Eck and family.
In the fall of 1872 a new school district was organized,
known as District No. 3, and school was taught in Union Hall,
erected on the west side of Sangamon Avenue, north of the
present Moyer Library, where the home of Mrs. Wm. M. Loy
now stands. This was the first school in the village and was
taught by Miss Caroline Williams, thus giving her credit for
being the first teacher in the village of Gibson. The spring
term of 1873 was taught by Mr, D. E. Stover, and the fall
term of 1873 Mr. Jesse Hubbard was secured as the first
superintendent of the school, as there were too many children
for one teacher. Miss Ruby Sears was engaged as assistant.
In the summer of 1874 it was decided to build a new school
building, as by this time the village of Gibson had become a
boom town and Union Hall was not large enough to ac-
commodate the numerous pupils. The directors were Charles
Wilson, T. D. Spaulding, and F. S. Church. The contract was
let to the lowest bidder, who was J. C. Mather of Kankakee,
and work was started in July and finished in December at a
School children were housed in the building at the left and
opened Friday. Dec, 4, 1S74. The belfry was built on
Christmas day by Fred Potts and George Wood, pioneers
carpenters for $15.
The bell is now in a place of honor at the entrance to the unit
office. The building to the right was constructed in 1888. The
entire school was destroyed by fire Jan. 10. 1912.
cost of ^10,000. Two new teachers were engaged. Miss Anna
Pike and Miss Millie Sheffer.
There was a basement with two large furnaces with plenty
of room for coal and kindling, two large playrooms. On the
first floor were two large rooms seating 64 each room, these
housing primary grades. Likewise, on second floor were two
large rooms each seating 64 each, housing the intermediate
and upper grades.
The school was built on Lots 4 and 5 in Block 31. First
Addition to Gibson, on the west half of the block, the front
entrance facing Mclvin Street. The building was opened on
Friday, December 4, 1874.
It had a large belfry built on Christmas Day by Fred Potts
and George Wood, pioneer carpenters, for the sum of $15. The
belfry contained a very large, clear sounding bell that could
be heard all over the town and for some distance out on the
prairie in all directions. The janitor at the time of the opening
of the building was L. L. Flora. He was well loved by the
children. If the children were running to reach school on time
when it came time to ring the bell, he was known to hold off
on the "tardy bell" to allow them to enter their class on time.
A sidewalk built of planks completely .surrounded the
building. It was 12 feet wide and was built two feet off the
ground, allowing a most wondrous playing space for the
children on those days when the ground was muddy.
A small building was added at the same location in 1882 and
a new addition to the original brick structure in 1888. so that
the educational system at that time was located in one unit
and valued at $30,000.
On January 10, 1912, occurred a disastrous fire destroying
the entire unit. A new grade school building was completed at
the same location in 1912 at a cost of $.50,000. Plans for a new
high school building at the north end of town had been in
progress since 1910. and that building (now the Junior High
School) was dedicated Friday, October 27. 1911 at a cost of
Additional buildings have been added as needs arose. In
1971 Gibson City boasLsa most up - to - date educational plant
comparable with that of any town of similar size in the state
with facilities to meet educational needs of every child.
The present Community Unit District No. 1 consists of the
Two elementary schools (Elliott and Gibson) Total
enrollment 507.
One junior high
Enrollment 432.
One high school
enrollment 423.
(2 buildings)
(2 buildings)
in Gibson City - Total
in Gibson City
Total enrollment
Faculty of 80 including administrators.
The old bell used in the first school building was saved from
the 1912 fire and kept in the new grade school where it lay idle
for many years. It now stands in an honored place at the
north door of the administrative building at 217 E. 17th St.
In the community is located a regional office of the Illinois
Education Association, serving 10 surrounding counties.
Colleges serving the immediate area are Parkland Junior
College in Champaign. University of Illinois in Champaign,
Illinois Stale University at Normal, and Illinois Wesleyan
University at Bloomington.
By Bill Ogg, GCHS junior
The first high school in Gibson City met in the upper story
of the grade school. Classes began in the fall of 1876, with the
first class, of four members, graduating in 1880 The second
class had eight members, and the class of '82 had only three
members. The school was then called Gibson City High
School. There are very few records available of the first high
In 1911, due to the grade school fire, it was necessary to
build a new school. Separate buildings for the grade school
and the high school were built. In that time our high school
(the present Jr. High building) was considered an out-
standing school in the state. Mr. Albert Poplett, who gave the
school twenty-six years of service, helped to build the
With the new school, a new district was formed which took
in the entire township. The school name became D.T.H.S. In
the fall of 1911 the new high school opened its doors to 120
students. There were twenty members in the class of '12 the
first class to graduate from the new high school.
At that time Baccalaureate was held in the Methodist
Church. This was the first year that baccalaureate service
was held. Commencement was held at the Chautauqua
Pavilion in the North Park. Mrs. Ruth Loy remarked that the
most unusual thing about the high school graduation was that
the students had charge of the entire program. One of the
highlights of graduation of 1923 was a trumpet solo by Ethel
Bulger. (Mrs. Kumler, whom many of us had for a fourth
grade teacher.) Another highlight was The Hatchet
Oration.' This was given by a senior girl, dressed in an Indian
costume. The oration was taken from Longfellow's
"Hiawatha." At the end of the oration, she would present the
torch to a representative from the junior class, who would
give a short response, on behalf of the entire class. There was
a great deal of feeling which went along with this tradition,
which was discontinued in the latter 1920's.
The early drama's were held also at the Chautaqua
Pavilion in the North Park. The Pavilion was protected from
rains by doors all away around it. The only problem was if it
rained several inches; then the pavilion started to flood.
In the fall of 1922 Mr. Loy came to Drummer. In that year
he organized the first student council. He also organized and
directed the first boy's glee club. Charter members who still
reside in this area include Frank Hunt, Ezra Johnson, and
Phillip Myers.
An interesting club of the early twenties was the Hiking
Club. The 1923 "Drummer" says, "We have hiked to places
like Drummer Grove, each time increasing the distance, and
thereby testing our powers of endurance."
In 1923 the first orchestra was organized. It consisted,
instrumentally, of violins, cornets, trombones, clarinets, and
a piano. The" first pianists include Gertrude and Verna
Harder, and Lauretta Warfield (Kerchenfaut) all of whom
became piano teachers in the area.
In 1923 a chapter of the National Honor Society was for-
med. This chapter was No. 187. This was an early chapter, as
there are now thousands of chapters. The name was changed
in 1956, from The Drummer Chapter to the Wm. M. Loy
Chapter. Among the eight charter members still residing in
the area are Evelyn Dueringer, and Francis Bryant.
It was interesting to note that in 1923, Onarga Military
Academy wrote a letter to the football team congratulating
them on their conduct on the field.
In 1923, Drummer won the Ford County Basketball tourn-
ament. The eight schools involved in the tournament were:
Paxton, Melvin, Sibley, Roberts, Piper City, Kempton,
Cabery and Drummer.
The trophy case, still in use in the main hall of the present
junior high was dedicated in 1926 by that year's senior class.
The debating team of 1928 made a clean sweep to the
district finals winning every debate until the finals.
The gymnasium was added in 1929. That years class was
the first to have their promotional exercises in the new gym.
Plays could also be held in it.
The dance of the twenties was the Charleston. There were
expressions such as "Oh you kid" and "Twenty three
In 1931 the Wauseca Trophy was presented to the
basektball team. They had a season of no losses.
The Future Farmers of America Chapter was organized in
1931 to create a greater interest in agriculture. The Home
Economics Club began in 1933. This was reorganized to form
the Future Homemakers of America chapter around 1947.
When, in 1932, Miss Green (Mrs. DeWall) was hired as
commercial teacher many of the board members thought she
was too good looking to hire.
In 1930 the orchestra was disbanded and a band was for-
med. The 1937 yearbook states 'our band is one of the highest
rated in the state, winning the district contest for six con-
secutive years and the national contest for three consecutive
The band attended the national contest in 1933 in Evanston,
receiving a second. The contest also enjoyed a day at the
Chicago World's Fair. In 1934, due to a shortage of funds, the
band was unable to travel to Des Moines, Iowa, for the
national contest, but in 1936 they traveled to Cleveland, Ohio,
bringing home a "first". In 1940 the band was selected to
attend Battle Creek, Michigan, where they earned a 'first'
rating. The band was under the direction, during these years
of Mr. Byron Wyman, now residing in Champaign.
In the fall of 1935 the first football game of the season was
postponed because of a scarlet fever outbreak. The football
team of 1938 was undefeated. The team of '39 had an un-
defeated record until the last game of the season when
Paxton beat Drummer 3 - 0.
Until 1936 there was no full time secretary. For a few years
before this Pauline Goodrich (Hudson) and Doris Summers
(Tjardes) served as part time secretaries. Verna Spry
(Buck ) was hired in 1936 as the first full time secretary.
The thirties found teenagers dancing to the 'Big Apple',
and the Lambeth Walk, while the forties brought the 'Jit-
It was in 1939 that the shops building was completed. With
its completion came a new course: Building Trades. The
class under the direction of Mr. Fred Anderson, and Mr.
Harold Fildes, built eight houses between the years 1939 and
1956. It was that year that the course was discontinued. Three
vears later the D. 0. program was introduced.
In 1940 Miss Thomassen began the first Discussion Groups.
These were held for freshman, on Wednesday 8th hour.
The first annual "Messiah" was presented by people in the
community along with the high school chorus on Dec. 17,
It was in 1944 when Baccalaureate services were first held
at the high school instead of the Methodist Church.
In 1945 the basketball team won the county tournmanet.
In 1945 students had a magazine campaign, raising enough
money to purchase a nicklelodeon and records, to be used for
The fall of 1954 found students entering a new high school.
The dedication ceremony was held in the fall of the year,
with Gov. Stratton as guest speaker.
It was in 1956 that Mr. Page became the district superin-
tendent. ,In 1960 Mr. Trotter replaced Mr. A. J. McKinney as
Quill and Scroll, the honorary organization for the jour-
nalists, was reinstated after an absence of thirty five years.
In 1957 the Future Nurses of America were organized to aid
high school students prepare for and select a career in
The Future Teachers of America were also organized in
1957 Mr. Page was the founder of the club, which was named
in honor of Miss Thomassen.
In 1963 the Jr. Varsity Football team showed great
promise. The varsity team won two out of nine games while
the JV's lost only two out of seven games.
Wrestling, which was first introduced for a few years, in
the early thirties, was organized agam in 1966.
In 1966 Mr. Clarence Poplett retired after thirty years as
janitor. A car was presented to him for his years of service.
In 1968 the Basketball team advanced to the sectional
tournament. This was the farthest our school's team had ever
In 1969 the Band and Chorus won the Sweepstakes Award at
the State Contest.
The Boy's Glee Club was organized in 1970, after an a^
sence of six years.
The Spring of 1971 brought about the resignation of Miss
Thomassen after forty years of service, in which she
mi.ssed only one day. When asked whpt type of a gift she
would like most she very unselfishly requested that the
money be placed in the Student Loan Fund, of the F.T.A.
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Decorations for the Corn Carnival for the J. L. Saxton and J. H. White stores were designed by L. C.
Wright. Picture was dated Oct. 2, 1903. The solid body of this decoration was made of one - half inch
boards painted in light blue with cold water paint with corn. oats, corn shucks, stalks and materials
suitable for a cereal decoration. The upper grill work was made of kaffir corn stalks. The upper
border was made of small bunches of oats.
The Corn Carnivals in Gibson City were a unique festival,
verv unlike (he carnival companiesof a later date.
Begun in the early 1900's. they were an annual October
event until the Chautauqua craze hit the scene. Each year in
the early spring, a committee was named and headed by Hi
Arrowsmith and John Swanson. who journeyed to Chicago
and engaged free acts for the following October.
Platforms were erected in each block of Sangamon Avenue
for free entertainment such as aerials, bicycles, high dives,
etc. A big band from Bloomington or Decatur was hired and
played for the whole week. No carnival companies, as such,
were permitted. Concessions, however, were allowed such as
merry - go - rounds, ferris wheels, and some side shows.
School was let out and the entire population of Gibson City
celebrated Corn Carnival Week.
One of the highlights was a huge parade which featured
bands and decorated floats, pony carts, buggies, etc. - many
used real flowers for the elaborate decorations.
The entire business district was decorated using corn
stalks and many other grains for designs.
The climax of the week was a ball at Burwell Opera House,
(now the Masonic Lodge) on Saturday night attended by
young and old alike - all dancing to a good orchestra.
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The Gibson Home Chautauqua Association was formed on
March 13, 1916. Interested citizens held a meeting in the old
Masonic Hall, which was above what is now Loys Stores.
C. J. Robertson was elected the first president. Other of-
ficers were John Mollis, vice - president; Miss Chloe Rady.
secretary: and John McClure. treasurer.
The Chautauqua entertainment was scheduled for July 20 -
25. Talent cost $925 and admission was 25 cents.
The most famous person to present a program was the
great orator William Jennings Bryan, who spoke on Monday,
July 24
The association ended the season with $13.78, and on
August 4. a permanent Chautauqua organization, known as
the Gibson City Chautauqua Association, was incorporated
under state laws
Besides providing top entertainment for the residents, the
association built a $10,000 pavilion in Mellinger Park,
commonlv known as the North Park.
The Rev. William A. Sunday, the most celebrated
evangelist and revivalist of the late 1800's. appeared in
Gibson during June and July of 1907.
He preached here for seven weeks, day and night, to
crowds that packed a huge tabernacle built specifically for
the purpose. The tabernacle was located at the corner of 6th
St. and Sangamon Ave.
A group of local business leaders, also leaders in their own
churches, persuaded Sunday to come to Gibson City.
Members of that group included Dr. W. A. Hoover, Dr. C. W.
Knapp, and Percy Lowry.
The Gibson City High School athletic field was the scene for
the Billy Graham Evangelistic Crusade held July 17-31, 1%6.
Many months of detailed planning (started in Dec, 1965)
went into this great Crusade which drew people from all over
East Central Illinois. It was officially advertised as the East
Central Illinois Billy Graham Crusade.
During the two weeks, thousands went forward to dedicate
or re - dedicate their lives to Jesus Christ.
The crusade received its Certificate of Incorporation
papers on Dec. 7. 1965. Named as board of directors in the
articles of incorporation were Ellis Unzicker. general
chairman of the successful religious event; the Rev. Jack
Kaley then minister of the former Evangelical United
Brethren Church; the Rev. Lester Ringham of the -First
Christian Church; Mrs. Thomas (Valeria) Hunt, secretary;
John E. Wilson. Piper City, treasurer; Frank Hubert,
Say brook; and Mrs. Gladys Gottschalk. Anchor.
Others sen'ing on the executive committee as chairmen
from this area were the Rev. James Pollard of the Gibson
City Bible Church; Clifford Shaner; Warren Page, the Rev.
Roger Boyd, Mrs. Ron Hayse of Elliott, L. F. Swanson,
Dwight (Dike) Eddleman and the Rev. Leo Ewing of the
Methodist Church. Mrs. Jon (Jean) Hunt served as office
Dr. John Wesley White was the evangelist during the two
weeks. His dynamic sermons led many to respond to his call.
The crusade here was organized to include 33 area towns
and villages, covering a population of approximately 47.000
A choir of over 200 voices sang nightly. The final night of
the crusade featured nationally known gospel singer George
Beverly Shea. One of the largest crowds in the city's history
gathered at the football field that night. Cars were parked
everywhere, all the chairs were filled and some brought their
own folding chairs and blankets.
The crusade drew wide publicity and is still considered by
(he Billy Graham Evangelistic Association as one of its
greatest successes. Crusades sponsored by the BGEA rarely
plan such events in small towns.
The Coliseum in Gibson City was built about 1907 by Martin
Roslyn and Dr. Frank Hunt, Sr. In essence it was the home of
the "Yours Truly Basketball Team", a professional home
town team that toured, met and conquered teams all over the
state, even playing the Harlem Globetrotters of that day.
The Coliseum was the palace for the roller skaters in the
day when roller skating rivalled local dancing events.
So enthusiastic were the patrons of the "Yours Truly
Team" that one father and mother brought their youngest,
placed him under the seats which surrounded the playing
field to sleep. After the excitement of the game, the parents
returned home only to discover that they had left the infant
under the seat, locked in the Coliseum.
Sunday Afternoons, 3 U'clnck
Nov. 2i. "Christ's Second Coming.
Why? How? When?"
.Ni>v. M) "\iclory O'er The Grave"
,^, , »«. 7 "The Two Salvations"
New York PASTi IK S. AluKTit.V Nr«\«il«
VnniMKi.K AMI FiiiKNri> Ahk I'okih.ii.i.v Isvitki.
Taking part in the Corn Carnival parade held in October 1909 were (from left) Stanley Means,
Frank Hunt Jr., William C. Bryant, Gretchen Wilkinson Potts, fred McClure and Alyce Hunt
In less than two years after the first business was
established in the village, the citizens could boast of a fair.
The F'air Association was organized in 1872 and the first fair
was held in September of that year.
. J. B. Lott set aside :iO acres in the northwest part of the
town site, which was incorporated in the spring of that year
for the fair grounds. The association elected Dr. J. E. Davis
as president; W. H. Simms. secretary; and John H. Collier,
A roofless amphitheater was constructed along the west
side of the grounds and a band stand was built near the south
end (if the race track, A floral hall located at the north side of
the field held exhibits.
There was no well at the fair grounds, so water had to be
hauled in in barrels. Plenty of tin cups were on hand for use
l)y I he thirsty public.
On the first day of the fair held in 1875, after boring to a
depth of 28 feet, a small stream of water burst forth at the
surface which was of excellent quality, pure and cold. It was
the first artesian well in this locality and continued to flow for
many years. From that time on, a drink at this well was a
great attraction at the fair.
The fairs continued with much success for eight years with
people coming from miles around to attend. The fair grounds
were the scene of many races, Fourth of July celebrations
and other events.
The last fair was held in September 1879; the month and
year that oneof its chief sponsors, J. B. Lott, died.
Another race track was laid out on the farm of C. C. Pearce
just east of the village in the early 1880s. Mr. Pearce had
some race horses, as did Henry Friday of Anchor and Dr. J.
W. Dickey and several others in the area. Many lively races
took place at that track.
A popular summer recreation was picnicking. There were
no shade trees in the village. One traveler remarked. "The
only shade here is a sunflower!" Not true - as many young
trees were planted those first years, but needed time to grow.
There were very few buggies or carriages in the village
before 1880. so transportation to the groves was by horse and
wagon. The closest to the village was Drummer Grove, a
favorite place for young and old, and was within walking
distance, if necessary. There were other groves farther away
where some groups did go. Hayracks loaded with young
people who did not mind the distance. Bicycles came into the
town before too many years - streets and roads were none
too good for such riding - but , who cared about that.
Bicycle races also were held at the race tracks.
would stand up on the side and pump the suction pump after
the hose or "suction" was dropped into a cistern well or lank
of water and "work" the pump to force a stream of water up
through the hose. "Sometimes the men had to run and pull
the hose cart by hand."
In 189,5 the city laid water mains and erected a pumping
station on north Melvin street.
A 660 ■ fool high tower was built of brick with a steel lank on
top which held 50,000 gallons of water. A ground reservoir
held an equal amount and both were kept filled with water
pumped from bored wells pumped by a turbine engine.
A volunteer fire department was organized with A. B.
Siverling as the fire chief. Hose carts were added and a new
fire engine purchased by the town with a team of beautiful
black horses to pull the equipment. The hose carts were
pulled by dray wagons or any conveyance that was handy.
(Note: No dates can be authenticated on the above in-
There was no fire alarm until 1892 when S. J. LeFevre built
the first electric light plant, and placed a siren on the steam
boiler. When a fire occured, the plant would be notified and
the citizens would hear long, hair ■ raising blasts of the
whistle, one for the first ward, two for ward two, three for the
third ward, letting the population and the firemen know
where the fire was located.
When the city hall was built in 1906, the historic bell from
the Cumberland Presbyterian Church was purchased by the
city and hung in the tower of the city hall. This bell was used
as the fire alarm until fire destroyed the city hall in 19.37.
When the new city hall was built, an electric siren was
placed on the tower and was operated by a switch from the
telephone office.
In 1895 the city provided the firemen with uniforms. On
November 29 of that year they staged the first Fireman's
Ball in Burwell's Opera House. There was a very large at-
tendance. These affairs have continued in various places
since that time.
After the city purchased a hook and ladder wagon the local
firemen won the State Championship for three con.secutive
years, at Clinton. Blue Island and LaSalle. In 1900 they
received a Silver Trumpet. Some of the members at that time
were: Al Hawkins (?), Fred Jones. Charles Kelso, A. Haupt,
Bert Ball, Forrest Eggleston, Ira Gilmore, Ed Crowdy. Jay
Gregory. "Pet" Thomas. Kirk Gregory, Loyal Wright. Albert
Gilchrist and Frank Patton,
In the early days the only means of fighting a fire in the
village was by the "bucket brigade." When a fire was
discovered, the call of "fire. fire, fire." aroused every one.
Young Dr. Ragsdale usually raced to the livery stable for
his horse and rode through the streets giving the alarm,
which brought out able ■ bodied citizens to help fight the fire.
Buckets would be filled at the "pump wells" nearest to the
blaze and passed hand to hand to be thrown on to the burning
building. H. H. Ward had been a Chicago fire - man before
coming to Gibson and always took charge of directing the
bucket lines and fighting the fires until the first Volunteer
Fire Department was organized. They had no equipment of
any kind for many years.
The first fire engine had a rail along the side and two men
With no fire protection equipment in the early years of
Gibson City, many fires raged out - of - hand and were fought
only by willing hands manning bucket brigades as they
struggled to save property.
Headlines in the Gibson City Courier said damages in the
earliest major fire in downtown Gibson amounted to $32,000.
An account of the fire which occurred on the west side of
Sangamon Avenue (100 block) on Tuesday. January 30. 1883
The most destructive fire in the history of Gibson was on
Tuesday morning, which at one time threatened to sweep
away the whole town. A little after 2 a.m. the large frame
building known as the Burwell building was discovered to be
In Mrs. Mary Grim Pate's history of Gibson City is the
following notation from her mother's diary: "Tuesday night,
Feb. 4th, 1913. A very cold day. A big fire in town about 3
o'clock this a.m. burned the Wade Store, Cady Drug Store,
Poff Bros. Store and the American Express office."
on fire by the night watchman, Peter Bowen. Knowing that
the second floor was occupied by several roomers, he
hastened to awaken them but discovered that they had been
alerted and were fleeing for their lives; the fire having in
such a short time, filled the upstairs with dense and suf-
focating smoke. Nothing was saved by these people.
The immense stock of clothing of the C. F. Baker store and
the grocery stock of C. F. Buckman and Co. below were a
total loss, as well as the J. H. Collier store next door to the
north. A vacant lot, then the J. E. Crammond brick building
to the north stopped thf flames after hundreds of willing
hands formed bucket brigades and poured water on the roofs
and sides of surrounding buildings which were all of wood
construction with coal houses and cribs in the rear.
Had the other buildings caught fire nothing would have
prevented the fire from burning clear to the Illinois Central
depot. The danger was so threatening that these buildings
were emptied of their contents into the street
The buildings to the south of the Burwell building caught
fire and burned. These were two - story and the occupants
had time to get some of their effects out. Mr. Robertson's
furniture store and Goff Photograph were in these buildings.
A barrel of gun powder in the J. H. Collier hardware store
exploded throwing charred boards as far as the Wabash
The citizens worked with heroic efforts to check the flames
and save property. Water was carried in buckets as fast as it
could be pumped from the well in the neighborhood.
Mr. Crammond gathered up what he could of his stock that
was carried out of his building and opened up the next day
under the Union Hall.
There was much looting, by persons not seeming to care
about the loss and suffering of their neighbors. One man was
seen to pick out a coat for himself and a shawl for his wife!
Another person was seen to fill his pockets with small but
valuable articles from the New York Store, then strike out for
Matt Waples, a furniture dealer, and undertaker who made
many coffins, found one of his, carefully hidden away under
J. W. Saxton's sidewalks, with three pair of pants from the
New York store stuffed in it. Some fellow was evidently
preparing for his journey to the next world. He was con-
siderate, however, as he had picked out a cheap coffin.
Mr Burwell and Mr. Collier immediately started to rebuild
their buildings and the walls were about ready for the roofs
when a violent wind storm hit the village at 10 o'clock, July
13, 1883. The wind raged for nearly an hour. The upper joists
and siding were blown down, breaking some of the lower
The damage from this storm was repaired and these
buildings were ready for occupancy by mid - December.
The Second Major Fire
August 22, I8X,5
The second major fire in the history of Gibson was on
Saturday night, August 22, 1885, just a little over two years
after the destructive fire of 1883 Both of them between 8th
and 9th streets but on opposite sides of the street. This one
was on the east side of Sangamon Avenue.
This second fire was at the North end of the block and
consumed five buildings with a loss of $8000. The fire had
started in the floor of J. D. Hannugans Cigar Store and
spread rapidly.
.J. H. White's Grocery Store to the south was consumed.
The small wooden building used as a barber shop by Mark
Anthony was 'orn down to stop the fire, as was the Harper
This page sponsored by
Gibson Pumbing & Heating and James A.
Taylor, Contractor and Lamb Funeral Home
building The brick building housing the MalHnson and
Wilson Bank was also destroyed.
The town pump across the street from the bank and the
wells at the yards of the homes on Church street furnished
water for the bucket brigades that helped to finally halt the
flames before the whole block burned
The Third >Iajor Fire
April 1.1. ismi
The third major fire in the early days of Gibson was again
on the east side of Sangamon Ave in the block between
eighth and ninth streets.
It started at night in the restaurant of H. P. and William
Arrowsniith, who slept in the back room of the building.
Hearing the roar of the flames, they escaped and gave the
Dr. W. W. Ragsdale, a young physician in the village, saw
the fire, rushed to the liven,' stable for his horse, and rode
over the town, crying "Fire. Fire. Fire" and aroused the
This was the customary means of arousing the people
especially at night.
Horace N. Ward who had been a Chicago fireman for some
time and had served during the Chicago fire, always ran to
our fires and took charge directing the bucket lines and
fighting the fires.
Six buildings were burned and the windows in the Lamb's
Furniture Store across the street fell out.
None of the original buildings on the east side of Sangamon
Avenue were left standing after this fire.
()iTST\M)i\(; ( rn/K\ awahi)
The Chamber of Ciinunerce ui l!it)2 nutiated an award lobe
presented each year lo a citizen or organi/aiion in
recognition for Ihcir work towards Ihe betterment of ilic city
and for community ser\ice.
The winner of the award is chosen from nominations
submitted by citizens lo an anonymous committee, who
selects Ihe "Outstanding Citizen " The recipient is kept a
secret and announced at the annual dinner meeting nf Ihe
chamber in February each year.
The following people have been named Cibson dly's
"Outstanding Citizen":
Verle Kramer. I!t62. who died in November. 1968: Mrs L(K'1
(Margaret I Helmick. I%:i. who died in June, 1970: Frank
Hunt Jr . l9(;-»: Orren Pierce. 196.S; the Rev. Jack Kalev.
1961;: Mrs. W T. ( Helen i Francis. 1967: Dr. E. C. Bucher,
1968: Gibson City Volunteer Fire Department. 1969: and
Ernest Brown, 1970.
g^M l^^^'^^j-^ mmMmv^^^-^
Children's parade of the 19(ih Corn Carnival included the following youngsters: i from left i Fred
Met lure, unidentified, .\lyce Hunt Preston. Harold Kemple. Marjorie Kemple. Mary Frances Culter
Stubbert. .\nita Palmer Houran. Percy Wood, Clarence Barrow. Holden White and Pete Palmer.
The first dwelling in the village of Gibson was built by
William Moyer, a grain merchant. It was constructed near
Ihe railroad track west of the Illinois Central depot, ac-
cording to Mary Grim Pate's history of Gibson City.
The house was considered to be "very fine" for those days
but Mr. Moyer decided to build a large one farther from the
railroad. His first house was moved to the east side of the
street in Block 12, Original Town, now known as Church
street, just south of the Dungan and LeFevre houses. It was
later torn down.
"In June 1873 Mr. Moyer erected a one - and - a - half story
cottage on the corner lot of what is now 10th and North Wood
Streets. Now, in 1940, when this history is being written, it
seems to be in as good condition as when it was built, but has
been moved to the south side of the lot and faces to the west.
The present address is 218 N. Wood St.
The house has been owned by a number of people. Mr. and
Mrs. Caleb McKeever lived there during the late 1890's and
early 1900's until they passed away. The house was also
owned by the Joseph Ehresmans, who at one time rented it to
Ihe Harvey Rasmussen family. After Dr. Potts purchased the
property, the Rasmussens lived there for a while, until it was
made into his office.
H. L. Gregory, a pioneer merchant, built a pretentious
house on the corner lot and many social functions were held
there in the early days. The Knapp family owned it and also
Ihe Barber family. A fire completely destroyed the structure
and in the early 1930's the late Dr. A. L. Potts purchased the
property and erected a modern brick home. He used the
former Moyer house as his office for a time and after he
moved his office to 214 N. Sangamon Ave. in downtown
Gibson Citv, Ihe house was rented. Former Postmaster
Hazeii L i Zigg\ ' t-.insi rented itie house for some years. In
1951 Dr. Potts' daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Alan
Broaddus, moved into the home. The house was sold in 1970 to
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones when the Broaddus family pur-
chased the former Potts' residence on the corner.
The Moyer house originally had 10 - foot ceilings and the
structure has been enlarged through the years.
Over the years, additions have been made to the original
structure - which featured 10 - foot high ceilings. The house
now has a living room, dining room, kitchen, three small
bedrooms and a bath downstairs.
Gibson City helped the state of Illinois celebrate its Sesquicentennial year in 1968 with a huge parade.
One of the features was the Mohammed Shrine band from Peoria, which was scheduled to return to
Gibson City for the Centennial celebration parade in 1971. .Another marching band in the "Sesqui"
parade was the Great Lakes Naval Training Station band.
Pens of livestock were plentiful in the early days of the annual Community Sale. Thousands of people
from area towns and neighboring stales come to buy bargains in used farm equipment. The sale has
continued for Itti years. It is alw ays held the first Thursday in .March.
Old-fashioned Halloween parade was an annual event each year. Young and old turned
out for the parade.
Gibson City has been the scene of many railroad accidents
down through the years, but probably the most spectacular
occurred at 10 minutes to midnight on Thursday night, Oct.
M. 1954. The Nickel Plate Railroads "Whiskey Pete",
eastbound from Peoria, roared through an open switch and
piled up in a huge tangle of cars which spilled hogs and wheat
down the block from Sangamon .Avenue to Church Street.
Miraculously, there were no injuries, even though the two
locomotives were in the biggest stack of cars, and very little
property damage to Gibson City. However, the railroad
termed it a "million dollar accident", and it required nearly
a week to clear the wreckage and open the tracks to rail
traffic. Oldtimers recalled that the train earned the
nickname "Whiskey Pete" in the days when it hauled large
quantities of liquor eastward from Peoria, passing through
(libson City at around midnight.
Traveling on horseback or walking, the first settlers to
come lo the Gibson City area found swamps and a vast sea of
prairie grass, higher than a horse's back. Trails made by
Indian hunting parties, along with wagon trails were the only
roads. Horses and wagons hauled the farm produce to distant
markets and brought back supplies and materials to build the
early houses.
The coming of the railroads opened up the country for
settlement, agricultural and industrial development. By 1874
Gibson City was the intersection of three railroads.
Jonathon B. Lott, a man who made things happen, secured
a station on his property of the Gilman, Clinton, and
Springfield Rail Road, built in 1871. In 1876 the Illinois
Central system acquired this section of railroad and it
became a portion of their main line from Chicago to St. Louis.
J. E. Miller was the first agent and the depot was built up
high on poles to keep out of the water.
Never underestimate the help of friends! Jonathon Lott's
next move was to get the LaFayette, Bloomington and
Mississippi Railroad to come through Gibson City. Jonathon
B. Cheney and Haines Cheney of Bloomington helped secure
the right of way. Joseph Fifer, later governor of Illinois,
helped his Civil War comrade, Mr. Lott, bring this line
through Gibson City instead of three miles south as originally
surveyed. The first regular train service began in the spring
of 1872 on this line, now known as the Peoria branch of the
Norfolk and Western.
The Chicago and Paducah Railroad could easily have
passed west of Gibson City, but witnesses say it was surveyed
on Saturday night and Sunday, coming right through Spring
Street of Gibson City to avoid the question of right of way.
Completed in 1874 with F. E. Williamson as first agent, this
railway is now known as the Decatur branch of the Norfolk
and Western.
These same three railroads still serve Gibson City by
transporting much freight each year. Mayor Don Craig,
agent of the Norfolk and Western, reports that business has
increased considerably since the merger of the former
Wabash and Nickel Plate lines. The Illinois Central Railroad,
in charge of agent Charles W. Nelson, handles a great deal of
freight, linking Gibson City with Chicago and St. Louis.
Passenger service for both local railways was terminated
May 1 with the beginning of Amtrak. The interlocking tower,
maintained 24 hours per day, controls the train traffic
through Gibson City. Approximately 680 trains pass through
our city each month.
W. M. Case, Bart Wright, Jim Blades and Roy Nazaris
Kngine No. k:!. sporting two steam domes, is a typical
wood burner seen in the early days of railroading. The
railroad depot was the scene of much activity in the early
years of (iibson City, as citizens relied on passenger
service to get from one town to another, as well as to haul
This page sponsored by
Lehigh Paving Co., Nationwide Glove Co
nc Drug Store and L. F. Swanson & Son
Railway passenger service to and from Gibson City came to an end
after 100 years with the beginning of Amtrack May 1, 1971. One of
the last passenger trains leaves Gibson City via the Illinois Central
Railroad. IC employees pictured are (from left Dan Sapp, assistant
trainmaster; Mrs. Bud O'Neal, clerk; and Charles Nelson, agent.
In the early days of Gibson City, horse - drawn lumber
wagons, buggies, two - wheel carts and spring wagons hauled
supplies and persons along the often dusty or muddy streets
of the town and surrounding rural area. A well - trained
riding or driving team was a most valued possession. Dr.
Davis had the first buggy in 1875. George Trailor had one of
the first "democrats" (a spring wagon with two seats) and
rented it to young men such as Alf Barrow and Will Reader
in the Scotland School area for a $1.00 a night; Mrs. W. C.
Mot tier, his daughter, remembers her mother felt this was
an extravagant purchase, when "we had a perfectly good
lumber wagon to go in!"
Later came the carriage, the rubber tired buggy, the
bobsleds and cutters, and the pheaton. D. M. Dixon and
George Haupl opened early harness shops by 1874. Peter
Poison, an early blacksmith in 1874. sold it to William Mc-
Conncll in 1878. John S. and Wylie Moore opened a wagon
shop in 1877 opposite McConnell's blacksmith shop. David
Snyder and later John Pagle operated livery stables. (The
latter was located on the present library site.)
When bicycling became popular in 1897. the young ladies
organized a "cycling club" with Misses Gertrude McClellan.
Edith Wade and Nellie Johnston as officers.
In the early 19O0's the people of Gibson City area looked for
some way to improve their muddy or dusty roads and streets.
Jacob D. Mellinger was instrumental in getting main street
graveled about 1890. and as road commissioner, he promoted
the first pike or gravel road in this area. Soon other stieets
and roads were graveled. Sangamon Avenue was paved in
The wooden sidewalks in Gibson City were built upon poles
two or three feet high from the street level to keep out of the
water during the rainy seasons. By 1890 the first brick
sidewalks were being built and a few years later the first
concrete sidewalk was laid on North Lott Boulevard at the
corner of lllh Street.
As the automobile became more common, Illinois began to
build roads of concrete or asphalt. Gibson City is the in
tersection of three major highways. Route 9. 47 and 54.
Illinois Route 9 (east ■ west) was built in 1924 and resurfaced
in 1968-69. Illinois Route 47 (north - south) was originally built
in 1932 and resurfaced in 1969. U. S. 54 (trans- slate road from
Chicago to El Paso. Texas) was constructed in 19:u :!2 and
resurfaced to the north of Gibson City in 1970.
Drummer Township contains over 79 miles of roads; high-
way commissioner Albert Schmidt reports that all these are
blacktopped. with the exception of only three miles of gravel
road. In 1971 Gibson City is proud of its many streets of
concrete, brick or asphalt, with most of the alleys graveled
or resurfaced with asphalt.
Drivhif^ her tiorse, Nellie, for one of thp Corn Carnival parades in
llie early IIKMIs is Miss Ma\me Harrow, who later became Mrs.
.lesse Schert/. K\ tliat time the streets in the city were bricked. In
the backHround some of the ( orn Carnival decorations can be seen.
Sleighs and cutters pulled by horses furnished
the winter transportation in Gibson City's early
days. Mrs. Lucy Culter is pictured at the corner
of Sangamon and 11th St. The Saxton home is on
the corner where the Gibson Federal Savings
and Loan Ass'n is now. The old Presbyterian
Church and the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church can be seen in the bacliground.
Tom and Charlie were the names of the matched pair that pulled John F. Riblefs hack in the early
High board sidewalks, a few wooden awnings and hitching posts - and lots of mud - is the Sangamon
Avenue of the early I900's. Shown here on Gibson City's main street are some buggies and wagons
pulled by horses. Driving the team in the center of the picture is Sam Preston.
A picture post card of Gibson City's business
district shows the way cars were parked "in the
good old days." At right is the old city hall
building. This post card was provided by Vernon
Anderson and uas dated Sept. 7. 1927.
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Gibson Citians saw their first aeroplane Sept. 29, 1910,
when Walter Brookins flew the Wright "B" via the "iron
compass" (the ICC tracks) from Chicago to Springfield.
Fifteen year old Curtiss La Q Day launched his 20 foot
biplane glider in March, 1911, from an embankment north of
town, breaking all its lower ribs, but he continued learning to
fly whenever school and family pressures allowed.
In July, 1915, Gibson City had its first close look at an
aeroplane (red winged Benoist) when La Q Aeroplane
Company sponsored flying exhibitions at the old fair grounds
west of the Canning Company. "Satan" Day, dare - devil boy
aviator, thrilled a large audience as he "soared and turned
and banked and dipped ... in his baby biplane" 1500 feet
above the ground, while the ball game continued, complete
with band music, and the flight recorded on 0. B. Lowery and
George Nix's movie film. (NOTE: Complete original stories
of these events by La Q Day are in Aviation Scrapbook and
Centennial Corner articles.)
In World War I, Henry Hager was an aerial observor in
France in 1918. "Ace" pilot William Brotherton was killed in
aerial combat in France in 1918 and was honored by the
"most imposing funeral every held in Ford County," when he
was brought home for burial.
Some of the World War II pilots from Gibson City were Bill
Briggs, Loyal Crowe (both career Air Force men), Jack
Hayse (served again in Korean conflict), Richard Schertz
and William Utterback.
An air strip for Gibson City was constructed in 1951 east of
Gibson City along Rt. 54 on the Pearce Estate land, farmed
by F. E. and Floyd Walker. Flyers active at this time were
Woodrow Barnes, Elmer Colwell, D. A. Garard, Howard
Peters, Lloyd Sawyer, and Monnie Wagonseller. The Gibson
City Flying Club, formed in the early 1950's, presently owns
two aircraft and has twelve members.
Presently flying in the armed services are Army 1st Lt.
Robert E. Hester and Marine 2nd Lt. Leland P. Walters.
Airline pilots are Bill Greime with Eastern; David Roop,
Port of Call Travel Club, and Loyal Crowe, TWA.
Gibson City Municipal Airport, located five miles east of
Gibson City, opened June 22, 1969. Developed by cooperative
efforts of the Chamber of Commerpe, City Council, and many
interested private citizens, the airport has a current
estimated value of $65,000 with a cash investment of ap-
proximately $20,000. Airport manager Dick Schertz leased a
portion of his farm land to the city at $1.00 a year, so the
airport could be constructed to serve the aeronautical needs
of the local businesses and attract more industry to this area.
Presently fifteen airplanes are based on the field,
representing six local businesses and several within 15 mile
radius. A flying school is established, charter business in
operation and an instrument approach system in the offing.
With the only hard surface runway in Ford County, Gibson
City can truly be proud of this accomplishment.
La Q Aeroplane Co.'s Benoist biplane shown at Cicero Susdorf, v.p.; Orris Harry, sec- treas.; George Bloom,
Field. Chicago, 1915. At left, wearing cap, is William pres.; and La Q Day in cockpit.
Early aviator was Curtiss La Q Day, shown here with his
mother, Mrs. Margaret Day, in a Wright B aeroplane. 1914.
Located five miles east of (iibson City, the airport was developed by cooperative efforts
of the Chamber of Commerce, City Council and many interested citizens, on land
donated by the Richard Schertz family.
I'art of the (iibson City Municipal Airport is shown at the runway at the top is joined by taxiway running to hangars
dedication, .June Tl. 1!M1!(. The half mile long hard surface under construction. Airplane tiedown area is at left.
American l.cuinn and \ iici ans dl 1 .m ii-n \\ ii •- members made up
the color guard which led the Mi'inoiial l)a> parade.
World War II Honor Hull
Lee Lm^Try Posl No. 568 of the American Legion was
organized Nov 1 1 , 1919. The first meeting was held in Lms
above Peter Sehertz Lumber Co. (Now Hager Lumbe"
The charier lor the post was signed by the national com-
mander Aug. 1, I920.andby the state commander on Aug. 20.
The post was named in memory of Lee Lowerv who was
killed Oct 29, I9I8 in World War I
There were 50 charter members and Dr. R. N. Lane served
as thegroups first commander. Three of them sfill liv» ,„^
"-■-de in Gibson City. They are Elmer Sawye^ Wa ter pS
and Clifford Augspurger *^ ^"
William D Barnhart was honored and presented a life
membership in 1970. F'cseniea a lite
The posl celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1969
A big undertaking was the purchase of their downtown two
^ lory building in 1944 located on the northwest corner of 9^
SI. and Sangamon Ave. (former I O 0 F hall)
On Dec 21, 1970, 14 World War I veterans held their fi«t
reunion in 20 years at the Legion Hall. They voted to makel
an annual county - wide event 'omaKeit
The Sons of the American Legion unit was orcaniri^l in
March 1971 with 15 charter members oi-ganized in
A complete list of charter members follows
Robert N.Lane, George W. Blades, J. F Main Wade Hool
Charles E. Lowe,^ Jr., Earl G. Guy, Floyd Sawye"c
^arbo'! p '°"- ^c"''y ^ «">•• Charles Whallon,AnTew R
ElmeTsp'ar":- ''"^"' '™^" ' °^"-' ^^ ^ ^^"^P^.
ChLfp.^''^''''"]• ^°^ Kightlinger, Hampton G. Bergstrom
Charles C^L.ndauer, Virgil Speers, Walter Piatt fSb'
Morgan^ Fred J. Glose, Harlow A. Stauffer E E PotJ
Lucian Speer, L. H. Lohman, Fred W. Johnson^icha^d S:
Hin^'^^,,^''^'''• ^' ^ ^^""^^ Thomas Brown Leonard F
Harold M. Kempl^ Ern'm^^Lf R^^e^ ;^^fi„^„ |P^J,^.
Robert Burns, Floyd Speedie, H. A. Lovet H W WiLn n'
Cliri^Sr.^e?"^^^'"'-' ^'-^ ^" ""e^^i^ran'd
Lee C. Lowery
killed in action
Sept. 26, 1918
StaffSgt. John Keller
Died April 24, 1942
Lt. William Brotherton
Died Oct. 10, 1918
104 .
Civil War veterans who marched in the
Memorial Day parade in lilL'T included two Negro
citizens in the community. The picture was taken
on May 2!». 1!t27. A portion of the former
Kvangelical I'nited Brethern Church is shown at
right with the present Ivan Donner home in the
hackground. Pictured from left are Page Price,
Poly Wright. William -Paf Day. John Ross,
Gilbert Jordan, Sam Kashner and George Haupt.
Another era in the history of Gibson City came to an end in
May, 19.37. when William "Pat" Day, a member of the Grand
Army of the Republic, represented locally by Lott Post No.
70, passed awav at the age of ninety - seven.
Mr. Day enlisted in Company G of the thirty - seventh
Illinois Volunteer Infantry in Chicago, there being no con-
tingent in Gibson City. He participated in eleven major
battles, and was wounded four times by Confederate bullets.
He was in company with Sherman on his March to the Sea,
his most important engagement being the battle of
Vicksburg. On October fourth, 1864, he was honorably
discharged and returned to Gibson City to resume farming.
In 19,50, and early 1951. three men from Gibson City
belonged In the Bloomington VFW post. They were Ed Fox,
Bill Popletl, and Dick Goben. It was suggested to them that
Ihev start a post in Gibson City.
The first meeting was held March 11, 1951 at the Grade
School These are the minutes of that first meeting:
The meeting was called to order by Jack Duggins, 7th
District Commander, with 23 applicants present. The
obligation was given by Commander McReynolds of Post 454.
The following men were elected to office: William Hoover,
commander; Bill Scott, Sr. vice - commander; James
Taylor, Jr. vice - commander; Dick Goben, quartermaster;
and Dean Shull. adjutant. The regular meetings will be held
on the first and third Thursdays of each month, at 7:30, at
Goben's Bakery.
L. J. Weber, Asst. Inspector
Acting Adjutant
Meeting places were Goben's Bakery, basement of the old
library, around tables at the South Park, and the Boy Scout
Cabin In May 1952, a vote was taken, and passed, to pur-
chase the present building.
Our first meeting in the new building was held in February
1953. Our mortgage burning ceremony was held in December
The building has been remodeled several times. The latest
is the rear addition being made into a bar room.
The Ladies Auxiliary was formed in December 1951, with
the following officers: Maria Ehresman, president; Jean
Grossman, Sr. vice - president; Freeda Theesfield, Jr. vice -
president; Mary Lou Ferguson, treasurer; and Janine Shull,
Past Commanders
Dr. R. N. Lane, 1920; J. F. Main, 1921; A. C. Rasmussen,
1922; Chas. Whalen, 1923; W. R. PlatI, 1924; Ray Speedie,
1925; Chas. Keller. 1926; A. Brading. 1927; G. M. Rickelts,
1928; H. Murry, 1929;
Joe Schrock, 19,30; Simon Denne (deceased April 13, 1931 );
William Wilken (unexpired term of S. Denne). and 1932;
Roy Main, 1933; Lee Barnhart, 1934; Henry Hager, 19,35; Dr.
L. E. Potts, 19,36; W. M. Loy, 19,37; Glen Fitzpatrick, 1938; W.
L. Barnhart, 19,39;
R. O. Ringhand. 1940; George Swearingen, 1941; Clifford
Augspurger, 1942; Clifford Okey, 1943; Dwight Aug.spurger,
1944; Richard Goodcll, 1945; Lyle Kashner, 1946; Andy
Rovnolds, 1947; Mandel Loeb, 1948; Owen Crowe, 1949;
Keith Sample, 19,50; Chas. Willetts, 1951; Corlis Fmis (un-
expired term of C. Willctsi. 1951; Earl Wright, 1952; Robert
Deener. 1953; Frederick Zander, 19.54; LynnOgg, 1955; Glenn
Barrow, 1956; William Zimmerman, 1957; Henry Wilken,
1958; John Thomsen (unexpired term of H. Wilken) 19,58;
George Lange. 19,59;
Donald Hudson. 1960; Richard Rhodes, 1961; John Sample,
1962; Orville Willemsscn, 1963: David Randa, 1964; Charles
Schutte, 1%5; Harry Ricks, 1966; John Muters, 1967; Frank
Berkler. 1968; Wayne Perkins, 1969; Robert Thomsen, 1970
and Charles Bane," 1971.
Women Relief Corps. Auxiliary Grand Army of Republic,
was organized and the charter was signed April 16, 1885.
There were 37 members and the corp was named after
Margaret Lotl. Thereby the name of Lott Women Relief
Corps No. 24.
The meeting place was the Noble building until sold then in
Ihe basement of the Moyer Library. Now in 1971 with 13
members we meet in homes and the Assembly of God
The dues at Ihe time of charter was one dollar a year after
8(i years the yearly dues are $1.25.
All of the Corps pictures and property is in a WRC Museum
at Springfield, 111.
A group of ladies met and organized the American Legion
Auxiliary, Lee Lowery Unit 568 Department of Illinois in
1920. Their charter was issued January 1, 1921. There are 83
names on the charter, wives, mothers, sisters and daughters
of World War I veterans, who had the year before formed the
Lee Lowery Post 568.
Mrs. Martha Patton was the first president. Of the original
members six are still members of the present unit. They are
Mrs. Mae Brading, Mrs. Marie Whallon, Mrs. Emma Jensen,
Mrs. Elmer Sawyer, Mrs. Lulu Phares and Mrs. Vesta
Preston. Most of the early records are misplaced or
The American Legion Auxiliarys purpose "to contribute to
the accomplishments of the aims and purposes of the
American Legion." Its activities are designed to carry out
the parts of the American Legion program which can best be
accomplished by the work of women. Now membership is
limited to women who have personal connections with World
War I and II, the Korean and Vietnam Conflicts.
As it was fifty years ago this Unit is still active today with
community service, child welfare, Americanism and
Mrs. John Muters is the present president with 105
>Irs. Laurel Piiifj. new president of the \'.F".\V.
\ii\iliary accepts Ihe gavel from retiring
president Mrs. William Pearson al their in-
stallation ceremon\ . Other officers and new
members are i front row from left' Mrs. Frank
Warder, trustee: Mrs. Dono\an Taylor, junior
vice president; Mrs. Harold Andreae. guard;
.Mrs. \ irgil .Steuart. trustee. Back ro« from left
to right are; Mrs. Charles Schutte. treasurer:
Mrs \adine Tomblin. secretary: Mrs. Zelma
Bane; Mrs. Wilnia Tandy, chaplain; Miss (;ioria
.lean Kenned\ ; Mrs. Robert Crossnian. senior
\ice president; Mrs. Donald Douglas, Mrs.
Frank Hendricks, conductress and Mrs. Kenneth
The AiiuTU-nn Legion and \ eterans of I'oreign
Wars firing s<niad
Kennedi \\ . Meredith Mofti was installed as the
new commander of the Brotherton - Keller Post
No. f.2S!l of the \'.K.\\ . Laurel I'inK- senior vice
commander of the 7th district was the installing
officer. Other officers installed were (from left)
Meredith, .\lhert Tongate. trustee; Ping. Ray
Mc(;ehee. trustee: Sam Barrow, adjutant: Roy
Rovd. junior vice commander: .lerry (larard.
senior vice commander: Robert Grossman,
historian and Virgil Stewart, quartermaster.
Reference Sources
Gardner, E. A. - History of Ford County Illinois from
Its Earliest Settlement to 1908
Beers, J. H. - Illinois Historical Atlas of Ford County,
Illinois - Chicago, 1884
Centurama - Ford County, Illinois, 1859 - 1959
A Building & Educational Self Survey of the Gibson City
Unit School District No. 1949-1950
City Directory, City of Gibson, Illinois, sponsored by
Chamber of Commerce
Mary Grim Pate - The Pioneer Village of Gibson City
(written in 1940), published by
The Gibson City Courier 1954-1955
Ed Bergstrom - History of Gibson City, published by
The Gibson City Courier - 1953
"Centennial Corner" - A series of articles published by
The Gibson City Courier in 1971,
written by many contributors.
Original La Q Day Stories in Gibson City Aviation
Scrap Book compiled by Mrs. Richard Schertz
Q.977362L916 COOl
A LOTT OF CITY IN 100 YEARS" 1871-197
3 0112 025394856